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I disagree with @3star_recruit that "mid-majors" just became the minor league to P5 programs.  I think it seems that way now.  SLU boosters are behind on NIL.  As are other middle of the road and even some big programs.  Our eyes are open now.  Programs will start their own NIL systems in time and the landscape will return to what it was before.  The big programs always had more draw/boosters/media attention now it's just more open and can be targeted to players.  The equilibrium will be set again.  I was advocating SLU get ahead of the NIL curve before like programs so we could beat them to that next level of player not picked up by the big time programs.  The right mix (roles) coached correctly can beat a hodge podge of transfers.  If we could've gotten ahead of it perhaps some of this could've been avoided and SLU would be winning next year and that winning would result in momentum.

We still might win next season. By win I mean make it to the NCAA (and maybe win 1st round).

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8 hours ago, billiken_roy said:

Selfishly, I care about my entertainment worth.


What is evolving is non P5 teams will field a new team pretty much every year.   The chances of fielding a sweet 16 team with a nearly complete roster turnover every year is not very good.   

This is exactly my current feeling. I got excited to see a player grow through the program. Maybe he struggled to get minutes his freshman year, became a solid role player his sophomore year, a double-digit scoring starter in his junior year, and led his team to an NCAA bid in his senior year.

Those days, for SLU at least, may be done. If/when a player DOES show great improvement, they will ‘graduate’ to a P5 program, where they can make 50-100K a year, and upping their profile for pro scouts.

The Nesbitt thing was odd, but not surprising. Losing Yuri is a bummer.

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It is not my intention to bad mouth Yuri in any way, he did what was best (or he thought was best) for him. However I want to bring up that 1st NIT game and Yuri not playing in it. I thought it was peculiar, to say the least. I could not observe any kind of guarding or limping on him during his final games at SLU. I am just wondering if he just went to talk with the coach and told him about his plans. If he wanted to try the NBA or move somewhere else that gave him a better deal, he might not have wanted to take the risk of injury by playing in the NIT. I think it might have been different if we had made it into the NCAA. This is just a thought that has been bugging me lately.

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10 hours ago, slufanskip said:

I’m pretty good at basic Math. You’re fooling yourself. If SLU was offering Yuri 200k and Tennessee wanted him their offer would be $300 or $400k. It’s a bidding war SLU can’t win. The big time state schools have more money due to football not less. 

SLU if not already, will soon be a farm team for the big boys

I’ve been saying this for some time, apparently the rest are finally realizing  it. College sports are finished, they now are just professional minor league teams. Perhaps in the future, Kentucky can just designate 3 or 4 schools as their farm teams. 
As for Yuri, thanks for nothing. You are now just a professional athlete who deserves to be treated as one. One day he will realize the harsh realities of that. I hope he is never considered for the Billiken hall of fame, as loyalty should be the number 1 criteria for admittance. 

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10 hours ago, Compton said:

Do the donors that likes subsidizing facilities that will benefit the campus for 30-40 years, that will benefit 100s or 1000s or 10,000s of students and/or visitors, and that they can to put their names on, also want to hand checks to a select few undergrads essentially with no strings attached?

Why would someone want to spend 200k on a undergrad basketball player when they could bankroll an underprivileged kid through med school? Or a half dozen undergrad engineering students? 

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11 minutes ago, GBL_Bills said:

Why would someone want to spend 200k on a undergrad basketball player when they could bankroll an underprivileged kid through med school? Or a half dozen undergrad engineering students? 

Are you honestly asking this question like you don’t know?  Didn’t see any blue font.

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Everyone should simply be happy for Yuri. I have felt bad for years that good to great college players would never get paid, and then fail to make it in the pros. It is about time things have started to change.

Getting $200k to start your life is a huge windfall. Hopefully, he saves the money and uses it to build a life. If SLU and it’s fans can’t match, then there is nothing else to say.

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SLU seems focused (indirectly of course) on players having merch deals or running basketball camps as their NIL benefits. The true players in the NIL game give out cash to Yuri Collins just because he is Yuri Collins.

I know there are many on here who say the school can't be involved. But the NIL is already the wild west so who cares and even if the school isn't directly handing out briefcases, the coaching staff and AD should be meeting with the millionaire donors today to start directing cash.

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13 minutes ago, slufan13 said:

SLU seems focused (indirectly of course) on players having merch deals or running basketball camps as their NIL benefits. The true players in the NIL game give out cash to Yuri Collins just because he is Yuri Collins.

I know there are many on here who say the school can't be involved. But the NIL is already the wild west so who cares and even if the school isn't directly handing out briefcases, the coaching staff and AD should be meeting with the millionaire donors today to start directing cash.

It should have happened a year ago, but SLU is caught flat footed again.

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6 minutes ago, brianstl said:

It should have happened a year ago, but SLU is caught flat footed again.

I'm not sure SLU is totally to blame here. As @A10Ref pointed out, there may not be a whole of incentive for our big donors to throw money at NIL. Other than hoping it helps their team win, what's the return on investment for them? And local companies don't seem to be jumping at NIL opportunity, whether it's SLU, Mizzou or elsewhere. 

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21 minutes ago, AnkielBreakers said:

Everyone should simply be happy for Yuri. I have felt bad for years that good to great college players would never get paid, and then fail to make it in the pros. It is about time things have started to change.

Getting $200k to start your life is a huge windfall. Hopefully, he saves the money and uses it to build a life. If SLU and it’s fans can’t match, then there is nothing else to say.

Very shortsighted in my opinion. I’m certain that the goodwill and potential future earnings that he just lost, will far exceed $200,000. Yuri would have been set for life in St. Louis. 

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2 minutes ago, BrockL said:

I'm not sure SLU is totally to blame here. As @A10Ref pointed out, there may not be a whole of incentive for our big donors to throw money at NIL. Other than hoping it helps their team win, what's the return on investment for them? And local companies don't seem to be jumping at NIL opportunity, whether it's SLU, Mizzou or elsewhere. 

What is their return on investment in donating to fund the salaries of May and Ford?

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53 minutes ago, SLU-Geo said:

We will be okay.  Yuri may have issues with Assist/TO ratio against better teams in a P5 conference.  He did feast off the bad teams.

Yuri Assist TO.jpg

I was pretty pissed for a solid hour and then I got over it. It was largely due to the inflated numbers shown in your chart but also just accepting the fact that this is way things are now. The sooner we can all become numb inside the better. 

Good luck to Yuri in the SEC where he'll be guarded by taller, more athletic guards on a more frequent basis than in the A10. Incoming dose of reality?

We don't need to replace YC with Magic Johnson. Still plenty of time to find a solid pass first PG that can handle the press, limit turnovers, and dish JP et al. the rock. Seems simple!

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9 minutes ago, brianstl said:

What is their return on investment in donating to fund the salaries of May and Ford?

The big donors do not work in terms of return on investment. Look at the way Musk throws money developing the Starship. Yes, I know NASA throws a lot of money in a pit too but this is even (and has always been so) less productive of results.

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36 minutes ago, AnkielBreakers said:

Everyone should simply be happy for Yuri. I have felt bad for years that good to great college players would never get paid, and then fail to make it in the pros. It is about time things have started to change.

Getting $200k to start your life is a huge windfall. Hopefully, he saves the money and uses it to build a life. If SLU and it’s fans can’t match, then there is nothing else to say.

If he went into the portal a few days earlier then opened up his merch after entering, absolutely. But doing it the day before transferring was clearly an attempt at misleading SLU fans into buying it. 

I wish him the best, but he’s not gonna get the same usage he had here and those SEC guards are much tougher than A10 guards. Hopefully he can still get some pro opportunities.

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41 minutes ago, SLU-Geo said:

We will be okay.  Yuri may have issues with Assist/TO ratio against better teams in a P5 conference.  He did feast off the bad teams.

Yuri Assist TO.jpg

I alluded to this on Twitter yesterday.  For someone who had the third most turnovers in the entire nation, it seems that “needing to step up the competition” would in fact be pretty poor advice.  

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