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Box and Won

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About Box and Won

  • Birthday 09/20/1975

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    St. Louis, MO

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  1. So he'll go to Carbondale and then torch us for a couple of years. Fun.
  2. Principia College is in Elsah, IL; the Principia they're talking about is a high school in Town & Country. They're both affiliated with Christian Scientists. I recall one year when I was a kid, some students there died of measles because...Christian Scientists. The school was also in the news a few years ago for hazing incidents in which students were sodomized. To my knowledge, Grandy Glaze did not go to Principia.
  3. I suppose it's possible that the swim coach and the tennis coach left without contemplating it first.
  4. It's sold on the ligma exchange.
  5. This bothers me way more than it should.
  6. We can call it the Schools I Hate Classic.
  7. Without Triangle and Too, there would be no Box and Won. I mean, I would still be here, but my screen name would be different. You get my point.
  8. The fact that SLU never partnered with Urban Chestnut has always been a head-scratcher for me. They're practically in SLU's back yard. Instead, they've partnered with SIUE: https://siuecougars.com/news/2023/11/9/general-siue-athletics-urban-chestnut-brewing-company-unveil-exciting-partnership.aspx
  9. It's always a good time for Grandy jokes, IMO.
  10. Ima need one of you psychos to transcribe this.
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