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Box and Won

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About Box and Won

  • Birthday 09/20/1975

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    St. Louis, MO

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I have reached billiken_roy levels of posting (7/7)

  1. Check your credit card statements to confirm.
  2. Apparently SLU anticipated 1,300 foreign students but only enrolled 300. Oof.
  3. Buzz Peterson. He didn't have much success after not getting the SLU job.
  4. Millennial (and Gen Z?) nostalgia for ugly '90s gear is a powerful force.
  5. Some schools have figured out a way to game the rankings in recent years. Northeastern is probably the biggest offender.
  6. We're at 105: https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities
  7. Working in Olean gives new meaning to the term "remote job."
  8. That name is too close to Dalger. Hard pass.
  9. Ah, thank you for spurring me to go back and watch some old episodes of my favorite cooking show, Weber Cooks.
  10. I'm at the age where the majority of my friends have kids in or nearing college, and the ones whose kids were accepted to SLU mostly received aid offers in the $30k-$35k range. And these are higher-income families. So SLU is pretty generous, but even with that much financial aid, the cost is still pretty high. I'll report back next year when my own kid applies.
  11. I visited a Billiken-themed store in Juneau last year. The shopkeeper must've sensed my excitement at seeing all the Billikens on display - she said, "You must be from St. Louis."
  12. Expand it onto the parking lot next door...
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