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  1. If he goes 5 for 5 he’ll be a Few. The Bills will become the toast of the town with sellouts every game. SLU will give him a P5 level contract, and endorsements will be off the chart.
  2. Mea Culpa for ever bringing it up. Best to leave hypotheticals to oneself.
  3. Look, I agree at this point this is much ado about nothing. But when posters start with Elite Eight projections it leads to then what questions, or how do you keep him down on the farm once the bright lights of the P5 come calling. To think they won’t is denying the realties of present day college sports. If, big IF again, we make it to the tourney and then the second weekend, Coach Schertz’s star will rise like a hypersonic missile. He already was considered a top mid coach last year. And, I got the buyout from someone saying May slid that clause in there to discourage P5’s from pursuing him after we had a memo of understanding with him. As I said previously, I’d take a magical season along with the risk of losing him any day of the week. And I’d wish him the best if he left. But again, this is all just conjecture as of today.
  4. I’d guess all AD’s with a “hot coach” would also have a list of possible replacements in his top desk drawer. Coaches are like portal players today; have a good year and you’re a hot commodity. It’s all about the Benjamins and who can blame them. The Mark Fews and Randy Bennet’s of the world are oddities who value life style over bucks. I guess Dan Hurley might also be in that category but that remains to be seen. May was wise to put in Schertz’s buy out clause, but $4-$5mm is chump change for most P5 programs these days and not really a deterrent. Best we can hope for is Schertz and family really like the STL community, and the school can come up with enough $$’s to keep him in place. Still, if I was May, I’d have my backup list close by. And before everyone jumps up my arse for being a negative Nellie, I’d remind you this is SLU hoops we’re talking about and you should always be on the lookout for the unexpected.
  5. Sprinkle, the Utah St Coach, left for a P5 job after one successful season. So, it’s not unheard of. All I’m saying is if Schertz were uber successful this season, he would likely be pursued by P5 schools. I have no idea whether he’d jump or not. Just saying it’s very likely he’d be offered opportunities.
  6. If Scherts gets us to the sweet 16 or better, we’ll likely lose him ala the Utah St Coach leaving after one year. That said, it would be well worth the risk of losing him to have a shot at that one magical season. Plus his buyout would give us enough $$’s to bring in a quality replacement.
  7. High praise indeed coming from our most objective observer, THE WIZ! Still, after the 22-23 letdown I will tamp down my expectations. Show Me time is right around the corner. Go Bills!
  8. If Walsh goes off at one of these mids and seen as a sniper the world becomes his oyster. P5 comes calling with mucho NIL $$$’s.
  9. This. The portal rules recruiting. Even Calipari finally got the message. Only the top schools are going to get the cream of the crop HS players who are likely one and dones, see Cooper Flagg. It remains to be seen whether a team stocked w/ 5 stars can win a national championship, which I think is highly unlikely.
  10. Brett Jolly must have run the court well because he couldn’t do anything else.
  11. I wished we had kept SVB. I thought he was coming on late last season. Also Curcic is a savy player. CoC will like them.
  12. Yeah, I was beginnng to like his play.
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