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Bills By 40

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  • Birthday 12/04/1995

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    Bills by 40

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  1. LOL, you never know with the boomers on here. Hand up - my bad on that one.
  2. Horrible take, Skip. Especially as a soccer fan you should know that's part of the game. There's lines that shouldn't be crossed but you take away trash talking from sports you might as well not have sports. ESPECIALLY when you're talking about someone like Phil Russell. Hometown kid, former Billiken, known and documented head case, having a good game but also FLOP FLOP FLOPPING without repercussion = trash talk. Fack that guy, let him hear it. As others have mentioned these are now paid employees, and we're not talking about a kid - he's a 23 year old man.
  3. Trash family with a trash son. Nothing surprising.
  4. Robbie had 18/8/3/2/1 on 75/100/83 shooting last night. In case you didn't notice.
  5. Arizona State is awesome.
  6. Dotzler was the Nebraska Gatorade Player of the Year as a Senior after winning the state title as the starting PG and got a scholarship to play for one of the best teams in the nation. Larry was a walk-on on a bad SLU team because his dad happens to be maybe the best player we've ever had. Don't pretend they're two in the same. Thames is the most versatile player on the roster not named Robbie Avila, and he is a prototype replacement for Jayson Kent - arguably with a higher ceiling. I was not a big Kobe fan until this weekend's scrimmage - dude can shoot better than I thought. The thing is he can also do all the other things Larry can't, is much more experienced in doing so, and does it with a significantly larger frame. Then there's Amari McCottry. 2" and 20lbs larger than Larry, has a 7' wingspan, and is a three way scorer with better ball handling. I don't think he's ready today but I'll be surprised if he isn't ready by conference play. If this team is half as good as it should be it doesn't include Larry getting minutes unless Larry gets exponentially better real quickly.
  7. I was just having this argument Friday at the game - with the above mentioned 9 and Brockhoff getting spare minutes at 10 I think Larry is the 11th man in the rotation. I've always thought his defense was exaggerated and that leaves him with nothing but a 3pt shot and that's just not enough to demand minutes over other guys like Swope, Jimerson, Johnson, Thames, Dotzler, and Johnson who are much more versatile. Being our 4th or 5th best 3pt shooter might get him minutes when we need someone to get hot but other than that I don't see his role.
  8. I put my money on Swope, Jimerson, Thames, Anya, Avila with Dotzler, Johnson, Casey, and McCottry off the bench in that order until A10 play when McCottry will eclipse Johnson and Brockhoff will eclipse Casey.
  9. It's so nice to have a short fat bald man in our corner again
  10. Stu got much better at his job over time but he never became any less of a prick, and I think much of that improvement is simply because there was so much room for it. Timmerman is great, with the buzz around the program I'm sure he'll have plenty of great content for us.
  11. Sometimes those offside runs are as much or more the fault of the passer but I don't disagree with you. What kills me is how often she beats the entire defensive line and has no teammate within 20 yards of her to demand attention, be a passing option, clean up rebounds, etc. So often seems she's doing it entirely alone.
  12. And it won't be just one defender, it could be the entire back line and I'm still confident she'll get where she's trying to go. And fight through a half dozen uncalled fouls on the way there.
  13. Finally made it to my first game of the season...very frustrating. I got to my seats in the 4th minute so I missed Loyola's goal but it stings to dominate the game the way we did and not find the net outside of a penalty. Side note - Emily Gaebe may be more dominant against her competition than any Billiken athlete I've ever seen.
  14. I wish they'd flex Sunday's game to, say, 11, to allow me to make it to both the women's and City games. That'd be a fun day.
  15. I was also at that Nashville-St. Louis game last year, we had a family and friends group of almost 20. I've traveled to 5 different MLS stadiums that weren't St. Louis and your stadium was the nicest of any of them (Dallas, Nashville, Orlando, KC, Denver) but I echo the parking issue. Besides Orlando it was the closest to the city it represents, which is a nice touch - I hate how far away Dallas and KC are and Denver was similar but not quite as distant. St. Louis remains far and away the best location and nicest stadium I've seen so far but much of that has to do with its age and maybe a bit of it has to do with bias. Fun Nashville SC story - I too parked in the Speedway and around the 80th minute of the match I got a call from Nashville PD to tell me my truck had been broken into during the game. Nothing seemed taken or damaged but it was a good excuse to leave that sh!t game early and investigate.
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