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About slufan13

  • Birthday October 23

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  1. Maybe MMP should make their Twitter private IYKYK
  2. I'm just glad that MMP was once again first to break soccer news to the general public as well as this board.
  3. Please credit Midtown Madness Podcast who had this and reported this first
  4. That would be a total disaster by the coaching staff, athletic department, donors, etc
  5. I actually would like to see schools like SLU take advantage of high schoolers getting less attention and maybe bring in some of those guys ranked 100-150 that you wouldn't typically get. But I talked to a high school coach in the area say that high school kids want good NIL deals and schools like SLU can't afford to give a good deal to a guy who will sit on the bench for a year and then perhaps leave after that.
  6. Remuken was good at it. We've actually had a few. Now maybe they couldn't do much else but that hasn't been a huge issue.
  7. Instead of a bad post option can we at least get a bad topic option
  8. Having worse CB's is just such a big factor given the level of talent we have to take on. And then add a GK who is fine but won't steal you a game and you are just missing 3 spots that you can't really hide. They've been missing a pure goalscorer forever but Balogun really intrigues me. I think we have more raw talent everywhere else than we did 20 years ago but we might be missing a little bit of that scrappiness that could steal us a game too.
  9. The US isn't going to be one of the 8 or so most talented sides in the world but man they are better than this. They have good players and they're playing in their own country and they put together 3 games of 3 total goals, undisciplined soccer, and looked generally lost most of the time. A couple key players were missing I'll admit but that's soccer. You have to have the depth to survive that. I often feel the US gets caught up between playing a formation that fits the squad vs getting their best 11 players on the pitch and ends up doing neither.
  10. 25-6. Then covid shuts down the season
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