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    Fred Thatch Jr STAN account

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  1. Me thinks if this were to happen, he’d be here longer than 5 years. I would think if he goes 2 for 2 or 3 for 3 he’s gone. Anything more than that he wants to see this out.
  2. Curious the % of teams that actually follow it exactly
  3. ^, unless people are assuming a big is 6'10 or above.
  4. Luke visited a few weeks ago but I don't call any offer news. At this point, It looks like the staff isn't too interested in Zyree.
  5. He is going to BC per Trilly
  6. Could be wrong on this, but I thought I heard a story something about expansion teams typically don't spend much till like year 3 on average.
  7. Yes. Though, Sam is the only name I was told (and not a secret). He also had issues with our interim manager, that’s way he wasn’t on the staff and given a new role - pretty much a made up position. They wanted to keep him, but Carnell and him did not get along
  8. A lot of it was out of Bradley's control, but once you lose the locker room, its on you. The FO thought it was only going to get worse because of the locker room trouble
  9. It had to happen. There was a lot of internal issues
  10. Wright city is part of our district. Its Webster Groves, Rock hill, Shrewsbury, Wright city and Marion, IL
  11. Tim weah is the real patriot
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