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Listener of the Streets

Listener of the Streets (6/7)

  1. Travis was great at saying before the season we would average 30+ 3s attempted per game. When it came time to put that in action, not so great.
  2. Pikaar playing the most minutes of anyone on the Dutch team. Has 11pts on 4/7 shooting at end of 3Q. https://www.fiba.basketball/en/events/fiba-u20-eurobasket-2024-division-b/games/122343-NED-POR#boxscore
  3. Home Elliot Welmer jersey was my find of the day
  4. Now we just need Marmol and Blake out as manager and pitching coach of the Cards, and it really will have been an amazing year of replacing incompetent coaches for teams I’m a fan of (fwiw, I did not support the ouster of Carnell by STL City)
  5. That’s like saying you’d rather date Kate Upton than Nancy Pelosi…
  6. I’m fine with Rothstein being a little lower on us than some others might be. There were times in the Ford era when Rothstein was like Ford’s personal hype man, particularly before the 2018-19 season, when we proceeded to finish sixth in the conference. I’m fine flying under the radar a bit.
  7. I think we have different definitions of golden generation. I am merely referring to the sheer amount of (mostly) young players playing in top Euro leagues. Almost all of our players play in top 5 leagues, and we’ve seen success from them at club level. But results-wise, yes, it’s been no better than any previous generations. To me, that comes down to the coach. I get that national team managers don’t have as much time to mold players to their style as club coaches. When has Gregg shown even the slightest ability to adapt to what he has available? So much of our attacking play typically goes through Sergino Dest. No Dest= very little chance creation.
  8. This is our Golden generation, we have more players playing at a high level in Europe than ever before. Why this vibes merchant, who has failed everywhere he’s been, has continued to be trusted with steering this ship is beyond me. If your point is that certain players don’t have the mentality, well that’s on the coach to either change that, or select different players…. Again, look how excited GGG was to tell his players Panama-Bolivia was tied 1-1. Loser mentality. Get him out. Get literally anyone else in.
  9. With what we pay Gregg, we should be able to get a big name. Not exactly sure who would be interested… Löw, Klopp, Henry (after the Olympics), maybe Viera? Honestly I’ll take anyone except Beerholder at this point. The man is in so far over his head. Him happily declaring the Panama game was tied 1-1 to the players RIGHT BEFORE Uruguay scored from a free kick is just peak Greggg, and it’s pathetic.
  10. What’s a pound of bofa worth?
  11. That guy makes Rob Loe look like Glen Big Baby Davis
  12. If expansion happened five years ago, we might still be looking at Travis Ford as our HC. I’m thankful it didn’t.
  13. Definitely did not help Gudmundsson (sp?) or Lorentsson. I think the physicality of the Euro youth tournaments pales in comparison to Division 1 hoops.
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