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About brianstl

  • Birthday 12/04/1908

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    St. Louis

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  1. I don't see the new administration changing the stance when it comes to equal funding to the students themselves from the schools. They got what they think are much bigger fish fry with Title IX specifically and what happens at universities in general. Some of their big allies in those goals have a main objective of protecting the funding for biological female athletes.
  2. Awful
  3. Here we go
  4. We are shooting lights out from the field.
  5. Being down by only five seems like a win
  6. Teddy Valentine has to make sure everyone knows he is reffing this game.
  7. Working now.
  8. Well my screen is blank on fan duel
  9. Counting games only played since December 21, the Billikens are the 39th best team in the country according T-Rank. https://barttorvik.com/trank.php?year=2025&sort=&hteam=&t2value=&conlimit=All&state=All&begin=20241221&end=20250501&top=0&revquad=0&quad=5&venue=All&type=All&mingames=0#
  10. That is the way to close out the half.
  11. I really doubt revenue sharing gets off the ground next season. Right now there is a ruling in effect from the Third Circuit of of United States Court of Appeals that would mean direct payments to student athletes makes them employees of the universities. This ruling makes it the law currently in PA, NJ and Delaware. That means that the scholarships athletes receive at those schools will become taxable compensation that athletes are responsible to pay taxes on as soon as they start getting direct payments from the schools. There will have to be a ruling when it comes to state schools if the amount taxable is the true cost of that scholarship are the state subsidized cost of tuition, room, board, etc. Many of these athletes will see a large chunk of or all of their direct payments going to cover the taxes for any cash they get and to cover the taxes on the scholarship cost. Schools will have the added cost of paying things like payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, worker's comp insurance and possibly ACA/health insurance cost. I don't think it is going to happen and I think most schools don't think it will happen. Many schools have determined that there is actually no cost for them to say they will pay make direct payments to athletes because when it becomes time for them to do so, they will as a group say that court rulings and legal uncertainty make it presently impossible for them to do it in way that would benefit the athletes and with any certain total financial liability for the universities.
  12. According to T Rank's Teamcast DynamaRank projection tool going 18-0 would get us a NET rank of 57 with a 30.4% chance of making the tournament.
  13. It was. I said it was a weird game earlier because while we won by 17, it felt like we should have won by even more. It didn’t feel to me like it was even close to a peak performance. Just a completely different feel than just a couple of weeks ago.
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