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Old guy

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  1. No one deserves anything, everyone is out to see how much they can get. Lawyers profit from this. @papal I know you are trying to be cute, don't. Subpar surgeons exist but they tend to go bankrupt when their unhappy customers find medical injury lawyers. Anyone doing surgery regularly does at the very least a standard level job. And when a Dr. tells you "you can do what you do normally" they are CATEGORICALLY NOT saying you are clear to play professional level basketball, they mean you can walk, go up and down stairs and run a bit.
  2. Sports injuries have two separate sides, the obvious one is the actual physical damage that is repaired and in time achieves or comes close to full recovery. The second side of the injury is the psychological side. People that experience severe physical injury during sports become more cautious and do not achieve the full performance level they had before the injury. They do not follow Commodore Perry's famous saying "full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes." They cannot forget the way they were injured all and play at full capacity, regardless what it cost them. I am afraid Holmes at Dayton may never fully recover like Perkins did.
  3. OK, so he did. Rounding his income for 2023 to $2.7 M and assuming he lives in MO and pays income taxes using "married filing jointly" rates he had to pay around $900,000 in Federal and State income taxes for 2023. This lowers his net after income taxes to somewhere around $1.8 M for 2023 which is not bad at all.
  4. Do you honestly believe that there is a better coach than Schertz that would be available to us after one very good season? I really don't. The other side of this coin is the fact that we might lose a very large portion of the 24-25 season team if Schertz leaves. I will be happy and hoping for a long run if we are invited to go to the NCAA tournament this year and we retain Schertz.
  5. It was reported that Chaifetz was not present at the first open practice. I have no idea whether or not he had been present in prior open practices but given the fact that this was the first real opportunity to see what Schertz was doing with our new team (and new it is with only 3 returning players), I wonder what is attracting his attention nowadays.
  6. UConn also has a Husky for a mascot.
  7. Ford was very good at selling himself. When the time came to do what he claimed he would do, he showed his true colors.
  8. Akbar Waheed, is a nice classic Arabic name, presumably a Wahabi name. The Wahabis were the tribe that supported Ibn Saud in his fight to become the first king of Saudi Arabia after WWI. I was surprised by his name.
  9. As far as SLU is concerned, it really does not matter whether Germany wins or loses as long as Brockhoff shows he is a pretty good player.
  10. Bad news for Holmes. We will see if he can recover to his pre injury level of play, Pickett never did, at least not in his last season with us.
  11. If you live in either place and have to commute to work or go to school in the other, life may become really hard for you. It is like working in NYC and living in Danbury CT, hours of commute each day.
  12. Nope, truth has a way to show its ugly, painful face sooner or later.
  13. The 144 list has never been accurate. Now with the massive changes to every team's roster it is likely to be even more inaccurate than before. We are not basing our hopes in fantasy as last year. This year we have Schertz and a solid, or apparently solid team. We will find out in time but I expect a good year for us, possibly a conference win.
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