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About slufanskip

  • Birthday 10/07/1961

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  1. I’d bet he’d like another shot at the 1st one.
  2. But the team payrolls range from about 11 mil to 41 mil? Is there really a cap of any kind? It’s all semantics. I think all leagues should have a hard minimum and maximum cap. The MLS should probably have somewhere in the vicinity of a 15 low and a 30 high firm cap. If City is going to continue to be in the bottom 50% of payrolls much less 2nd to last, they absolutely will not be consistently competing for titles. Doesn’t make me excited to be involved. I guess it could be like baseball where 5-6 teams spend crazy money, 15 teams intentionally suck so they can get draft and international money advantages which hopefully spur them to become competitive for 4-5 years before they do it all again, then you have 10 stuck in the middle who can’t spend with the upper tier but won’t intentionally suck. The older I get, the less inclined I am to blindly follow uncompetitive sports teams
  3. Thanks. The more I get used to the MLS, the harder it is to be a fan. The disparity in salaries per teams in a league with a “cap” is ridiculous. We have a cap but no one actually has to stay within it. Just cut the BS and say there is no cap.
  4. Do you know what the salary cap for 2024 is?
  5. According to Fox Sports Gregg B is out
  6. Nice header to the upper left from about 8-10 yards. All alone but he hit it perfectly Play was made by new LB Reib with a nice dribble move to beat his defender and free himself up for a perfect cross I haven’t seen City 2 but I’m wondering if Reid and Klein have established some good chemistry
  7. You misunderstood or I wasn’t clear. My point is it’s unfair to compare prime Claudio over current Gio. It’s unfair to say I’ll take any player in their prime over a 22, 23 year old. Pulisic is 25 and just now really establishing himself as a force. 2 years ago, I would have said Prime Dempsey and Donovan over Pulisic at that point. I’ll take current Pulisic over Dempsey or Donovan at any point in their careers. The difference of a couple of years of growth and maturity. With a healthy Dest, I’ll take our current midfield, outside backs, and wingers over any USMNT group but even with Miles and Tim there isn’t a CB I’d put in our top 3-4 and that’s even with the understanding that it’s a position we’ve never been strong at. Numerous #9’s over anyone we currently have with the caveat that 2-3 year from now that could change. Matt is not among the top 5 GK’ers i think you are underestimating Jedi. Beasley at his best isn’t comparable to current Jedi who is also in his Prime so fair comparison. In my history of the USMNT top 11, I’ll take Jedi at left back, with no disrespect to O’Brien but I can see the fair argument Good topic for discussion though your all time best 11. I’ll put mine but need time to think about it. All players either current or in their prime. I know I have Howard though my dog was named Keller so .., I also have Pulisic, Claudio, McBride, and Jedi
  8. Prime Claudio Reyna over 21 year old Gio Reyna. Not a real comparison. You wouldn’t take 21 year old Claudio over 21 year old Gio. Gio. Did you say Wolf? Lol Youd take Beasley over A Robinson? The current guys are better at a younger age than all of the guys you named. One big difference now is elite Goalkeeping. The US always had top tier GK that could keep them in or even win them a game against a better opponent. That’s no longer the case. We have to win it on the field now. im not as down on the team as most. It was a bad tournament. 1st game won but imo should have had 4 goals minimum 2nd game Weah has to know better. He had plenty of reason to be pissed but you can’t put your team in that situation. This has pushed me from on the Gregg fence to over it. There is clearly no accountability from him. 3 times in big games over the last few years an important player takes a red for after the play action. Dest, McKennie, and now Weah. 3rd game. Don’t even know how to judge this game. The worst officiating I’ve seen at this level starting with the yellow on Adams that changes how aggressively he can play moving forward. There are spots on the field where we are lacking and they’re important. CB’s Maybe Miles Robinson but if Tim Ream at 37? Years old is your best. There’s a problem. Chris Richard’s was a disaster (is he color blind) GK is our starter a top 60 in the world? He’ll is he top 75? Striker Balogun was better than he had been but I’m still not sold. Josh S, yet to be determined, and the same with Pepi. They are 23, 24, and 21 but it’s time to step up or find a better option.
  9. He really abuses any help defense. He makes you almost have to guard straight up. You leave to help, your man moves to space at the 3 point line and he finds you. A couple of times he let the shooter to the right spot with the pass out. Very intelligent passer
  10. Needed a break. The board got a bit absurd.
  11. This weekends games were on ESPN +
  12. For what it’s worth, The Athletic had Avila ranked as the #3 player in the portal, labeled as high major plus. Gibson as #27 and also labeled as high major plus. Swope as #30 high major
  13. Congratulations on a great season ladies. You keep moving the needle forward.
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