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  1. I might need to take a break from reading this board... This entire board is filled with whiners... I thought the whining would stop when Ford was fired, but you all just find something néw to whine about... If May upgrades the baseball facilities, you all will just start whining about something else like tennis being off campus... I don't think anyone would be able to make some of the posters on this board happy... It's getting unbearable... Goodbye for at least the off season!
  2. Soccer has significantly more than 115 average fans at each game. It's not even a close comparison.
  3. Give it a break, man. May has been above average recently. The athletic department as a whole has had results that can't be argued with. He brought Josh Schertz here. He helped the Champions center be built. He won AD of the year. The men's Soccer team is seeing success at a level they haven't seen in over a decade. The women's soccer team is elite. He helped build a new building for the soccer program. Women's basketball went to it's first NCAA tournament a year ago and won the NIT this year. Baseball won the A-10 regular season. Sure, you can complain about their facilities, but building new baseball facilities for what the 50-100 max fans who regularly go to games sure isn't a winning investment. People look for a scapegoat when things aren't going perfectly. May has been SLU's scapegoat. Yeah maybe the culture he creates within the athletic department is bad, but recently his results are good.
  4. Can someone teach me what all the different positions (Hybrid, swing, etc)are in Schertz system and what each means? Thanks in advance. (Sorry if I missed this elsewhere)
  5. I am very excited for this signing. I wonder why he didn't get more minutes at UC Santa Barbara. Maybe his playing style didn't fit well there. Does anyone know if he is a decent defender?
  6. I'm drinking this blue Kool-aid all day!
  7. The thing is.... for the spacing to work well for Schertz's system, all 5 positions need to be a scoring threat. At least to my limited understanding. So I assume Schertz does believe he can be a scoring threat. Idk.
  8. My Way Too Early Projected Starting Line-UP: G: Isaiah Swope (5 star lock to start) G: Gibson Jimerson (5 ) G: Kobe Johnson (Others who could compete for this starting spot include Josiah Dotzler, Larry Hughes II, Kellan Thames, and Amari McCottry) F: Kalu Anya vs AJ Casey (I'm leaning to Kalu Anya here) C : Robbie Avila (5 ) ** 5 star locks to start assume no injuries Thoughts? Am I way off base?
  9. For NIL sake, you have more $$$ for the players who actually play.
  10. This essentially happened at every college campus across the country. This is not unique to SLU.
  11. Also Fletcher would have to buy into Kaizen. If he buys in, I'd take him. I wonder if that would be tough for a guy coming from a power 5 conference. I hope he wouldnt automatically assume he is better/more deserving than others on the team because he played at Kentucky/FSU. I don't know the kid and hope I'm wrong, but I assume Freshmen at Kentucky think they are the best in the world.
  12. So who were the 3 we missed on? Camren Hunter Sheffield Is Kyky Tandy the 3rd? Or was someone else on campus?
  13. Or Tandy....dont forget about Tandy!
  14. Was Roddie Anderson a Trilly prediction? Just wondering.
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