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About dlarry

  • Birthday 09/25/1979

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    monroe douglass

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Listener of the Streets

Listener of the Streets (6/7)

  1. I was talking about a 180 combined slash line. Majerus would say he would sign a 180 slash guy sight unseen. This guys is real close.
  2. Not quite a 180 guy but I’m pretty sure 175 when you are 6’11 is close enough.
  3. Play The Beach Boys, Jimmy Buffet, Wipeout, and Surfing bird on repeat.
  4. They should be shooting apples off of people’s heads too. Increased risk factor = increased viewership.
  5. I’ve been watching a lot of fencing too. My thoughts…if they remove the protective padding and give them swords instead of metal pointers it would be a lot cooler.
  6. Wright city to Webster Groves is a heck of a commute everyday. I guess it gives him plenty of time to do his homework.
  7. Score quickly on offense you are going to allow more points on defense. Basic math.
  8. This is easy just invite Cincinnati, DePaul, Arkansas….Done. Any other problems I can fix?
  9. I would imagine Tkachuck likes Imo’s. Not sure about his mom. I root for local gets regardless of the sport.
  10. I was rooting for Tatum and the Celtics . Im also rooting for Tkachuck and the Panthers and its for the exact same reason.
  11. Austin McBroom and Grandy Glaze are probably the two most followed alumni on social media. I say give them one. 05 can do the ribbon cutting for McBroom.
  12. I usually say Savis. I also go to Riverport and the TWA dome.
  13. Good. I’m not a UConn fan and don’t really care about Hurley one way or the other but I’m happy to see some loyalty in the college game. Being able to say you turned down Kentucky and the Lakers in a few weeks is pretty impressive!
  14. If I could pick from that group I’d go Ohio State 1 and UCLA 2. Making the trip to OSU is doable and UCLA would just be super cool.
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