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10 minutes ago, JMM28 said:

Bad take. SLU has the fundamentals of a high major D1 men’s basketball program. A top 25 on campus arena. A top 50 coach’s salary. A top 75 basketball budget.

The resources are there. The caretakers of this program have just fuoked the dog. 

Don’t feed the trolls. How we let dumb and dumber start threads still is mind blowing. 

ACE, gabriel, Compton and 2 others like this
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2 hours ago, Lord Elrond said:

If it’s still on line, go listen to that interview Troy did with Kevin Slaten about the status of the BVF a few months ago. Our major backers are not buying into the concept of NIL, and were wanting Congress to do something. 

They haven't bought in to the NIL issue because nobody wants to give money to a coach who may not know how to use it effectively - thats my take

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2 hours ago, JMM28 said:

Bad take. SLU has the fundamentals of a high major D1 men’s basketball program. A top 25 on campus arena. A top 50 coach’s salary. A top 75 basketball budget.

The resources are there. The caretakers of this program have just fuoked the dog. 

But therein lies the issue. The "caretakers' could give an f less about it, and so we have been stuck in perpetuity for at least 5 decades.


and to Bernie Miklasz wannabe, you're going to have to deal with the reality that some of us have differing opinions than yours. The fact that it took you this long to realize that Ford is not the right guy says more about you than anything.

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12 minutes ago, cheeseman said:

They haven't bought in to the NIL issue because nobody wants to give money to a coach who may not know how to use it effectively - thats my take

You may very well be right, I actually think you are right. However, it is those same big money donors who are the only ones who are in a position to write a large enough check to deal with Travis Ford’s buyout, so he’s our coach until something changes. It’s actually pointless to complain that he’s still the coach unless you are going to give a large enough check that won’t bounce to Chris May to make that happen.

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35 minutes ago, Lord Elrond said:

You may very well be right, I actually think you are right. However, it is those same big money donors who are the only ones who are in a position to write a large enough check to deal with Travis Ford’s buyout, so he’s our coach until something changes. It’s actually pointless to complain that he’s still the coach unless you are going to give a large enough check that won’t bounce to Chris May to make that happen.

Well some seem to be making the argument that SLU does not have the money to buy Ford out without big money donors.  We don't actually know what money SLU has or doesn't have.   How the school may choose to proceed on this matter is up to them.  At this point, until the school makes a request for donations for this purpose why would anyone write a check for anything.  Until the school sets a path other than just doing nothing no one really knows what to do with their money.  Obviously, they chose to stay with Ford for now for reasons only they know.  Subsequently, until they make some decision we are all held in limbo.

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8 hours ago, Lord Elrond said:

If it’s still on line, go listen to that interview Troy did with Kevin Slaten about the status of the BVF a few months ago. Our major backers are not buying into the concept of NIL, and were wanting Congress to do something. 

Is it that they are not buying into the concept or is it the BVF is hostile to the concept.  What I took away from the interview was the BVF didn't want to dive into NIL driven by a collective like other programs have.  The one line about Mizzou can do their thing and take advantage of MO's state law, but the BVF and SLU weren't interested in that really rubbed me the wrong way. Plus, it has now been another whole month without a post from the BVF.  It is the ultimate tell me and everyone else you don't want my money without telling me that.

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21 hours ago, cheeseman said:

They haven't bought in to the NIL issue because nobody wants to give money to a coach who may not know how to use it effectively - thats my take

Yet one or more of them is paying him way above market rate to coach.

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SLU is headed towards permanent D2 (the new version of it) status. They are not alone though as pretty much all non-state schools not already in a Power 5+1 conference are in the same state.

Eventually the NIL $$ won't matter as the power 5 move towards paying players directly in arrangements that only differ from employment as a technicality.


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19 hours ago, ARon said:

SLU is headed towards permanent D2 (the new version of it) status. They are not alone though as pretty much all non-state schools not already in a Power 5+1 conference are in the same state.

Eventually the NIL $$ won't matter as the power 5 move towards paying players directly in arrangements that only differ from employment as a technicality.


Yep, all the hand-wringing over May, Ford and the A-10 seems petty in the big picture. There are much greater challenges out there that are threatening the viability of programs like SLU.

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This article confirms exactly what my thinking has been ---- this is pay-for-play not NIL, 250 or so of the 354 D1 college basketball playing schools cannot compete, a second division ala FBS/FCS is coming, and the big boys will break off and do their own thing.  If each school playing football has to contribute millions od dollars into a settlement fund, why should SLU even be involved?  Why should any school that doesn't play big time football be involved?  This includes Villanova, Georgetown, Butler, Rhode Island, Fordham, Towson, Delaware and others in the FCS.  

And I can't help but think what offshoots occur legally with Title XI and other equality issues when the big boys are paying their football and basketball players and no one else is or can afford it.  NIL is and always was a joke, a farce as this article claims.  It's intended use has been pirated away into straight salaries.  Sure, some are getting Rolls and LandRovers but those are not the real drivers.  

In this article, I can see the Big East becoming irrelevant.  

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19 hours ago, ARon said:

SLU is headed towards permanent D2 (the new version of it) status. They are not alone though as pretty much all non-state schools not already in a Power 5+1 conference are in the same state.

Eventually the NIL $$ won't matter as the power 5 move towards paying players directly in arrangements that only differ from employment as a technicality.


Feels like our failure to get into the Big East will likely be the death blow to our hopes of ever being a major college hoops program.  Thanks Jim Crews, Fr. Biondi, Travis Ford, Dr Pestello, Chris May

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Things are the way they are. There is no point in being bitter and upset about something that we have no control over. You do the best you can with the resources available to you and that is the way it has to be. Dreams are dreams, not reality. 

I think the IVYs make enough income to compete with the power schools but I just do not think they are particularly interested in spending tons of money in sports.

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On 11/20/2023 at 7:07 AM, JMM28 said:

Bad take. SLU has the fundamentals of a high major D1 men’s basketball program. A top 25 on campus arena. A top 50 coach’s salary. A top 75 basketball budget.

The resources are there. The caretakers of this program have just fuoked the dog. 

This is why if season is a disaster and you fire Ford, you can’t let this AD hire his 3rd head coach. That’s the definition of insanity. Zero faith in his judgement with Crews and now Ford. Zero. 

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11 hours ago, Taj79 said:

This article confirms exactly what my thinking has been ---- this is pay-for-play not NIL, 250 or so of the 354 D1 college basketball playing schools cannot compete, a second division ala FBS/FCS is coming, and the big boys will break off and do their own thing.  If each school playing football has to contribute millions od dollars into a settlement fund, why should SLU even be involved?  Why should any school that doesn't play big time football be involved?  This includes Villanova, Georgetown, Butler, Rhode Island, Fordham, Towson, Delaware and others in the FCS.  

And I can't help but think what offshoots occur legally with Title XI and other equality issues when the big boys are paying their football and basketball players and no one else is or can afford it.  NIL is and always was a joke, a farce as this article claims.  It's intended use has been pirated away into straight salaries.  Sure, some are getting Rolls and LandRovers but those are not the real drivers.  

In this article, I can see the Big East becoming irrelevant.  

What happens to the Big East might be the most interesting aspect of this.  Is the brand and strength of a few programs like Villanova enough to keep them all "above the line" of relevance? Or do the power conferences determine which of these program they invite to "buy-in" to eligibility for their new March Madness?

Beyond the Big East, I could see the Power 5 only allowing for auto bids from any non-power conference. In doing so they could claim to be maintaining the tradition of March Madness cinderellas while only doing lip-service by eliminating the concept of at-large bids.

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12 hours ago, gobillsgo said:

Feels like our failure to get into the Big East will likely be the death blow to our hopes of ever being a major college hoops program.  Thanks Jim Crews, Fr. Biondi, Travis Ford, Dr Pestello, Chris May

I mean all those people played a roll but it doesn’t really matter. 
Unless you are a big state school with a football program you are done  for. 

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3 hours ago, dlarry said:

I mean all those people played a roll but it doesn’t really matter. 
Unless you are a big state school with a football program you are done  for. 

Do let's spend thanksgiving wallowing in negativity and hopelessness.  I hate this f-ing place right now........

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19 hours ago, Old guy said:

Things are the way they are. There is no point in being bitter and upset about something that we have no control over. You do the best you can with the resources available to you and that is the way it has to be. Dreams are dreams, not reality. 

I think the IVYs make enough income to compete with the power schools but I just do not think they are particularly interested in spending tons of money in sports.

The Ivies don’t even offer athletic scholarships. But they do have enough money & pride where you don’t see Harvard being Ohio State’s cupcake game. Those awards go to a Youngstown State or Eastern Kentucky. But the last time any of those games between Harvard (or any Ivy) and a “power 5” were relevant was when Grantland Rice was covering it.

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23 hours ago, ACE said:

Yep, all the hand-wringing over May, Ford and the A-10 seems petty in the big picture. There are much greater challenges out there that are threatening the viability of programs like SLU.

They are the big picture - they were on the watch when all this was happening.

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