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    Jordair Jett

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Listener of the Streets (6/7)

  1. Bro is everywhere today must of took Friday off lol
  2. Dang.... That was a mistake. Haha
  3. Cash or charge. Bought 3 Jimmy bell Jerseys. They actually had lots of cool stuff.
  4. Interesting... Gregg to city? Thoughts?
  5. I also recall us being terrible and being coached by Cim Jrews. Jayson would of had to of been extra special to choose our cluster f over Duke.
  6. I have a sneaky suspicion this might be the case. Makes me dislike the Adept personal even more. 05 is one of the few people in the world that may be a bigger SLU fan then myself. Pretty wild to push out the die hard fans. Was hoping this would change with the new crew. Need to cater to the younger fans if they ever want to be big time and not be left in the dust.
  7. Good post. Without 05 I think we are a shell of ourselves as a program.
  8. The beginning of something great, To all of us who have endured, May we begin. Hopefully this thread is one to look back on.
  9. They have the Brasserie food now that Rockwell brewery used to have. Place will be frequented alot next year by my party.
  10. A good thread on the billikens
  11. Ya I was thinking he has a little Goodwin in him as I watched.
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