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About billikenfan05

  • Birthday 07/17/1989

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    Kyle Cassity

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  1. No livestream is awesome
  2. Stream not working.
  3. Only Smirnoff can Ice Warlick
  4. Fire up USA Network wesbite.
  5. Maybe. Maybe Fordham is just a tight a$$ institution. Wouldn’t surprise me.
  6. Incredibly lucky that game didn’t end a carbon copy of the Bona game. A favorable home whistle was nice, especially at the end. Completely blowing a double digit lead in two straight games to the two (other) worst teams in the conference. Yikes. Major yikes.
  7. Wait I'm confused, is everyone getting Houston/WVU for the women's feed? I've tried on my laptop and xbox.
  8. Is this just a me issue?
  9. My feed is WVU and Houston?
  10. Prior to Schertz, his best hires have been Men's and Women's Soccer. I don't think it's a coincidence that the primary donor is Jim Kavanaugh, a SLU Soccer alum still deeply rooted in the Soccer World, was a major part of the hiring. Women's soccer, I don't think it's a coincidence that Janet Oberle, a SLU women's soccer original was a part of hiring Katie Shields.
  11. I’m confused by your premise? Are you saying May was a Majerus suggestion? Biondi/Levick/Chaifetz built the arena. Biondi went over Levick to fire Soderberg and hire Majerus. Biondi was right. Credit to Levick even though Biondi made the right call, she had a backbone and pride, so she resigned. Biondi went and hired a money man for his athletics ambitions. Whatever the hell they were. Biondi was forced out. So we have an autonomous May who was never meant to be autonomous.
  12. Those numbers include the non-conference when man defense was last year level bad. It’s significantly improved. As you saw last night, if you stay in zone too long the other team will solve it.
  13. We're 3-0 in conference man.... I don't think it's that serious.
  14. GameDayBot Never Breaks
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