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About billikenfan05

  • Birthday 07/17/1989

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  1. IIRC correctly there were rumors about how his injury was handled. Not necessarily the surgeon, specifically.
  2. Where was this reported? There was a rumor of a memorandum of understanding prior to the end of the ISU season and officially signing a contract. Last I heard of any "buyout clause".
  3. I genuinely can't believe we're still having this conversation. Did we not learn anything from harping on Ford's contract, how many years he had left and how much money he was going to get to walk? Not to mention that people here spent at least one offseason worried if he would get hired away only to have to buy him out of a contract that could only be described as "cement shoes". Coaches are hired to be fired, replaced, hired away. That's how it works. If you're already worried about him getting hired away before he wins you anything, you are just repeating May's mistake.
  4. WHO GIVES A FLYING FUOK IF SCHERTZ GETS US TO THE NCAA TOURNAMENT AND LEAVES?!?!?!?! SLU gets all that sweet money from the NCAA and a fat check from whatever school lures him away. What buyout clause? Where was this reported? Every contract has to be bought out for the full amount unless there is a smaller amount than the full value negotiated in said contract.
  5. Nah, shout out West Pine Bills. They deserve all credit.
  6. There were people absolutely interested him prior to 6 months ago. Also, I'm not sure you could call Schertz a "backup" candidate. They kicked the tires on Mack sure, but if you want to take May at face value, he said he was interested in Schertz after last years MVC tournament. I just don't think "backup" is an apt description to put on a guy whom was SLU's only public target.
  7. Pickleball seems to be exclusively a Ross Chaifetz venture. Rich was around a lot the first year but it seems like Ross is the driving force with Shock.
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