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  1. The issue overall is the whole institution is so out of touch with reality. How does any AD look at the spring sports and say we are on par with Lindenwood, SIUE, Maryville or even MCC high school teams? How do the coaches even recruit in 2025 with social media and facilities? May hasn’t even tried to build anything over 17 years or help the spring sports overall. All his eggs are in Schertz basket, hoping mbb wins each year. Hope isn’t a strategy, but has been for May his whole career. Same AD who was going to let Hendrickson walk to ISU last spring after winning again. Tells you all you need to know. If only May knew what majority of people outside of SLU bubble thought of him and program. A very special AD. What a joke. Baseball program needs to just hire a coach similar to what they did with Volleyball. Young and cheap while wasting millions on Ford contract, Tillett nonsense and just call it what it is….an after thought. Quit pretending. My HOPE is new president figures out how big of a clown this guy really is and fires him. SLU can do better.
  2. 100% accurate. AD will never meet you. Biggest ***** cat in town. Weren’t they supposed to be looking for someone to help with stadium for years? I guess that’s another false promise May has thrown out there. I feel like Kat Williams talking about how profoundly stupid Chris May is, but you know what I know it’s true, might eventually all come to light, either way, his record at SLU speaks for itself over last 17 years. Guy is a loser. Drive 15 minutes from SLU campus to Chaminade baseball field, see it with your own eyes and defend Chris May over last 17 years. Roy, name 3 things guy has done to make SLU better. Just 3. CC and Soccer building he didn’t drive that was Ford/Chaifetz - copied Florida’s (which they already have replaced a couple years ago) and soccer was Kalish and Kavanaugh. Chris May is so great though you’ll have an easy time regardless.
  3. What is he supposed to say? It’s a laughingstock thing around town with their entire set up being worse than most high schools and no press box or seating. Recruits play all over in summer on nicer fields and at MCC games and with others with nicer set ups yet baseball coach still wins without their help. We are now celebrating lights. What a low bar for a D1 program that has been to NCAA tourneys, won A10 championships and had several players drafted into the MLB. Lights are a necessity, not a luxury.
  4. I rest my case and will be back in March after A10 tournament. Hope I’m wrong and we are headed to NCAA but my best guess is we will be talking about hosting (paying) for a home game in the NIT if we are lucky enough P4 teams turn down NIT invite/drop out and how great softball GPA is again in 2025. Special time of year. Just like my special posts…..rinse and repeat. Broken special record.
  5. He’s been the leader of that department for 17 years. Fire tennis coach? Fire the softball coach? Cleaning ladies? Ushers? Grounds guys? I’ll ask you to name 3 things Chris May has done in his tenure that’s been proactive and successful for the program? You can’t. Listen guys like Keith Phoenix, Alan Vogt, Joe Conran, Pat Sly, Bob O’Laughlin, Chaifetz, Kavanaugh, etc give so much money and help and get nothing but a stale product in return. That’s on Chris May and Fred 100%. Matt Hayden is an incredible guy, a guy donors and alumni genuinely enjoyed interacting with and working with over the years. He does a great job. He had no path in athletics because Chris May was his mentor, he helps nobody move on and has to have all the credit. Matt’s fatal flaw was believing May would help him in his career and Chris May is all about saving himself. So, another one out of athletics. Same #1 and #2 still there overseeing operation. Rinse and repeat.
  6. And yes I admit I tend to ramble on sometimes too much. Apologize!
  7. It is personal. Too many interactions with May and stories from insiders. It fires me up watching incompetent leadership and seeing people treated poorly over the years. At end of the day just want this program to be what it should be and can be nationally. It’s a sleeping giant being mismanaged severely. Like watching someone you love on drugs for last 17 years.
  8. So if a Cardinals fan criticizes Mo that’s a one trick pony too? Or the DeWitts? If Chris May doesn’t run athletics then who does? If Fred isn’t his boss, then who is? Is it Chaifetz? Kavanaugh? Bot? Who runs athletics day to day and is the face of the department? Who is the person who likes to glad hand and go out in media when things are good and hide when they go south? Who talks about education, community, trust, caring, commitment to excellence nonstop and has for last 17 years with no results?….3 mbb head coaches…..steady decline locally/nationally of tentpole program. Who is responsible? Damn right I talk about a one trick pony. That little pony is Chris May. Who is ringleader of athletic department? You tell me.
  9. Just give me 3 good reasons why Chris May has been so good over last 17 years. If you can I’ll shut up. *CC and Soccer facility he didn’t initiate, those were mainly driven by Fred/SLU/Ford and Kavanaugh. So can’t use those.
  10. Matt Hayden is a great guy and him leaving after over 10 years there says a lot. Nobody cares more about program than Matt did. Again…same #1 and #2 leaders still there, the beat rolls on…..
  11. He’s never been held accountable. How many AD’s are allowed to hire 3 mbb head coaches after their major tentpole program has consistently declined over last 17 years is beyond my comprehension. Ground Hog Day everyday for last 17 years. Definition of insanity. I’ve asked May to his face what’s his vision and grand plan for program….i got canned AD speak talking points. Several times over the years almost same word for word answers. I suggest more people do the same then maybe you’ll see what I do. He’s an empty suit. The loyalty for Chris May some people have over the growth, success, and future of the program is mind boggling. He should be judged on two things, health/success of mbb program and raising money. If you think he’s done a good job just in those two areas, then that’s your opinion I guess. Never, ever his fault over the last 17 years and he’s the “leader” of department. How many more coaches and staff need to come and go in and out of that program, yet same two people at the top in charge have been there whole time overseeing everything? It’s utter insanity. I could totally put up with May being a jerk if he was sharp and ahead of the curve type AD. MBB was rocking every year, etc. BUT it’s not and he’s a dope folks. Not even close. That’s reality. Record speaks for itself.
  12. I can see major conference realignment as well. Like game of thrones type moves coming for like minded mid majors programs to band together as well.
  13. I am talking about certain fans who think status quo at SLU will work in 2025. On another thread I was told to shut up over criticism of AD. Agree, nobody knows how this will impact a school like SLU. I’d imagine some sort of floor and ceiling, almost like a set salary cap for mid majors to set budgets to match and work off of each year. That $4-5 million VCU stated I’m sure is based off of that. Where will SLU get that extra money is my point. Struggling overall in general and from my understanding not raising NIL. Mainly Chaifetz floating the boat. Asking one guy to give $4-5 million a year is a huge ask. That’s all.
  14. Don’t speak of things like this on this board…..you’ll be told to shut up. Better off putting heads in the sand and just hoping Schertz/MBB gets lucky and wins A10 tournament every year. Hope is SLU’s only strategy. $1400 student fees is something for sure. College sports are getting out of control fast and schools like SLU better be creative and innovative to even have a chance to keep up. Sad but true fact in today’s college sports world. Like it or not.
  15. Just ignore me. Guys like you who can’t connect the dots or keep up on what is going on in college athletics today and what’s been going on at SLU last 17 years are just as goofy. Send in your $100 check and maybe swimming will win Battle of Billikens and be able to buy extra goggles, towels or speedos for the season. Whole program is on rinse and repeat cycle. Now you know why I keep saying same things about Chris May. I feel your pain!
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