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Lord Elrond

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  1. I took off my shoes so I could use my toes, went to the Billiken roster page, which has all players listed, and counted 14. The NCAA limit is 15. If Coach Tillett is fine with heading into the season with only 14, I guess it’s her choice. I just think back to last year, when we had to get Knox College as a replacement at the last minute because Davidson couldn’t muster enough players to play a game, or back to Lisa Stone’s last season, when we played with only 7 a couple times, and 6 players in the St Joseph’s game. I think I would want 15 just in case, or to use in practice if nothing else. But, if Coach Tillett is comfortable with only 14, I guess we play with 14.
  2. Yet another Billiken going pro, Kyla McMakin signed with Saint Thomas Basket Le Havre, in the French LF2 league in Le Havre, France. Their season starts in the fall.
  3. Not sure where else to put this, but WTF is going on in world soccer these days? Right after the mess at Copa America, the first Olympic match (between Morocco and Argentina) featured a two hour delay due to fan incursion, then they cleared the stadium, then (and ONLY then), they decide that the second Argentina goal is disallowed, and send the players back out on the pitch to play the remaining few minutes of the match, and the disallow of the goal of the goal decides the game 2-1 to Morocco. Not really arguing the goal but it takes your VAR 2 hours to figure it out and communicate that? I can understand not announcing it to the crowd as you were herding them out, but why not tell the teams. And didn’t the mess at Copa America put your security on alert? And, the Canadian women’s team sent home 2 assistant coaches voluntarily, and suspended the head coach 1 game in an attempt to head off more sanctions because the 2 assistant coaches were using a drone to spy on the New Zealand team practice? Like no one would notice and they wouldn’t get caught? Crazy
  4. Yeah, that’s a fair summary. It will be curious to see who starts the next game for the US. The game against France in this group was probably always going to be a loss, but New Zealand and Guinea seem to both be winnable games. Need to really put up some goals since goal differential is the first tiebreaker in case New Zealand upsets France, but the US still holds it’s destiny in its own hands.
  5. I wondered why we were apparently entering the season with scholarships to give. With this addition, still another to give if we want (limit is 15 in Women’s D1 basketball, adding Rita Nazario brings us to 14, and that’s assuming Isabel Tillett is now on a scholarship (she wasn’t when she got here, but she could have one, ).
  6. 3-0 loss to France for team USA. I don’t blame Schulte for any of the goals, the French put them in tough spots to defend. US rattled the woodwork on the French goal a few times, but no balls on goal. New Zealand and Guinea up next in group stage, so still a chance to advance past group stage. Source - my viewing of the game in my basement on Peacock +
  7. Never mind, part of court settlement. Looks like things are getting interesting. 105 for football? And of course the link to the Yahoo sports article I saw isn’t working…
  8. Any idea why such a dramatic increase in scholarships? 11.7 to 25 is one heck of a jump.
  9. They get him right now, and don’t have to pay for him until next year. Wimpy from old Popeye cartoons - “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.” Lutz - “I will gladly pay you next year (maybe) for a player I will use immediately.”
  10. Wow, creative way for Lutz to add to the team immediately, and give the team flexibility for the future
  11. Is that Zak Boisvert running team Blue? Dude sure gets animated on the sidelines, but in an enthusiastic way.
  12. I also liked what I saw from Kalu Anya and Kobe Johnson
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