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About thatskablamo

  • Birthday 11/26/1982

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  1. Lord Elrond: I volunteered in the media relations center in Dallas for the first few matches and I’ve never seen so much security. Honestly, it may ultimately boil down to venue security. Jerry World (AT&T Stadium) here in town is a first and world class facility, and I loathe the Cowboys, so it pains me to heap praise on the organization. But they would put a corral around that crap as soon as it happened. No Andy Frain types. These boys mean business. What happened in Charlotte and Miami and now on this international scale is more of an issue locally and how security measures are not only planned, but executed. Unfortunate. The COPA organizers did one hell of a job here in Dallas, but I can’t speak for the rest of the cities involved.
  2. Yeah, that’s a bear. My wife is from Westchester Co., NY and it takes us a good 45 via train right into Grand Central on the Metro North line. From Danbury, you’re an hour to Norwalk, CT and then another hour into the city on rail. God bless you if you have to drive in during rush hour. If you leave early enough it’s almost an hour less to drive in. But you have to donate your first born to find a decent parking spot in the city. Same goes for the kids in “Hoop Dreams” that had to take trains and busses to get from the inner city of Chicago out to Westchester St Joe in the west burbs. You gotta be up at 5:30 to make your 8 am class. What luxury some of us have not to grind that out daily.
  3. Zobrist is a legacy at Bradley. His pops played there in the early 90s. The anti-Tatum.
  4. Did you just make a veiled reference to “It’s a Wonderful Life?” Bravo.
  5. Hindsight is a horrible world to live in.
  6. And that is exactly how Southern Methodist University joined the Atlantic Coast Conference. A school strapped to the chair 37 ago is now hosting, at 32,000 seat Gerald R. Ford Stadium, Florida State University exactly three months from this Friday.
  7. Would the Buss stop at Crespi HS in Encino to pick up their HC, Derek Fisher?
  8. Yikes. That’s a bit below the belt. Let’s appreciate the content that these guys provide us with. It’s more than a lot of collegiate message boards. There are people on both sides of the Chris May argument. It’s totally fine to voice your displeasure.
  9. Wow. Hurley staying put. Incredible.
  10. But this has been going on for as long as Oak Hill and Hargrave have been around. It’s been accelerated for sure with the IMG type of programs, but it is for sure gone from a leak to a flood. All the cash that is being funneled into the AAU system doesn’t help either.
  11. Fixed it for you. Lions shock Tigers - I can see the PD header now.
  12. Ha! I wish, SLU72. Had the best admin law professor, Dr Ken Warren, but never did the law school route!
  13. Wouldn’t Avila’s tax attorney set up some sort of Delaware-incorporated foundation for him so Bommarito could say they are donating the car to a charity ala 1-877-KARS4-KIDS? It would be a win for everyone.
  14. Because complacency and mediocrity got together and had a baby called cynicism. And it has suckled at the teet of our dear Alma Mater for a long time. I think the concepts are great - but I’m old enough to remember kids on this campus literally weeping about Nike products coming to the bookstore and them shutting that down over their use of child labor in Asia. We just cannot have nice things.
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