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  1. I have no idea where it was reported - too long ago. At this point either believe it or not.
  2. I think what some may be referring to regarding the so called "buyout clause" is it was reported that the school hiring Schertz would have to pay some large fee to SLU which not part of the paying off the contract issue you are referencing.
  3. Yes but he had hands of stone- hurdle running doesn't require you to use your hands.
  4. When you try to do 2 things that are not really compatible you will probably fail in both.
  5. One other thing - the swimming coach was here like 25 years so he must have thought it was worth his time. I am not going to say anything bad one way or the other when a person who devoted 25 years or so to a job decides he wants a change.
  6. Haliburton didn't leave because he was not happy at SLU. In fact, he had a very ill child who SLU provided lots of medical support. My guess is he left because he was getting older and wanted less responsibility.
  7. Except it got Coach Cal ultimately fired or least feeling he had to leave
  8. I agree. City needs a closer - too many missed opportunities this year.
  9. Thanks for the info but honestly I think those Euros going back to spend most of the summer for whatever the reason sets their development back
  10. Probably not a PG but maybe a shooting guard. I guess you could have a Thames guard their 2 but then Pikaar would have to guard a shooting forward probably. I am sure Schertz has a plan in mind for him.
  11. Fontbonne and Webster U had lots of poor management practices that caused their problems. However, the reduction in the birth rate was an inevitable problem for them and other schools that have been living on the edge. Good fiduciary practices would not include draining your principal to prop up one area. Think about a person who cannot afford to keep their house from their income without spending their savings/investments only to reduce their income stream by doing so or borrowing those actions are stopgaps and the house will still be lost ultimately without major changes to one's lifestyle. I support college athletics but if the business model is not good then changes have to be made or it has to go in its current status.
  12. You are assuming that a person would not adapt over time to the higher elevation which is not true. I have been in higher elevation areas numerous times - 7K is not much higher than Denver. Normally after a few days whatever impact being at the higher elevation may have on a person has dissipated significantly. If you are living in the area you will make that adaptation and have a normal life there. I am sorry you don't understand this but this is the truth.
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