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  1. Wouldn't be surprised
  2. I am sure fatigue is contributing to their situation
  3. If that happens then Ford had two NBA caliber players and he wasted the talent
  4. Anybody who is already trying to assess Shertz career at SL on only one season is wrong. How many coaches come in to a team and win with the other guy's players in their first year get all kinds of accolades but 2-3 years later they get fired - more than you think. Shertz problem is basically he was left with a bare cupboard, and he restocked it the best he could in the short time he had. He basically has the same issue for next year, but he will have a full season to see what he can bring in. I am OK with giving him some time to turn this mess we have around. Tonight's game was much like many other games this year - lose the TOs battle, and I know Whiz says we have an A 3pt defense but I wonder - tonight they shot 50% and we shot 37% - I think that is the second game in row we gave up 50% or more for the 3 ptrs. I know they only made one more than us but they managed to hit them when they needed to hit them. The big problem for us was they scored 6 more points at the line and put that with the extra 3 ptr and there is the difference. We just are not getting to the line enough the last 3 games. The TOs we lost by 5 - not a big margin but in a close game everything sticks out. By the way, had those dreaded scoring droughts also tonight. I believe we will struggle to finish 500 this year.
  5. The reason we lost the game in overtime was the missed FTs by Robbie. He hits those two and the entire complexion of the game changes coupled with the 2 FTs that Swope made. I guess we can second guess lots of stuff at the end but we would never have been in that situation if Robbie hit those 2 FTs.
  6. What he owned was having Robbie guard their #2. Coach's plan was that Robbie could play soft on him and he would miss or not shoot given that he only made 9 3ptrs all year. The problem was he got hot and made 8 that night when left to shoot wide open. Once Coach made an adjustment the kid never scored again and was sitting on the bench for a lot of the remaining second half. My issue with Coach was that it took too long to adjust. By the time the adjustments were made he had 27 points. I think Coach knows how to guard the 3, he just used a poor strategy - I get that Robbie could not be out there guarding him because then the paint was wide open for their big guy. So by asking Robbie to do two counter actions we got nothing that worked.
  7. If you are correct then it is a stupid rule just like reviewing a goal tending call only at the next time out which could result in the loss of the points and the possession of the ball.
  8. I have read what the person posted with the rule book - it never says you can step on the line to inbound the ball. It clearly says you cannot be on the line but it is ok to run along the line not on it.
  9. From an implementation point of view it would be next to impossible for ref in real time to see if the entire foot is over the line. My point is if part is on the line and part is over then what takes priority. Excellent point on the 3 pt shot
  10. Coach said that it was his decision to leave that #2 open for the 3 so it was his fault. My question is why did he not respond sooner to changing the approach. Why wait until part way through the second half. The TOs are still killing us - yes we made fewer last night but the difference was 10 I believe. You are going to have tough time winning if you TO the ball 10 times more than the guy.
  11. I have never heard that. Are these GM people saying this. On the line means exactly that on the line -if a player steps on the line it is TO for as long as I can remember. The problem I have is some will say well refs miss lots of calls during the game how can this one be the reason we lost. Well, we will never know for sure because the ref missed the call. The problem is not if the ref missed the call but when did he miss it - timing is everything. Why can't that play be reviewed?
  12. Figures don't lie
  13. True I agree there would need to be an evaluation of all the teams which would include looking at all the programs from court performance to overall commitment to getting better.
  14. Well, our defense of the 3 pt shot has been inconsistent so if the Whiz said that defending the 3 is our strength then I guess all things are relative.
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