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    Kevin Lisch

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  1. 85 to 105 for football and 13 to 15 for basketball.
  2. Did you mean Sweden here or the Netherlands?
  3. Sorry for the quintuple post. I guess I made my point. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to delete four of them.
  4. Charleston would be a nice place for A-10 fans to visit. Beyond that, they would be just one more mouth to feed.
  5. Charleston would be a nice place for A-10 fans to visit. Beyond that, they would be just one more mouth to feed.
  6. Charleston would be a nice place for A-10 fans to visit. Beyond that, they would be just one more mouth to feed.
  7. Charleston would be a nice place for A-10 fans to visit. Beyond that, they would be just one more mouth to feed.
  8. Charleston would be a nice place for A-10 fans to visit. Beyond that, they would be just one more mouth to feed.
  9. We need less teams in the conference. UMASS doesn’t need to be replaced.
  10. This year’s team would appear capable (on paper) of out scoring the vast majority of A-10 teams. Can they outscore top level P5 teams? That remains to be seen, and based upon our schedule will not be answered until the post season. Stay tuned.
  11. I think that’s how I would have to watch a lot of those games slu72.
  12. I didn’t take any offense to it. I took it as humorous.
  13. I don’t believe I have posted in this thread, so I must be fat, dumb, and happy. Who knew? I know that I am happy, but didn’t realize that I may also be fat and dumb.
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