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Billiken Rich

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    In The Paint

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Listener of the Streets

Listener of the Streets (6/7)

  1. When a prior employer was locking down our computer networks, Billikens.com and youtube and even realtor.com, which we used a ton, were blocked. Had to petition the security boffins to get access back. Eventually got Billikens.com back too....
  2. Or they want @SluSignGuy to actually do some dang work........those books and grant proposals don't write themselves you know!
  3. I don't know that he's great at it but it's silly that everything good is someone else's doing and everything bad is on him. It is May Derangement Syndrome....
  4. Many of us are just tired of the May Derangement Syndrome among other derangement syndromes. It just gets old, reading the same sh-stuff from the same goofballs day after day. You know who invented astrotrurf? The Je.....Chris May! Chris May invented astroturf!
  5. That was a hell of a lot of fun. My wife's jaw hit the floor on that one.....
  6. Thought you were a Chelsie guy?
  7. I'll be there in the upper bowl with free tix........lot's of free tickets this year......
  8. Got the "four free tickets" email so I'll be there. Pre-game at Urban Chestnut midtown for my lovely wife and I....
  9. Dallas Cowboys fan checking in......
  10. Wow, usually you have to be a climate change influencer to be that over-wrought and hysterical……
  11. It's actually a pretty apt comparison especially when one of those all conference players has been gimpy all year. The rest of the team is pretty banged up too and Jimerson is going to Jimerson. Majerus might have had the best basketball mind in history and had two of the better or best Billiken players. He didn't have instant transfers but the cupboard wasn't that bare. Unlike Majerus, Schertz is not a defensive coach. We won't lose a game only scoring 20. All of the run and gun lovers that hated the Ford weave should be happy now. Obviously we need to play better defense and turn the ball over less. I have confidence in Schertz that we will see improvement...............
  12. First year of Majerus 16-15 with the all time record holder for fewest points in the shot clock era with Lisch and Liddell....
  13. Me or him.......lol
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