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7 minutes ago, NH said:

We were brutal in the exhibition game last year. We know we haven’t proven we’re a good shooting team. We know we were playing a D-2 team. Nonetheless, a lot of the pessimism in this thread is over the top in my opinion. Jimmerson was 0-6 from three, that’s not going to repeat itself. Given all the new faces, we aren’t going to be able to make a real assessment about this team, positive or negative, for at least a couple more games.

It’s knee jerk reactions. You know that 

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My takeaways

Yurimania is real. He looked right at home. One smooth pocket pass to MD who kicked to Perkins for a 3. 

Guy Phillips needs to be replaced.

Gibsons got a shooter mentality. He's gonna be fine.

Perkins isn't as developed as I was hoping personally. 

French FT looked less bad. Should see a little improvement.

Guy Phillips is terrible

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30 minutes ago, Taj79 said:

What JuniorBill said.  We have a foundation ----- only going up from here.

Still (and SLU Nick said the magic phrase) i just don't understand how even D2 schools have guys who can shoot some threes.  Just baffles me that's all.

If you are D2 or minor conference school that is your best chance to compete.  You won’t be able to recruit much size or athleticism.  So find coachable guys who can kinda shoot if they get open and hopefully play fundamentally sound ball.

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Just now, billikenfan05 said:

I thought our offense was slow when set up. I didn’t think it was bad per se, I did think we shot horribly 

ya thats what I meant.  We had a ton of wide open looks which was nice.  if we shot like just 25% from 3 we would have scored in the mid 80's

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Goodwin, french and thatch are the rocks.  Goodwin almost a triple double.  French was a man amongst boys.  Double double.  Thatch 12 pts.  Thatch and goodwin botb with 4 steals.   

Just got to get the rest up to their level.  I liked the intensity.   We will shoot better than that.

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1 hour ago, Taj79 said:

What JuniorBill said.  We have a foundation ----- only going up from here.

Still (and SLU Nick said the magic phrase) i just don't understand how even D2 schools have guys who can shoot some threes.  Just baffles me that's all.

It's struck me as crazy that (for several years now) a buy-game team (or even a D2) comes into our gym for the first time ever and after a shoot around proceeds to shoot the lights out in the game. Our guys, who practice pretty much every day in our gym, sometimes can't even hit the rim. I was very impressed with KW mainly because they burned up so much of their 30 second clock trying to get free from our press and then managed to bury 3 after 3 after 3. And even if we left them open, they still had to make those shots.

A guy in my section who wasn't up on the latest news said (late in the first half) that this is the most pressing he's ever seen us do. I told him that Ford has stated that we will press 40 minutes and we will run. And I added that if we keep shooting like this, we will HAVE to run.

Oh, and lord, I wish we could get a new PA announcer.

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OK, back home from the game. As expected not a great attendance, maybe 40--50% full. Most people enjoyed the occasion and moved to better lower seats, my area was pretty much empty. The level of enthusiasm, for such attendance was good, the student area did not register with me for some reason. I do not think they were packed not making a lot of noise. The general atmosphere was good.

As far as the game went there were things that happened and things that did not happen. We won, of course. But it was not a romp over them like some people wanted. Ford changed the players frequently, with only a few (French, Goodwin) playing and scoring the most. Some players played a fair number of minutes, a few did not.

Let us start with French, it was said that if some distraction or threat was placed upon the opposite team that allowed French  not to be guarded by two people most of the time, he would improve his  scoring. This was evident in this game. He was much freer to do his thing effectively and had a great night, I do not have the stats of the game, but  came close to scoring 20 (if he did not go over it). So, the team as a whole is providing French with more freedom of movement than he ever had before, this was used quite effectively. One point that should be made is that no, his FT throwing does not appear improved from last year.

The other mainstay of the team was Goodwin, who also had a great night. He did carry the ball frequently, but so did many of the others including Weaver, Yuri, and Jacobs. I even saw Jimerson carrying the ball  across  the half court once. Again, free of the  requirement of being the PG all the time, Goodwin was everywhere, penetrated defenses easily, rebounded, blocked, did a lot of things. I think he is better and more settled in this role than he was last year. There is a lot of improvement noticeable in Goodwin, or so I thought.

Thatch played well, very good defense, good offense, penetrated reasonably well, scored well although not great in this regard. He is solid for this year, together with French and Goodwin.

Jacobs did pretty  well  on  defense and managed to score a few points, I think we will see a fair amount of him in play this year.

Bell, the last starter, did NOT go winded at any  time during the game. He played a fair amount of time and provided significant defense capability to  the team. As far as the offense goes, things are not perfect. He is not good at keeping the ball when close to the basket. Western KY managed to slap the ball out of his hands several times. However, all the stuff said about him being totally spent and winded within 5 minutes of  play was incorrect. He showed no problems with endurance and stamina. He needs to protect the ball in his hands better than he does, but he is a good defender and can run the span of the court repeatedly with no signs of getting winded. 

A number of the other players played a fair amount of time.

Yuri played a significant number of minutes and did fine with ball handling and passing, little in scoring. He can defend and crowd an opponent in a press. I think we will see a lot of Yuri this year.

Weaver also played a significant number of minutes and performed similarly to Yuri. Low scoring. I think we are likely to see a fair amount of play by  Weaver this year.

Perkins did not play as much as Yuri or Weaver, but did score (including a 3), I think he is solid and has what it takes to improve and play significant minutes.

Hankton did not play as much as Jacobs, but he did play and showed some versatility, not as good a defender as others, and did not manage to score much in this game.

Jimerson played a fair amount and for some reason just did not score well, although  he shot many attempts from all positions. He is fast and can shoot from many positions. I think he was a bit insecure about his first D1 game and trying too hard. Anyways, I think he will play possibly a large amount of time, once he can get over this "newcomer's fear" about D1 play. I expected more from him but this did not happen this game.

Hargrove played very little, at the  end, and did very little of note again. I expected more from him. I wonder how long it will take for him to be given more minutes, obviously Ford appears to think he needs more practice/coaching before going prime time.

Diarra, played very little (at the end with the walk ons) and also did very little.

The team showed the capability of full court press and active pesky everywhere defense against an opponent in this game. Their defense was very good and quite varied. Their offense left a lot to be desires. A lot of attempt made by a lot of people (including Jimerson) with no score.

I thin this game was a trial and error test bed for Ford and the players. I think with the kind of  defense we showed, we have the possibility of doing very well this year. However, keep in mind that I am an optimist as far as the Bills are concerned. 

This is the way I saw it. A good start, but a lot of work needs to be done. I would like to see Hargrove playing more when he is ready. Overall a very enjoyable night. Go Bills!                                                                                                                                                  

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53 minutes ago, billiken_roy said:

Goodwin, french and thatch are the rocks.  Goodwin almost a triple double.  French was a man amongst boys.  Double double.  Thatch 12 pts.  Thatch and goodwin botb with 4 steals.   

Just got to get the rest up to their level.  I liked the intensity.   We will shoot better than that.

This is a good take.

One thought I had on the way home from the game is that for almost all of us, it has taken a well executed game plan to make up for a deficit in athletic ability or depth in order for SLU to be successful. With Travis Ford, we've gotten the athletes that we used to not have. The trade-off may be that we may win a little uglier than we used to do at times because we're doing it on energy and athleticism rather than pinpoint execution, and we haven't gotten used to that yet. I don't know how this team is going to do this season, and I don't think tonight's game can be a great barometer either way, but as mentioned above, we had some intensity, particularly in the second half. My hope is that we can combine that with some system that works.   

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47 minutes ago, SLU_Nick said:

What does cluck cluck mean? 

If we made 10 ft's everyone got free chick fil a. (Cool promotion if it's all year). It was whole thing but he kept bringing it up right before we would shoot. Like there wasn't already enough pressure on the kids to make their ft's. But after we made the 10th he said cluck cluck. And ya not a fan. 

Side note: Andre Craig (the emcee) is the best thing to happen to billiken basketball in a while. He really adds alot to the fan fair and is very good at getting all the fans involved. Whoever in the AD made that decision. Hats off to you. Please keep him around.  I was thinking maybe he could just take over for Guy, but that's probably not possible. 

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10 hours ago, moytoy12 said:

We have energy.  We can't shoot.  We're a .500 team with hopes of turning it up in Feb-Mar. 

One bad game by Jimerson does not a season make. Plenty of games left to pass final judgement on him. But, yeah, scoring buckets could be a continuing problem, and we don't have an Isabell or Bess to stem the bleeding. Really bummed by the less than 50% on FT's. I thought for sure we'd see improvement here. That will cost us games. I didn't expect French to improve by much, and after listening to Highmark's comments on Frank's show, he'll continue to struggle because he still shoots them w/ a bad rotation. JGood's got to improve. 

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ARon --- completely accepting and understanding of your D2 recruiting statement.  How about your analysis on the second half of my statement --- as to why everybody BUT the Billikens have a shooter or two on their roster? 

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