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  1. Just half of it. The other half is Kirkwood.
  2. You leave the Kandi Man alone.....poor guy was a physical specimen except for his knees. In all seriousness though, I will note that is a tough one to cite because he did not fail in my mind.....his knees did. He is no Ryan Leaf or JaMarcus Russel (sp?). I do not watch enough NBA to know who is a draft bust because of physical problems instead of mental problems or poor shooting or any of that. The UNLV big man is probably the one to pick on for just failing (Cav's top pick?). Either way, I think it is clear from my post that I rarely watch the NBA anymore. I did watch the Finals this year.
  3. My example is done many thousands of times and in aggregate is several million every year. I do not disagree with the premise that NIL creates taxable income that is a liability that needs to be accounted for. I actually just think the car example is a bad one. We don’t have any of the details. Avila’s deal may be to go out and “show off” the car and it is simply a tool required for him to perform that job. Not very different from a company giving a carpenter a hammer to perform his job. it all depends on the actual deal made and what services Avila is expected to perform. A car offers many more loopholes than just cash. Avila could be part of an ergonomic focus group of one to provide valuable feedback on how the car’s ergonomics are for a 6’10 person. We just don’t know.
  4. Correct, but you can make the math work. Part of the $40 is paying the tax on the gift card and part is paying the tax on the $40. I promise it can be done. It is just a question of whether that is how it was set up or not.
  5. Who knows how it is worked, but Bommarito can give him the lease for free AND pay him enough to cover the taxes. That is an option available and is something my company often does when giving people incentives like a $200 gift card. The card will show up on their payroll receipt as $240 or something similar and the $40 is applied to the tax liability.
  6. Yes. He is not one of the ten best players of all time, but he is in my personal favorite top ten. He never even complained. He just put his head down, worked hard, and competed. Ash did the same thing. Ash like Roby committed to a top team to find the bottom fell out just as they arrived. Ash also handled it well, but being a transfer and not four years, Ash is all too easy to forget. I also know his shooting could be a bit inconsistent, but that didn’t bother me.
  7. Agree, but I want to make an observation. Davell Roby played on some dismal teams. Seeing him stay, rooting for him, and watching him grow was one of the very few bright spots. I don’t even want to imagine watching those teams without at least feeling some long term connection with a player.
  8. The scammers responses are in blue. JimboFive is in red. Atten. [HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL] [TRANSFER OF [THIRTY SIX MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY NINE THOUSAND POUNDS STERLINGS] TRANSFER OF 36,759,000.00 MILLION POUNDS TO YOUR ACCOUNT. My name is Dr. Shev Williams, and I work in the International Operation Department in a Bank here in London.I feel quite safe dealing with you in this important business.Though, this medium (Internet) has been greatly abused, I choose to reach you through it because it still remains the fastest medium of communication. However, this correspondence is unofficial and private, and it should be treated as such. [blah blah blah, etc.] Regards, Dr. Shev Williams. ********************************* Guys, should we do it??? I've run some figures, I can burn them to laserdisc for you and we can go over them in the parking lot. Let me know what you think. -jimbofive ********************************* Dearest Partner, However,i will like you to know that i'm not trying to make experiment on whether this business is going to work out or not because the success of this business is already a forgone conclussion if you will follow the advise and instructions which i will be seeking from the Minister and our insider in the Bank who is deeply involved with me in the business. I will also like you to know that despite the fact that we have not seen or met each other before,i still reposed my trust and confidence in you hoping that the (Binding Agreement)will help to build mutual relationship and understanding between the both parties involved as you may know that (BindingAgreement) is the only legal instrument which normally binds 2 business partners or more together as one in every business all over the world. [blah blah blah, etc.] Yours, Shev Williams. ********************************* Dearest Shev. You will excuse, it is holiday. I will be in country with family attending many goulash tournament. It is very much that I love goulash. I am very interest in binding with you. Are your attorneys have prepared documints? I will drive like the horses from goulash shows for this transaction. Please send me. in the bonds, jimbofive ********************************* Dearest Partner jimbofive, Yes my attorney will bind an agreement which will bind two of us together for this transaction so if you are interesting i will like to hear from you. Regards, Shev Williams ********************************* Dearest Shev, I have been afraid that I have just returned from the goulash tournaments. It was firebomb on a contravershal call and all of were ask to stay in hostel an extra 2days. I am badly mad and I am a bike rider for until october. I will hope that you are still interest in our pact. The account is pending. I opened a investment account for the large sum of money and we are wait for my ex-"lady friend" to be off of my interest. She will be out of comission on her birthday-saturday. account will be ACTIVE on monday they tell me. Are there other info that you will be needing!? I am getting very exciting. in the bonds, jimbofive ********************************* Dearest Partner jimbofive, I am in good rceipt of your mail the content is well understood. Regarding to the account which you are going to provide for this transaction, You should be speedy up so that all the arrangement regarding to the successful of this transaction will be working according to the planed. I am looking forward to hear from you. Regards, Shev Williams. Dear, I have been waiting to hear from you, If you are not interested or capable to handle this transaction you should let me know so that i will look for a reliable person who will be capable to handle this business with me very ferfectly. Note that i have know time to waist. Regards, Williams. ******************************************* dearset Shev, You must help me! I am send to jail for public indecent in supermarket. Simple misunderstand in produce aisle, wasnot my cucumber! I am not trusting my ex-"lady friend" to complete our transaction one bit! My job is lost and I am needing bail bond! I will need you to send 500 USD to follow address: jimbofive # 8675309 / Moberly Correctional Center P.O. Box 7 Moberly, MO 65270 For with my releese I am access account and 500 usd will be repay multifold! I am very interest to complete transaction, Nate is getting very push with me. Lunch is cocktial fruit and beandip. oh shev! hurry please, i am wait! in the bonds, jimbofive p.s. they are restrict e-mail soon after 2 weeks! followed by radio silence...
  9. I liked Jimbo’s story about trying to reverse the scam on a Nigerian Prince scam. Talk of meeting in parking lots with business plans burned on CDs and getting arrested after a misunderstanding with a lady in the produce aisle.
  10. I am not aware of any specific agreements. I just see the Busch Student Center and AB Auditorium and AB Institute (or whatever that medical building is officially named) and it seems SLU has potentially along the way promised that AB is their beer of choice. Again...I have zero knowledge of anything specific (I just couldn't see any other obvious reasons that Urban Chestnut would partner with SIUE over SLU).
  11. I would assume that since we are in bed with AB (I assume they have a number of different partnership and sponsorship agreements still) that precludes us from also partnering with Urban Chestnut.
  12. I wonder what Conference USA gains. This just gives them a team and numbers help, but it doesn’t seem to bring any other benefits in recruiting, travel, SOS, TV revenue, or anything else.
  13. I do not think he speculated on what they would do. He was just saying that the new president will have a say in his AD and that is an important position, so I am sure it will be reviewed I thought it was a straight-forward and concise statement (especially by OG standards). He did not speculate that the new President would remove the AD. He only speculated that it is reasonable to conclude now that we have a new coach and no hint of a change at AD that things are in a holding pattern for the new President to evaluate.
  14. Or I was wondering if it was he backs up the 5 and gets another 15ish minutes at the 4. It means he is an important role player and depth piece, but not featured. I don’t know at all. I will say I really wanted him and think he would’ve made us a better team.
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