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Listener of the Streets

Listener of the Streets (6/7)

  1. That last 7 mins or so was absolutely disgusting. I’m sure everyone will chirp about how we are 3-1 and we are still fine blah blah. Not me. Vcu is not an at large squad. They aren’t that good. We played slow down garbage basketball and I actually don’t think JS even understands line ups to be honest. When Majerus was here, he recognized match ups and had a feel for the game. Schertz has not shown any feel to in-game coaching at all.
  2. Wow warlick got the first offensive reb of the night….maybe he should have gotten some run?
  3. This was a really poor coaching performance
  4. Thames body is so out of wack.
  5. Thames spark time. Cmon.
  6. That’s such a brutal foul call on Anya. that was a terrible pass
  7. It’s over. can we please please just try 4 mins without Jimerson. I’m begging you shertz
  8. And then we give up a wide open 3…sigh.
  9. Gibson! Bang!!!
  10. We are just going to let Jimerson stay on the floor forever? is Travis ford coaching? down 10. Seems dead
  11. The door was open. We didn’t walk through it. Down 7.
  12. Jimerson awful
  13. Jimerson is absolutely killing us. Avila and Swope are stepping up huge. Let’s steal this!!!
  14. Gotta hit free throws. Cmon Kobe
  15. Jimerson wide open corner 3 just needs to go in. Theres really nothing wise to say
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