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  1. Being that it was at home and it ends up the Bonnies aren't that good, no
  2. Both teams, Slu and Mizzou, faced big road tests tonight that could define their season. SLU failed miserably and Mizzou passed....
  3. Yea after a good one vs the bonnies he laid an egg again.
  4. He has never been good in a big game against a big opponent ever. Pads his stats against bad teams. And I don't recall him ever making a 3 to tie or win. a game late
  5. Rammer---Ballgame
  6. about time
  7. We just need 2 stops and 2 3s. Little 6-0 run and then lets go. Jimmer is having a bad game which he seems to always do in big games. Not shooting well and making mistakes. I wish he was a big game player. Jack Clark haunting us again
  8. I never was. I just get emotional. So thanks. I was just appalled by his complete inability to run any defense whatsoever. But this zone which started to slide into a matchup zone at different points is just what the dr ordered. We won a game with a long offensive drought . Sure the lead was big but we made enough plays to hold on and got the right guy the ball at the end. Weeks ago this would've been a loss.
  9. Defense and that football play won this game. Schertz did a hell of a job
  10. Man that game was a classic
  11. If they can defend like this they can survive offensive lulls. That was my biggest black mark on coach and why I thought he was so hapless.. No defense and just keep shooting and missing. That's what cost him the NIT title last year. If we defend we can afford to live and die by the 3
  12. Schertz has discovered defense. This is incredible.
  13. Man Thames is such an important guy.
  14. Schertz has something with this zone. Then he goes out of it, 8-0 run. Even the announcers caught that
  15. Drake a really bad loss today. Some of my words about them I may have to take back.
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