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Oh come on! Go back and look at the posts that claimed things like "JC doesn't like to recruit" or "Biondi's inaction is keeping any decent recruits from committing".

Was that on another board? Was I dreaming? No.

I didn't care for the personal attacks and calling people morons, but Billikan absolutely did provide insight that these things (recruiting, JC's contract negotiations) were in fact happening and initially he was attacked for it because it didn't fit the "Biondi is ruining the program narrative" that is so desperately important to some people.

I am not happy with everything Biondi has done, but I too get sick of some of the speculation that is posted as fact. It's just not the right thing to do. I know this is an Internet board and people are prone to speculation, but that doesn't make it right, especially when it becomes so vindictive and incessant that it leads people to start attacking each other on the board.

Bottom line: there DEFINITELY are people in the know who either won't post on the board anymore or won't even start to post and that is too bad. I talk to quite a few of them. They read the board regularly and emails (sometimes PMs) go back and forth with a lot of info. There are others who know things and participate on the board but very rarely provide inside info any more because they know the drill - someone will accuse them of making it up and the next thing you know the name calling starts. Tell me that hasn't happened.

I would just think that for a fan base starved for info, like ANY fan base, people here would appreciate the info instead of often (not always) attacking people who provide it.

Ur spot on. Met benefactors st the tournament and they confirm your assumptions. One said he reads the board but stated that a majority of the members don't have a clue and just post what they hope to be true

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Look, this is an argument that cuts both ways regarding Billikan and those who pop off. Internet boards can be quagmires of stupid conspiracy theories but if you mine them carefully you can glean good info from time to time. When you venture in the world of the internet boards you have to accept the fact that you will probably be torched by some wild eyed people so if that bothers you then either don't go or have a thick skin. As far as chasing any poster off the board that may have inside info - well I agree with AF that is just stupid. All we have done is lost a potential source of info. The same goes for the wild eyed posters - if you don't like someone's post then ignore it - 2 way street. I am sorry Billikan is not posting we are all less informed because of it.

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Look, this is an argument that cuts both ways regarding Billikan and those who pop off. Internet boards can be quagmires of stupid conspiracy theories but if you mine them carefully you can glean good info from time to time. When you venture in the world of the internet boards you have to accept the fact that you will probably be torched by some wild eyed people so if that bothers you then either don't go or have a thick skin. As far as chasing any poster off the board that may have inside info - well I agree with AF that is just stupid. All we have done is lost a potential source of info. The same goes for the wild eyed posters - if you don't like someone's post then ignore it - 2 way street. I am sorry Billikan is not posting we are all less informed because of it.

I would suggest that the "argument" isn't about message boards -- it's about the way a "top 50" basketball program disseminates information. The vast majority of evidence in the general and online media and on this board is that "benefactors" and "insiders" know what's going on, but the 10,100 other people who fill the seats for a sellout aren't thought of as worth informing.

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Bon - I agree with you and have said so several times on this board - SLU can and needs to do a better job of keeping its fans informed even if they have to do it by leaking info. Those who get the inside info they need to share it or at least some parts of it without being secretive all the time. But until SLU changes, we have to take whatever bit of morsels we can from where ever it comes from. This also reminds me of the Ben W recruiting discussion from last year - it is really the same thing - how is it that those who are paid on his site keep the info as if they are guarding state secrets any different then a big donating booster doing the same. If you are going to find fault with Billikan then you need to do the same for those on not sharing the recruiting info also.

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Look, this is an argument that cuts both ways regarding Billikan and those who pop off. Internet boards can be quagmires of stupid conspiracy theories but if you mine them carefully you can glean good info from time to time. When you venture in the world of the internet boards you have to accept the fact that you will probably be torched by some wild eyed people so if that bothers you then either don't go or have a thick skin. As far as chasing any poster off the board that may have inside info - well I agree with AF that is just stupid. All we have done is lost a potential source of info. The same goes for the wild eyed posters - if you don't like someone's post then ignore it - 2 way street. I am sorry Billikan is not posting we are all less informed because of it.

major props for the use of the word "glean"

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Your last statement wins the "Statement of the Day" Award.

What IF the new president after Biondi REALLY doesn't like athletics? I mean, a guy who is steeped in academia and truly turns away from the program. As I stated above, a lot of people are convinced that just about everything bad that happens to the program is Biondi's fault and anything good that happens was because of donors, luck, etc.

But I just hope that we don't look back someday and think, "I sure wish Biondi was still here..."

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What IF the new president after Biondi REALLY doesn't like athletics? I mean, a guy who is steeped in academia and truly turns away from the program. As I stated above, a lot of people are convinced that just about everything bad that happens to the program is Biondi's fault and anything good that happens was because of donors, luck, etc.

But I just hope that we don't look back someday and think, "I sure wish Biondi was still here..."

I would hope if we have a couple more years of trips to the tourney and get into the BE then who ever they hire as the new prez will have to be someone that has shown his support for athletics - it would have to be high on the requirements.

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What IF the new president after Biondi REALLY doesn't like athletics? I mean, a guy who is steeped in academia and truly turns away from the program. As I stated above, a lot of people are convinced that just about everything bad that happens to the program is Biondi's fault and anything good that happens was because of donors, luck, etc.

But I just hope that we don't look back someday and think, "I sure wish Biondi was still here..."

Well, since he's not going anywhere, so resistance is futile.
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I didn't care for the personal attacks and calling people morons, but Billikan absolutely did provide insight that these things (recruiting, JC's contract negotiations) were in fact happening and initially he was attacked for it because it didn't fit the "Biondi is ruining the program narrative" that is so desperately important to some people.

I am not happy with everything Biondi has done, but I too get sick of some of the speculation that is posted as fact. It's just not the right thing to do. I know this is an Internet board and people are prone to speculation, but that doesn't make it right, especially when it becomes so vindictive and incessant that it leads people to start attacking each other on the board.

Bottom line: there DEFINITELY are people in the know who either won't post on the board anymore or won't even start to post and that is too bad. I talk to quite a few of them. They read the board regularly and emails (sometimes PMs) go back and forth with a lot of info. There are others who know things and participate on the board but very rarely provide inside info any more because they know the drill - someone will accuse them of making it up and the next thing you know the name calling starts. Tell me that hasn't happened.

I would just think that for a fan base starved for info, like ANY fan base, people here would appreciate the info instead of often (not always) attacking people who provide it.

There are roughly 4-5 names that reliably provide useful info on this board, and Billikan is one of them. I agree with AlumniFan here in general-- I know lots of insiders and hardly any of 'em post on here anymore. P diddy, who used to drop by, has abandoned us. Frankly I'm not exactly clear why I occasionally post anymore, just love the game and the Bills, I guess. And I do think the Bills fans are true blue, over the years meat and potatoes fans, that's been my observation. Plus we all get withdrawal after a season like this past one, and we need our fix...

But all the huffing and puffing about whether or not Coach Crews would be extended truly takes the cake for the most pointless, even idiotic hot air in the history of billikens.com. Everyone on the inside has known he'll be back, just ask any of the players. I certainly hope the verbal by Agbeko puts all that stupid speculation to bed, for good too... great catch, coach, kudos!!

(I do not, by the way, consider myself a true "insider," since $$$ seems to be a major criterion; the other is probably real personal contact with the coaching staff, none of whom I hang with...).

Actually these boards are truly amazing phenomena. It's kind of interesting to get to know board "personalities" from just a name. I know personally about a dozen regulars on here but I have to admit I would love to meet more, even some of the knuckleheads... morbid curiosity, I suppose.

(and I'm sure there are a few who consider me one of the knuckleheads).

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So now we've got knuckleheads too?! Along with the morons and the run of the mill idiots, we've got the start to a great new "conference" of sorts. I hope the coach of the knuckleheads (whomever he or she may be) recruits me. "I can dunk, coach!" If not, I guess I'll have to settle for the Idiot State.

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Here's a great question for all the insiders. Have Crews and SLU agreed on a contract?

I'm not talking about, don't worry he will be back, just trust us. Have they agreed on a contract? Until then it is not a done deal.

If they have, why hasn't it been announced? When was it agreed to?

Enlighten us with your inside info.

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Billiken. I've always enjoyed your posts. A bit on the optimistic side but prefer positive over negative. Hope you don't stop posting.

Billiken and AlumniFan. A little bit of info about me. I admit that I am quite critical of Fr. Biondi and I know that annoys you guys. I also admit that I don't regularly receive the inside information I once did and you apparently still do. At the same time, I've been going to Billiken basketball games for over 30 years, I have had season tickets for 20 years, I am an alum, I have been a small dollar but loyal Billiken Club member and I have brought new people into both the Billiken Club and the ranks of season ticket holders.

At this point, I am confused. Are you suggesting we should go back to the "little engine that could" program we had before Chaifetz and RM? You know... where we have a small, loyal group all clad in the latest Billiken Club sweater all b/c we gave $500 or so? I remember those days. I was at Spoonhour's Pasta House restaurants (both at Union Station and later in the CWE) where a 100 of us had a post-game meal and shook the hand of Debbie Yow and then Doug Woolard. I was at the old Kiel and would gather before the games and had at halftimes in the concourses and would visit and talk among the "club" about the latest recruiting target target -- of course, we realized our place and that our team would never really be able to compete with the elite schools but we would still field a good team, play disciplined ball and hope for an upset... Back them, Fr. Biondi was not ridiculed or the source of complaints -- instead he was the respected leader of SLU. No one dared question or publicly criticize Fr. Biondi or SLU as that was reserved for the "public" or "state" universities. Transformation of the campus had begun. A few years later, we stopped playing games at West Pine gym (yes I watched games and practices there) and the Arena in favor of the new Kiel/Savvis/Scottrade. We also upgraded our conference by being charter members in the Great Midwest and Conf USA with Marquette and DePaul. I thoroughly enjoyed these days and these moments -- in large part b/c the rest of the St. Louis area sports community would NOT talk about our Bills. Yes, we did not break NCAA rules like Mizzou and the Illini would do but at the same time, SLU basketball was irrelevant in the world of D1 college basketball.

Since then, Debbie Yow got frustrated with Fr. Biondi and left. Yes, Spoon put some good teams together but even he did not have strong back to back recruiting classes before he also got frustrated with Fr. Biondi and left. Doug Woolard was a failure. Romar was the wrong hire. We lost our connections with DePaul, Marquette, Memphis and Cincy, we hired Brad on the cheap, we fell behind Valley schools like SIUC and MO State, we kept practicing at West Pine Gym and plans for a new arena stalled. IMO, we hit a new low at this time.

Since this low, we found Dr. Chaifetz and made a splash hire with RM. Ticket prices increased, mandatory donations were installed, new seating rules were installed and we were going "big-time". Expansion and a new Billiken tent was installed for the new fanbase -- not just the loyal few. Our program was to mainstream and become relevant in D1 college basketball again. We needed new and more people. We needed more donations and interest. Are we no longer trying to expand the base? Do we really not want more people under the tent? Are we really that offended by some of the new people (a small minority) who are now under the tent? Imagine that -- some of those under the new Billiken tent don't share the same views as the older, established, well-connected.

IMO, if SLU wants to remain relevant, we need to acknowledge, respect and appreciate our fan base. We need to get out in front of stories. We need to inform, reward and grow our fan base. Perception is often more important than reality. And you guys may be right. Fr. Biondi may be aware that we need a new head coach, that he understands time is rather important and that he is actively working behind the scenes. At the same time, I have left the new Billiken's tent. I will keep going to games but I have stopped donating and stopped being a Billiken Club member until I am acknowledged, appreciated and respected. Obviously, my money and support is not needed. I just hope things don't fall too far before Fr. Biondi's eventual successor is appointed.

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Insiders say "stay positive we know good things are happenning but we can't really tell you specifics, just trust us"

But isn't it much easier to stay positive amidst the turmoil that frequently seems to surround the Bills if you actually have the inside info? It'd be like if there was a sniper outside your house shooting at it. He's shot 10 shots, I know he only has 10 bullets, you don't. It'd be easier for me to walk out into the street than it would for you. Regardless of what I tell you.

Anyone who thinks how long it's taking to get Crews announced as the permanent head coach is normal is nuts. It's not especially when fans were lead to believe things would move quickly. If you don't want fans speculating don't leave them anything to speculate about.

Yep it's normal which is why statements like this lead stories about JC being named National Coach of the year

St. Louis University interim basketball coach Jim Crews, who is entering the second week of having the “interim’’ tag removed any day now,

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For God's sake - you guys are making mountains out of molehills. All I'm saying is that if people on this board attack those with inside info when they post it, then they won't. Sorry it's not more exciting than that.

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For God's sake - you guys are making mountains out of molehills. All I'm saying is that if people on this board attack those with inside info when they post it, then they won't. Sorry it's not more exciting than that.

Can't disagree with that. I must have missed where he was attacked

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Billiken. I've always enjoyed your posts. A bit on the optimistic side but prefer positive over negative. Hope you don't stop posting.

Billiken and AlumniFan. A little bit of info about me. I admit that I am quite critical of Fr. Biondi and I know that annoys you guys. I also admit that I don't regularly receive the inside information I once did and you apparently still do. At the same time, I've been going to Billiken basketball games for over 30 years, I have had season tickets for 20 years, I am an alum, I have been a small dollar but loyal Billiken Club member and I have brought new people into both the Billiken Club and the ranks of season ticket holders.

At this point, I am confused. Are you suggesting we should go back to the "little engine that could" program we had before Chaifetz and RM? You know... where we have a small, loyal group all clad in the latest Billiken Club sweater all b/c we gave $500 or so? I remember those days. I was at Spoonhour's Pasta House restaurants (both at Union Station and later in the CWE) where a 100 of us had a post-game meal and shook the hand of Debbie Yow and then Doug Woolard. I was at the old Kiel and would gather before the games and had at halftimes in the concourses and would visit and talk among the "club" about the latest recruiting target target -- of course, we realized our place and that our team would never really be able to compete with the elite schools but we would still field a good team, play disciplined ball and hope for an upset... Back them, Fr. Biondi was not ridiculed or the source of complaints -- instead he was the respected leader of SLU. No one dared question or publicly criticize Fr. Biondi or SLU as that was reserved for the "public" or "state" universities. Transformation of the campus had begun. A few years later, we stopped playing games at West Pine gym (yes I watched games and practices there) and the Arena in favor of the new Kiel/Savvis/Scottrade. We also upgraded our conference by being charter members in the Great Midwest and Conf USA with Marquette and DePaul. I thoroughly enjoyed these days and these moments -- in large part b/c the rest of the St. Louis area sports community would NOT talk about our Bills. Yes, we did not break NCAA rules like Mizzou and the Illini would do but at the same time, SLU basketball was irrelevant in the world of D1 college basketball.

Since then, Debbie Yow got frustrated with Fr. Biondi and left. Yes, Spoon put some good teams together but even he did not have strong back to back recruiting classes before he also got frustrated with Fr. Biondi and left. Doug Woolard was a failure. Romar was the wrong hire. We lost our connections with DePaul, Marquette, Memphis and Cincy, we hired Brad on the cheap, we fell behind Valley schools like SIUC and MO State, we kept practicing at West Pine Gym and plans for a new arena stalled. IMO, we hit a new low at this time.

Since this low, we found Dr. Chaifetz and made a splash hire with RM. Ticket prices increased, mandatory donations were installed, new seating rules were installed and we were going "big-time". Expansion and a new Billiken tent was installed for the new fanbase -- not just the loyal few. Our program was to mainstream and become relevant in D1 college basketball again. We needed new and more people. We needed more donations and interest. Are we no longer trying to expand the base? Do we really not want more people under the tent? Are we really that offended by some of the new people (a small minority) who are now under the tent? Imagine that -- some of those under the new Billiken tent don't share the same views as the older, established, well-connected.

IMO, if SLU wants to remain relevant, we need to acknowledge, respect and appreciate our fan base. We need to get out in front of stories. We need to inform, reward and grow our fan base. Perception is often more important than reality. And you guys may be right. Fr. Biondi may be aware that we need a new head coach, that he understands time is rather important and that he is actively working behind the scenes. At the same time, I have left the new Billiken's tent. I will keep going to games but I have stopped donating and stopped being a Billiken Club member until I am acknowledged, appreciated and respected. Obviously, my money and support is not needed. I just hope things don't fall too far before Fr. Biondi's eventual successor is appointed.

-I hope the U has a program where someone calls season ticket holders or BClub members that leave to try to get them to stay or understand the circumstances of their leaving, a retention effort if you will, but if not I guess Clock is gone forever as a either of those because not being a season ticket holder or a BClub member will probably not lead to acknowledgement, appreciation or respect

-and part of this reads to me like I will take my ball and go home, so be it

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For God's sake - you guys are making mountains out of molehills. All I'm saying is that if people on this board attack those with inside info when they post it, then they won't. Sorry it's not more exciting than that.

Maybe we could give "insiders" a little halo for their avatar. A signal to the rest of us that they are immune from criticism and disagreement and we should accept, gratefully, their wisdom.

This, like other fan forums, is a place where all kinds of people with all kinds of opinions come to share information, ideas and opinions. One would hope that some measure of civility would be observed, but disagreement and the occasional vulgarity are to be expected. Let's not pack up our toys and go home because some dude on an Internet forum disagrees with our post(s).

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Maybe we could give "insiders" a little halo for their avatar. A signal to the rest of us that they are immune from criticism and disagreement and we should accept, gratefully, their wisdom.

This, like other fan forums, is a place where all kinds of people with all kinds of opinions come to share information, ideas and opinions. One would hope that some measure of civility would be observed, but disagreement and the occasional vulgarity are to be expected. Let's not pack up our toys and go home because some dude on an Internet forum disagrees with our post(s).

But people do pack up and go home - it's called reality. Board participants either learn and more info is available or they don't and less info is available. It really is that simple.

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