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Clemons is dismissed.


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with this issue. I thought AD Mike Alden had set up a committee consisting of athletic and non-athletic members to deal with disciplinary issues such as Clemons. I know I'm in the minority and will catch flak for this, but I'm sad to see Clemons go. Hopefully, he'll learn from his mistakes and somehow turn this sad chapter into a happy ending.

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>with this issue. I thought AD Mike Alden had set up a

>committee consisting of athletic and non-athletic members to

>deal with disciplinary issues such as Clemons. I know I'm

>in the minority and will catch flak for this, but I'm sad to

>see Clemons go. Hopefully, he'll learn from his mistakes

>and somehow turn this sad chapter into a happy ending.

And this is the same guy who recently went on a witch hunt about SLU over stuff that never happened! "Sad to see Clemons go." I wonder if you would've felt that way if it was your daughter? What a fool!

The entire Clemons affair from his recruitment until his last hooray at the President's pad is a disgrace. Maybe Ricky has time now to go back and get his high school dimploma.

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I didn't read the link, so I may be shooting from the hip here. But, I wonder if Ricky Bad Boy would have been released had he not hurt himself in an ATV accident? Just a thought. Mizzery hoops is starting to leave a very sour taste in my mouth.

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aj, if it was an isolated one time mistake on clemons part, that is one thing. i am all for second chances. but this kid's history is full of "second chances". he should never have been brought to missouri in the first place. a dose of reality might be the only thing that wakes this kid up and the fact he now has virtually nothing waiting for him when he gets out of jail maybe it will finally now come to hit him.

if missouri really cared about him, they could kick him off the basketball team but allow him to complete a degree. i would have been nothing but impressed with a gesture like that. sadly there is no mention of any such act in the press release. seems to me that ultimately missouri was only interested in ricky clemons the jump shooter, not ricky clemons the troubled youth.

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If Quin Snyder had the ultimate say, then I'd say Ricky is still there. However, there has been increasing pressure from the public, faculty, and administration to rid themselves of Ricky. We'll see if Ricky Clemons has this smoking gun that you've suggested he held.

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Wow ... this is a telling passage from the KC article:

"Missouri fans can only hope that there are no further revelations in the Clemons sage, one which included his receiving 24 college credit hours last summer, just prior to transferring to MU from the College of Southern Idaho.

"I have been assured, by Quin and Lane Odom, that there are no situations out there," Alden said of any concerns that Clemons might have information involving his recruitment that would be of interest to the NCAA."

Let me augment Alden's quote ..... "Let me assure you that if Quin and Lane's assurances go south, so too shall they."

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Not a bad thought, aj ... however, screw public pressure .... you dismissed the kid from representing the university in a public venue. That's enough as far as public pressure is concerned. If you did truly care about him, I think you let him keep the scholarship and get his degree. They cut him loose hook, line and sinker.

Even if he had his 'ship for this one year,as Alden said it can't even be used anyway, I'm willing to bet he'd flunk out or decline it anyway. Can't see this guy hanging too, too close to the place where it all ended. Besides, I'm sure he's the next Jordan as well ......

They;ve tried to end this association with a cleaver. Sounds like the internet is full of rumors of Ricky cleaving them back. Don't believe such an issue would be out of character for him.

Just out of curisoity .... where is this guy from originally? I know it can't be Idaho. Just curious.

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I can't speak for Roy, but allow me to weigh in on why I have a dislike for Mizzou sports. First of all, my Dad doesn't like Mizzou, so he passed that on to me at a young age. As I have grown up I have been built up that dislike myself, and probably the biggest reason is the arrogance of Mizzou fans who say that since SLU is not as athletically strong as Mizzou, SLU is worthless and deserves no respect(sometimes they also add that since Mizzou is better athletically and that since SLU isn't at the Ivy League level or Wash. U's level, there is no reason for SLU to be given any respect or interest).

Let me add one disclaimer though: This dislike is directed at Mizzou Athletics. I have family members who have gone to Mizzou who are very good, caring people who represent the University of Missouri well. Also, some of my classmates at DeSmet who went to Mizzou are good, upstanding human beings. It just is unfortunate that I can't say the same thing about everyone I know who is affiliated with the University of Missouri.

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He squarely put all of the blame (if there is any blame to be had) on Quin's shoulders if something does come up. Speaking hypothetically, if something did come out, he would have little choice but to discipline or even fire Quin, since it would mean that Quin flat-out lied to him.

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thicks said, "Other than the arrogance of some Missouri fans, what ever did Mizzou do to you?"

that's enough to justify my hatred right there. all those years of putdowns and refusal to play us. that's enough.

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I don't see how any body should think Mizzou should keep this guy on any sort of scholarship. He probably never deserved or should have gotten the opportunity to be there in the first place. He is an adult, responsible for his own actions. He was given an incredible opportunity that you or could not have gotten, based soley on his athletic ability. He screwed up and then lied about it. He was given another chance and lied to the school about his permission to be at the party. Sorry but I believe he needs to accept his well deserved release .... shut up and try to get his life on track. He has had enough chances

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i thought it was extremely interesting that clemons refused to meet with alden face to face to discuss the matter.

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never underestimate the power of the insurance of having two extremely close boosters that are two of the richest men in the world. we will never hear a word.

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i agree. that one statement puts the spotlight on snyder and odom should clemons explode. the fact alden saw fit to make that statement imo speaks volumes. he has clearly drawn a line that would save his own a$$ and put all blame squarely on pretty q and odom.

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