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...it seems from a distance we have no one who wants the ball in their hand at the end ala Marque, Mo, etc. Any stats would be appreciated. 50 point games ain't gonna fill many seats especially when you're losing them. Who ever would of thunk it, 1-4 to start the year. Still time to right this ship, which must happen because the CUSA Hurricane season is looming on the horizon. I'm beginning to dread the Zaga and Iowa games.

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I'm dreading Wisconsin-Milwaukee this week.

It baffles me how we miss so many layups - 10 in today's game. In one of the best plays of the game, Polk made a pretty no-look pass to Newbourne, who then made a quick pass to Drejaj, who was cutting towards the basket - he then proceeded to blow the easy layup.

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what is exactly going on with our game breaks? the ticket deal today had some merit, but then they blew it with the way each contest played out. my gosh the chevy's kid was horrible. and considering that three of the 5 shots were not easy shots, we actually had no chance if reggie was shooting of getting the full 25% discount.

i have long been a proponent that the hardees thick burger race is a joke.

and the last one where the little kids had to get dressed and then shoot the layup on the other end ..... that has never worked, why they keep bringing that one out of the mothballs is beyond me. btw, where the heck is that mexican restaurant? i have never heard of it.

anyone else bristle that the little kids cheering (they were darling though) were all wearing mi$$ouri cheerleading outfits?

what was up with the long rap song during the one break? the band wasnt even on break at the time.

the group of lady slu students that sang the national anthem were fantastic. kudos for bringing them out. give them some more volume though. we deserve to hear all those great harmonies.

of course our band is still the best damn pep band in all the land. great job as usual band. hey why not let the one drummer sing "vehicle" again? you guys do that song so well and the one time he sang it was pretty good imo. is the "hey baby" in the closet?

at least they didnt do the "dating game" again.

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Roy Qdoba is actually a very decent place. I think they are just starting to put them in this area. There is one by my house, Lindbergh and New Halls Ferry, which of course is not exactly in your neck of the woods.

Those shots were not that difficult, any self respecting bball fan should be able to make layups. Sometimes I think they put total spazzes out there to rig the contests. In nearly 2 decades of watching these contests I have seen a handful of people with actual skills participate.

I'm very afraid that we may see the dating game again this year. I almost had to walk out of the arena during that trainwreck. Memo to marketing these things should be scripted!!!!! You cannot give the mike to some Joe blow and expect he/she to be entertaining.

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I have had Qdoba is okay for a quick fast food burrito, a tad messy, and VERY inconsistent on amount of meat they will put into your food. One of those...can I have a little more chicken, because he didn't put much in it, and the guy says that will be an extra $$.

I believe they originated in Colorado, and had to change their name due to a lawsuit several years back...other midwestern cities have had it for years.

Baja Fresh(California) is MUCH MUCH better, but I believe only Chicago has them in the midwest so far.

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I love Q-Doba, used to eat there about twice a week in WI and was SO happy a few have gone in here (closest to SLU are on South Grand and The Loop). Actually, Courtside, they were originally called "Z-Teca" but I think it was a marketing reason for changing the name. I have a friend who swears that Chipotle is much better and actually drives to Columbia to get the burritos when he really wants one!

As for the game UWM is a good team. They play defense like UAB does, pressing all of the time. Their big guns are Joah Tucker, an undersized PF who is developing a nice all-around game (originally signed with Bradley), Chris Hill, their PG is a dual scoring/assist threat, Ed McCants is their starting PG and is ok but I like Hill better, and Adrian Tigart is a stud in the paint who didn't get high-major looks due to his height but should be playing at a higher level. Dwyane will have his hands full breaking their trapping press.

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No comparison, IMO. I used to live around the corner from the CWE Tomatillo and would have it occasionally as it was a poor-man's substiute to Qboda, IMO. The salsa's are very comparable but I just don't find it was good. Don't like the seasonings they put on the chicken, though when they changed to jalapeno rice it improved. The Qdoba queso burrito is addictive as hell!

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I went to the Vandy - Cal State Northridge game the other day and was fairly impressed with some of the things they did. The one I liked the best was giving away free pizza's. They have one guy (similiar role to the guy SLU had that would do the YMCA dance and throw T-shirts)who would run around at the break pumping up fans and running through the stands giving away small Papa John's pizza's. He had a ton of energy and would actually come into the stands. Nothing gets a crowd fired up more than free food. He would make appearences at other breaks to give away free gifts as well. He had a ton of energy and the people around me were always excited when he came out.

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it doesn't make sense to me to whip the crowd into a frenzy during the timeouts, because it doesn't carry over when play resumes. When commotion is approriate in accordance to the action on the court, THEN try to rev up the crowd.

In general, I sit quietly during the timeout and start making noise when the action resumes.

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They do that promotion at many colleges across the country, usually a Papa John's or Domino's.

I like the one where there are big cards/signs face down in a row horizontal at center court. The guy gets a ball, makes a shot, then runs and turns over a sign....you get a certain amount of time.....and he keeps doing it until he flips over a sign for a trip to somewhere warm. It is very fun.

Get a trip sponsor...etc...

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