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  1. I didn't realize Phillip Russell transferred to VCU.
  2. If you went to SLU, you know. Incredibly sad to hear this.
  3. Maybe an early tease as to who the top 5 are at this point?
  4. Apologies if this hits a paywall. Absolutely fascinating article about Coach Schertz and staff. Obviously we haven't seen a second of ball yet, but it sure as hell seems like on paper we may have stumbled upon Majerus 2.0 as far as where his mind is at. These guys seem to be at an entirely different level and just pure Basketball Nerds and I absolutely Love It!
  5. Anyone else been following this today? Absolutely wild...
  6. That's what happens when they wear leggings for that event...
  7. I wonder how much of being "disappointed" with Dotzler was the fact that Swope is simply that good? I think when it's all said and done, Dotzler is going to thrive in Schertz offense as I think he has the potential to be a really good shooter and playmaker. It just may not be this year that it happens as Swope will be our leading guard.
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