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Dr Bird

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About Dr Bird

  • Birthday 10/26/1960

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    Wentzville MO

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  • Favorite Billiken
    Monroe Douglass

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Sophomore (3/7)

  1. 2 in st peters/weldon springs area and one in Wentzville. I eat lunch at the Wolfrum/94 location almost every business day and its rarely pizza. They have a pretty broad menu and experienced and friendly staff
  2. I feel like Schertz is getting EXACTLY who he wants to get, within realistic expectations. I am pumped for November!
  3. Yep, and I'm fine with anyone spending big $$$ to enhance Billikens basketball. I don't care how the SLU AD budget is being balanced. That is someone else's problem. I want to see fast-paced, team-oriented, winning basketball, and I think that is exactly what we will get.
  4. Don't forget Abdur Raheem Al-Mateen. I believe he played for Coach Grawer after time in the military service?
  5. This is amazingly good news. Hopefully the remaining pieces will fall into place soon.
  6. Oats or Beard would be an amazing hire for Kentucky.
  7. If Arky wants Calipari, will UK would force them to pay at least a portion of the buyout? My guess is a much reduced buyout
  8. Amazingly dumb and careless basketball by Cincinnati down the stretch. ISU basketball IQ is very high.
  9. The popularity of women's college basketball is soaring. I hope the Billikens can be a big part of it. There's a lot to like about Coach Tillett besides the awesome A10 tourney run last year. I think she makes great halftime adjustments. I also like her overall in-game demeanor. Recruiting prowess remains an unknown. This off-season is very important for them. We need an influx of talent.
  10. At least they only said "interview Ahearn" rather than "hire Ahearn" My immediate thought is why would any of those guys have the best interest in SLU in mind? And no one will disparage their reputation if Ahearn would subsequently fail because they were "just looking out for a friend".
  11. Glad dukies won but that game was painful to watch. Normally solid Clark and Grant really struggled. Props to Coach Dambrot.
  12. The new coach will decide who he wants to pursue from the old roster. Spoonhour "re-recruited" Highmark and Claggett even though the team had only won 5 games (and Highmark was not a renowned defender). Spoonball was very different from Grawer's style. If the new coach cleans house, so be it. If he re-recruits some of the existing players, that's great. Either way, the new coach will be incentivized to win and will do what it takes to get there.
  13. I agree Gibby's defense has improved. I think during the latter part of the season, we were a better team overall with SVB on the floor.
  14. My main reasons for wanting to move on is the blowout opening round losses in the 1 NCAA and both NITs. It became unreasonable to hope for a deep run under Ford. It's time to see what the next guy can do.
  15. why is Bruce out there at this stage of game?
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