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About AMDG-Unit

  • Birthday February 22

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  1. Oh no, there is. My Billiken ballers need to be able to format papers in AP, APA AND Turabian (Chicago) styles.
  2. I’d rather our staff take the time showing them around Pius Library and sitting in a few Philosophy classes. If these kids aren’t interested in joining the Micah program then they may as well sign with some godless school like Georgetown.
  3. Now having a fun time picturing literally any of my former professors being included in this coaching search. Small group of powerful boosters… and a random Arts&Sciences prof there to ensure the coach’s philosophy aligns with Ignatian Pedagogy.
  4. Jesuits get paid— their salary just goes to the Jesuit community they live in. So the $900K salary a president earns is given to the Jesuits living on campus. Same as a professor making $75K. A bit of a robbing Peter to pay Paul situation, but the university and the Jesuit community are separate entities. And the individual Jesuit shares their salary with their brother priests and scholastics.
  5. What was the final shot? Down 1 with 3.4 to play (after being up 15 at one point) NBA range 3… AIRBALL. Woof. A10 Basketball remains undefeated.
  6. Regardless of SLU results, heard this weekend Ford is gone at season’s end. Per an assistant coach at another program I am personal friends with. He said the SLU assistants have been working their networks trying to land their next moves.
  7. Where are the starched button downs I can tuck into my light washed jeans while wearing penny loafers and white socks?
  8. I don't want to take full credit for the Homefield deal, but I did passively aggressively suggest to their Customer Relations team back in January that we should get it done. You're welcome.
  9. Went to a Jesuit high school, didn't have the grades to get into UT. Knew that the Jesuit colleges all gave money to Jesuit high school kids; SLU was the best school I got into and they gave the most money, it had the best athletics program of the schools applied to (which isn't saying much, but the others were LMU and Spring Hill), wanted to try out what having four seasons a year is like, and I liked the color blue. First game I went to as a freshman, got bused down to Scottrade to see Kevin Lisch almost single-handedly upset #10 ranked Xavier in the final minute. Didn't miss a home game the rest of my time at SLU besides my semester in Spain. At the UH game this year, I was in line to get beer with another alum, wearing SLU gear, and some Cougar fans behind us kept chirping at us "to go back to St. Louis," and the confusion on their face as we explained that we were both from Texas and still live here really messed with their heads.
  10. Seconded. Better turnout than expected.
  11. Houston Bill here. Super pumped. I will be at the game. Bringing a group of 6-8 fellow SLU alums and other Jesuit university supporting fans with me.
  12. Any of you other SLUsers here in Texas receive this email for the pre-game reception before the UH game Dec. 16? Any of you going? https://alumni.slu.edu/s/1264/17/interior.aspx?sid=1264&gid=1&pgid=6095&cid=9738&ecid=9738&authkey=KzSFFRra%2f%2fBknWX0QPTpP8TeZE5IgVfjVPljI6pYdOArvRUaM9ow0w%3d%3d
  13. This is the reference I was not expecting to see but thoroughly enjoyed. Can you also get super specific with your Mount Rushmore and include the time Majerus stopped the game to grab the PA mic and yell at the student section for throwing stuff? If this is personal, my Billiken Rushmore is: Lisch, Conklin, Jett, Majerus. All time has to be: McCauley, Bonner, Hughes, Majerus.
  14. I noticed that too, but I think it might be because he is the 33rd president in school history? Could be wrong. Regardless, they had the jersey lying around so it was easy to frame... Also, the potential names for the district are horrible. Why do we need to name this district? Seems superfluous.
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