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We've obviously touched on basketball factors here, but this is SLU. Majerus also has an eye on academic aptitude as well. I think that when Majerus talks about kids progressing or regressing, a lot of that also has to do with how they are performing in the classroom. When a student-athlete is struggling academically, it tends to translate to their performance on the court, even in practice. Here's hoping whatever CR needs to turnaround is turned around over the summer months.

Mesquite, TX represent.

The feeling I got from Saturday from Coach is that CRs biggest obstacle is his aggressiveness. Says that CR is such a nice guy, that he often takes that to the court. CR needs to learn to have that fiery, competitive edge that nice guys (coach mentioned stockton) can have once they get on the court. Needs to develop a killer and competitive instinct. Probably frustrating for coach because in my mind, that is probably one of the hardest things to teach a player.
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You know nothing about CR's academic performance. This argument makes no sense. You went from saying CR has no work ethic to saying his academic struggles follow him to the court without any proof.

The general public is not privy to grades, but Majerus alludes to "classroom struggles" quite often in his little fireside chats with the Billiken Club.

Thanks, Woodward and Bernstein.

Oh, and if you do know anything about CR's academic performance, it would be an utter delight for you to share that information with us. I mean, since you seem to know everything.

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The feeling I got from Saturday from Coach is that CRs biggest obstacle is his aggressiveness. Says that CR is such a nice guy, that he often takes that to the court. CR needs to learn to have that fiery, competitive edge that nice guys (coach mentioned stockton) can have once they get on the court. Needs to develop a killer and competitive instinct. Probably frustrating for coach because in my mind, that is probably one of the hardest things to teach a player.

Can't you light a fire under a belly by threatening to pull a scholarship?

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The general public is not privy to grades, but Majerus alludes to "classroom struggles" quite often in his little fireside chats with the Billiken Club.

Thanks, Woodward and Bernstein.

Oh, and if you do know anything about CR's academic performance, it would be an utter delight for you to share that information with us. I mean, since you seem to know everything.

He doesn't have to know the specifics about CR's academic performance. His point was that it's uncalled for you to speculate that he might be struggling in the classroom.
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05, you are a pest and no one cares. Go jump off the top of Gries.

I think this is completely over the line. We can have disagreements on this board, but for you to basically tell someone to kill himself seems downright inappropriate to me. But I guess that is what you bring to the board.

You also seem to be making wild speculation about CR's academic performance and work ethic. At the Q&A with Majerus, he mentioned that CR is basically the nicest guy you'd meet, and that he needs to develop a killer instinct on the court and to become more agressive. In other interviews, he has mentioned that CR did not progress and maybe even regressed this past season, but never criticized his work habits. In fact, he had Cory point out at the Q&A how much his vertical leap has improved since arriving at SLU based on strength and conditioning. I think this would at least be an indication that Cory has a certain amount of work ethic.

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I think this is completely over the line. We can have disagreements on this board, but for you to basically tell someone to kill himself seems downright inappropriate to me. But I guess that is what you bring to the board.

You also seem to be making wild speculation about CR's academic performance and work ethic. At the Q&A with Majerus, he mentioned that CR is basically the nicest guy you'd meet, and that he needs to develop a killer instinct on the court and to become more agressive. In other interviews, he has mentioned that CR did not progress and maybe even regressed this past season, but never criticized his work habits. In fact, he had Cory point out at the Q&A how much his vertical leap has improved since arriving at SLU based on strength and conditioning. I think this would at least be an indication that Cory has a certain amount of work ethic.

My bad, then. My bad.

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My bad, then. My bad.

The key to next year is CE becoming more of an inside presence to go with this outside game. He needs to be more a Heyward type of player. Not saying he can be as talented as Heyward just that he has to play that type of game at an acceptable level.

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The key to next year is CE becoming more of an inside presence to go with this outside game. He needs to be more a Heyward type of player. Not saying he can be as talented as Heyward just that he has to play that type of game at an acceptable level.

I am not comfortable with him dribbling between the rings, though. Let's not go that far with the comparisons.

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Between '05 and Metz, the next one to instigate something with the other gets a month ban.

Put each other on Ignore, its probably for the best.

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If Barnett is not a starter next year this team is in trouble. Barnett better be good enough to start compared to the returning options.

He is a player that Rickma had referred to as an all-conference type of player on multiple occasions. If he doesn't come close to that level of production........ Next year will be a disappointment. Barnett is the biggest key to next season.

Very much disagree with this statement. While Barnett's contributions will be important, our backcourt should be terrific, with or without him. KM, MM, and DE would be a helluva 1-3, but add in JJ and KC, and it's also very deep.

IMO, the key is simply to have a breakthrough for one of our bigs. People have mentioned Cory, Cody, and Conk (Conk may continue to improve, but I don't think he's the answer), but I think Loe is the best candidate.

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Very much disagree with this statement. While Barnett's contributions will be important, our backcourt should be terrific, with or without him. KM, MM, and DE would be a helluva 1-3, but add in JJ and KC, and it's also very deep.

IMO, the key is simply to have a breakthrough for one of our bigs. People have mentioned Cory, Cody, and Conk (Conk may continue to improve, but I don't think he's the answer), but I think Loe is the best candidate.

+1. We will have the best backcourt in the A-10 next year and I think a top ten backcourt in the country. Our frontcourt however is average at best, but I think Loe could take a big step forward.
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+1. We will have the best backcourt in the A-10 next year and I think a top ten backcourt in the country. Our frontcourt however is average at best, but I think Loe could take a big step forward.

A top ten back court in the country? I'm excited about having Kwamain back, and I'm all for Kyle and our young guys, but what makes you think that? If we have a top ten backcourt in the country I expect us to win the A10 outright and win tournament games, plural. Is that possible? Perhaps. But do you really think thats a fair expectation?

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Very much disagree with this statement. While Barnett's contributions will be important, our backcourt should be terrific, with or without him. KM, MM, and DE would be a helluva 1-3, but add in JJ and KC, and it's also very deep.

IMO, the key is simply to have a breakthrough for one of our bigs. People have mentioned Cory, Cody, and Conk (Conk may continue to improve, but I don't think he's the answer), but I think Loe is the best candidate.

Terrific w/o JB? Who will shoot the ball from the outside? DE is a good player but not sure he ready to play the 3, and if he does, he will be effective w/in the 3 point line. I simply disagree. Since KL graduated, we have needed outside shooting. Aside from CE his first year, we really have not had anything close to good or consistent outside shooting. W/o the pressures and responsibilities of leading the team and running the office, maybe MM can step and be the shooter we need. Not saying he won't succeed from the outside, but don't believe we can count on MM to be the outside threat based upon what we have seen from him to date. Also, he has size working against him as many teams with have a guard who is 2" to 5" taller/longer arms than him making it harder to get a shot off. DE is good but his strength is not as a proven outside shooter. KC can do many things but being a consistent outside threat is not one of them. If CE and RL hit from the outside, then this will help but I just don't think we will be terrific with our bigs being the team's outside threat.

No. We desparately need JB and not only his outside shot but also his getting to the freethrow line where he can hit 9 out of 10 shots.

Instead, I believe our bigs will be decent to good if the outside shooting is good. W/o an outside threat, defenses will sink back onto our bigs and I just don't see RL, CR, CE and BC being able to make up for it.

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Terrific w/o JB? Who will shoot the ball from the outside? DE is a good player but not sure he ready to play the 3, and if he does, he will be effective w/in the 3 point line. I simply disagree. Since KL graduated, we have needed outside shooting. Aside from CE his first year, we really have not had anything close to good or consistent outside shooting. W/o the pressures and responsibilities of leading the team and running the office, maybe MM can step and be the shooter we need. Not saying he won't succeed from the outside, but don't believe we can count on MM to be the outside threat based upon what we have seen from him to date. Also, he has size working against him as many teams with have a guard who is 2" to 5" taller/longer arms than him making it harder to get a shot off. DE is good but his strength is not as a proven outside shooter. KC can do many things but being a consistent outside threat is not one of them. If CE and RL hit from the outside, then this will help but I just don't think we will be terrific with our bigs being the team's outside threat.

No. We desparately need JB and not only his outside shot but also his getting to the freethrow line where he can hit 9 out of 10 shots.

Instead, I believe our bigs will be decent to good if the outside shooting is good. W/o an outside threat, defenses will sink back onto our bigs and I just don't see RL, CR, CE and BC being able to make up for it.

I think you are discounting MM's shooting ability just a little bit. As a frosh, he shot 37% from three, which is the same as JB in his last season and a little bit higher than KM's last season. I can see the concern about getting his shot off due to his size, but he is a couple inches taller than KM, and KM has never had that issue. Basically, any height issues those two have are offset by their quickness.

I agree with your overall point, though. We really need JB to come in and be a difference maker. Having a 6'5" guard who can shoot from the outside and is also an excellent FT shooter can really help elevate this team. Amazingly, we now have two players on this team who can shoot 80+% from the FT line (MM and JB) and both will only be sophs.

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I think you are discounting MM's shooting ability just a little bit. As a frosh, he shot 37% from three, which is the same as JB in his last season and a little bit higher than KM's last season. I can see the concern about getting his shot off due to his size, but he is a couple inches taller than KM, and KM has never had that issue. Basically, any height issues those two have are offset by their quickness.

I agree with your overall point, though. We really need JB to come in and be a difference maker. Having a 6'5" guard who can shoot from the outside and is also an excellent FT shooter can really help elevate this team. Amazingly, we now have two players on this team who can shoot 80+% from the FT line (MM and JB) and both will only be sophs.

Good post. Not intending to discount MM's shooting. Glad he's here and looking forward to him playing with KM. Still, point guards can usually get their shots off easier than 2 guards who often line up on the wing, must shoot w/o the benefit of the dribble and are guarded by taller players. Frankly, MM has not had the chance to play the 2 so, IMO, he remains unproven. JJ and KC will also get minutes, will each hit some big shots (many from the outside) but cannot be counted on to be the outside shooter. DE is good but not a 3 point shooter. To me, aside from the need for KM to return to the form we expect and the incremental improvement of each player, IMO, JB is really the key to the team.

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A top ten back court in the country? I'm excited about having Kwamain back, and I'm all for Kyle and our young guys, but what makes you think that? If we have a top ten backcourt in the country I expect us to win the A10 outright and win tournament games, plural. Is that possible? Perhaps. But do you really think thats a fair expectation?

Who else do you think is better? I think we are nearly as talented and deeper than almost anyone you stack us up against.

In the A-10 alone, I don't see who would be better.

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Who else do you think is better? I think we are nearly as talented and deeper than almost anyone you stack us up against.

In the A-10 alone, I don't see who would be better.

We will not have a top 10 backcourt in the country. Hell, we will probably have the 3rd best back court in the A-10 behind X and Temple. Dont get me wrong I love our backcourt but you have to be realistic.
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We will not have a top 10 backcourt in the country. Hell, we will probably have the 3rd best back court in the A-10 behind X and Temple. Dont get me wrong I love our backcourt but you have to be realistic.





That leaves Evans and Cassity to match up with Redford and Davis. I would easily take our backcourt over X's.





Jett, Cassity and Evans easily better than DiLeo and Brown.

Again I would take ours.

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That leaves Evans and Cassity to match up with Redford and Davis. I would easily take our backcourt over X's.





Jett, Cassity and Evans easily better than DiLeo and Brown.

Again I would take ours.






If Temples guards play like they did in the NCAA tournament, I dont see how you can say our backcourt is better. I bet Holloway is back at X.

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If Temples guards play like they did in the NCAA tournament, I dont see how you can say our backcourt is better. I bet Holloway is back at X.

If TU comes back I think they have a top ten backcourt as well.
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Statistically, this is how our 5 guards (KM, MM, KC, JB, JJ) fared in their last season of play:

KM - 15.9 PPG, 3.0 APG, 3.0 RPG, .450 FG%, .360 3FG%, .715 FT%, 1.4 SPG

MM - 10.4 PPG, 3.0 APG, 2.1 RPG, .428 FG%, .366 3FG%, .824 FT%, 1.0 SPG

JB - 12.9 PPG, 1.5 APG, 4.3 RPG, .371 FG%, .370 3FG%, .802 FT%, 0.6 SPG

KC - 8.4 PPG, 3.4 APG, 2.3 RPG, .428 FG%, .328 3FG%, .683 FT%, 1.0 SPG

JJ - 7.5 PPG, 2.4 APG, 3.1 RPG, .423 FG%, .167 3FG%, .611 FT%, 1.4 SPG

I would be willing to stack that group of players against any other team in the A-10, regardless of Tu returning to X. I won't go so far as to say that it is top 10 in the country, but I believe it is this talented backcourt that led Lunardi to predict that SLU will make the tourney as an at-large.

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Who else do you think is better? I think we are nearly as talented and deeper than almost anyone you stack us up against.

In the A-10 alone, I don't see who would be better.

How much weight are you applying to our depth? That's great that we could have the best 4th guard in the nation. How many minutes is he going to average? Does it matter how good he is if for 30 minutes a game Austin Rivers and Seth Curry are running us out of the gym? Kwamain is going to step in and steal a lot of the minutes from MM and JJ. JB is going to do the same, likely at the 2 & 3 spots.

54% of our minutes came from guards last year. Almost 58% of them came from guards the year before. That's between 108-116 minutes per game to the guards. Kwamain and Kyle are playing 30 minutes per game. That leaves 16-18 a piece evenly between MM, JJ and JB assuming that no other guards step in to play (probably a fair assumption because we subtract PE and CS and gain KM and JB). JB, if effective, will likely play more than MM and JJ because he can play the 3.

Call me crazy, but a spread of:

KM 30

KC 30

JB 20

MM 18

JJ 18

doesn't scream Top 10 backcourt. I'll give you very good A10 backcourt. I don't think its going to scare Austin Rivers or any of his teammates. I don't think its even going to scare DJ Richardson and Brandon Paul.

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