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slu72's point is that he hopes Tom Frericks, who's suffering from an injury from the beginning of practice, doesn't wind up as injury-prone as Floyd McClain was.

I don't know who to compare Frericks to, whether from the Bills past or from other teams, based on what little I've seen so far. Why make a comparison? He's a tough inside presence who will anchor the center position for the Bills for the next two years. He'll be better than Evan Pedersen or Ryan Luechtefeld, I would guess, but I'm not expecting him to be all-conference.

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If there is a valid comparison between Leuchtefeld and Frericks then we are hosed this year. Tom doesn't from all descriptions appear to be a bean pole, one handed swipe rebounding, stiff. Given that, please don't insult him. Based solely on the descriptions of others I'd say Kenny Brown with a solid freethrow. If he's that we'll be in terrific shape!

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I orginally asked about Frericks, because I just wanted to see what kind of player he was. Somebody said why compare him, and my answer to that is, why not? To say he's tough is good, but doesn't give me much. Heinrich was tough and had tons of heart, but does that mean Frericks play is like his. I'm only asking, so I know what I can expect when I watch him play. The better FT shooting Kenny Brown comparison actually tells me a lot.

As far as him being compared to Leuchtefeld - I have no problem with Ryan. I think for what we had, he stepped up and played well at times. I will say though, that I hope Frericks is better than Leuchtefeld so I know this program is heading in the right direction, which I know it is.

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Ryan was ok. Just ok. He also had a bit of help from Heinrich and Baniak that year. He was not a good rebounder period. I don't remember him being a terrific defender either. I'd hope to God that Tom is better than Ryan in every facet of his game this year. If he isn't we are screwed.

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Please tell me where in my post I said Tom Frericks is like Ryan Luechtefeld. What I said is that Frericks will be better than Luck. That doesn't suggest there's any similarities in their games other than position. There MAY be similarities, but I haven't seen enough of Frericks to know. I suspect, though, that Frericks will be a much more immovable defensive presence than Luck was. I wouldn't say that Tom's game is much like Kenny Brown's though. Tom has better footwork and hands than KB, but he's even less of a shot-blocker.

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billiken rich said, "Based solely on the descriptions of others I'd say Kenny Brown with a solid freethrow."

i would be thrilled if this is true, but i havent gotten that feel from the descriptions i have read. i feel that brown is a probably better athlete. i was thinking more like a shorter version of heinrich.

i am looking forward to thursday nite to see him for myself.

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while i am not a ryan luck fan, i feel it only fair to point out that like chris sloan, he played out of position his whole college career. ryan never even played inside at his tiny high school, okawville, illinois. he was always a wing and spoon made him play inside because spoon was too damm lazy to ever recruit inside players. but unlike sloan, luck never quite rose to the occasion imo.

that said, rich is right, if we ever resort to the likes of a ryan luck as an iside player again, it would show the lack of progress by the program.

btw, for what it is worth, ryan's brother jeff was a warrior that is an alltime favorite of mine. talk about a kid that got all out of his ability and effort.

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I don't believe that there was much of a difference between Heinrich and Brown. They were both big and strong, excellent defenders, good rebounders, and terrible offensive players. Their statistics are comparable. In his senior season, Heinrich averaged 6.8 points and 4.5 rebounds in 21.0 minutes per game. In his senior season, K. Brown averaged 6.7 points and 6.4 rebounds in 27.3 minutes per game.

Tom should be better than both Heinrich and Brown offensively, and he should be a fine defensive player and rebounder so long as he remains healthy and out of foul trouble.

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brown was a better defender because he could jump higher than 6 inches off the ground and he could actually beat father biondi in a foot race. both of which i doubt heinrich could have done. brown also got out on the break and finished a number of fast breaks with slams, something i wished heinrich would have done at some point in his career. i might feel as strong about heinrich as rich feels about ryan luck.

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Brown couldn't jump any higher than Heinrich, and I am not convinced that Kenny was much faster than Chris. Chris finished two fast break dunks in the final ten minutes of the Illinois game at the dome. IMO, Kenny wasn't as good as you claim, and Chris wasn't as bad as you claim.

I say we end this debate because it doesn't matter anymore. I only care about how good Frericks, Husak, and Ian will be.

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