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One would figure


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that with the groundbreaking ceremony just days away, the PD sports department would be planning a lengthy story on just why this building is being built. Here we are a private institution in a time of great national uncertainty and anxiety pouring $75 mil into an entertainment complex. Why? It can't be because of our teams sparkling performances in the past. It's not due to an overly enthusiastic student body screaming for an onsite facility. It's not because we have some Mr. Got Rocks alum whose dying to see his name up in lights on I-40. It's not that we play our current schedule in some rat infested dilapidated ninety year old arena. Yet, Fr. Biondi deems it a necessary financial risk for the school to take. I am not against the arena, in fact all for it, but it still begs the question why and why now? Hopefully, such an article would give all SLU alumni, students, and fans some insight into what's behind Fr. Biondi's desire to see this project realized. Maybe there's been such an article, but it wouldn't hurt to update it Mr. PD Sports Editor.

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Story on SLU home page, and press release:

"Arena donors will be recognized at the event, which also is expected to bring out hundreds of faculty, staff, students and Billiken fans (italics mine) to witness the beginning of the long-awaited project."

As noted previously on this board: Has anyone received an invitation and/or strong exhortation to attend? Maybe I missed it, since I've been pretty overwhelmed with mail for the past few weeks.

As for the P-D, unfortunately I have stuff to attend to this week and weekend, so I won't be in the office to nose around and see if there will be a big splash Sunday or Monday. Unfortunately, SLU showed its usual PR prowess with that press release, which used that nice, passive "is expected to bring out" rather than "all fans are invited to attend!!!" -- and was picked up verbatim by the rip 'n' read element on our sports desk.

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sorry slu72, of course i agree. my point is you might as well be p!sing in a fan as get the post to cover the billikens as they should be covered. i'll keep reminding larry and tommy timmy as should everyone else, but obviously they arent too interested.

i have an invite to the ground breaking. i assumed they went to those that are donators to the cause, even those like me that are only buying bricks and maybe higher levels of the billiken club.

i cant imagine that anyone would be chased away for coming without an invite though. it would be neat to have a big crowd.

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It seems like they are really missing an chance to raise some money here. If they would send an inite to every season ticket holder, it would give them a chance to hit them up for a donation. I know they want to reward those of us that give money, but there are other ways to do that.

This would give them a chance to show the skeptics some progress. It would give them a chance to talk to a bunch a Billiken fans when they are feeling good about the program. It would be a chance to raise money at event that is already going, thus no or limited overhead.

Between invites and the way they seem to be dealing with this with the media, they are missing some opportunities. I think they are really just blowing it here.

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wait until the season tix holders finally realize they have been leap frogged on the seat selection order by 100's of billiken club members on the seniority list. not that they havent been warned over the last 12-15 years.

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My family has had our season tickets for over thirty years. I have been going since I was three. We know the deal. Everybody else should too. It's the way it is run now. It the way these places get built. The funny thing is that it is not alot of money to become part of the Billiken Club. You also don't have to have a membership for every ticket you have. I really dont think the are asking too much.

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>that with the groundbreaking ceremony just days away, the PD

>sports department would be planning a lengthy story on just

>why this building is being built. Here we are a private

>institution in a time of great national uncertainty and

>anxiety pouring $75 mil into an entertainment complex. Why?

>It can't be because of our teams sparkling performances in

>the past. It's not due to an overly enthusiastic student

>body screaming for an onsite facility. It's not because we

>have some Mr. Got Rocks alum whose dying to see his name up

>in lights on I-40. It's not that we play our current

>schedule in some rat infested dilapidated ninety year old

>arena. Yet, Fr. Biondi deems it a necessary financial risk

>for the school to take. I am not against the arena, in fact

>all for it, but it still begs the question why and why now?

>Hopefully, such an article would give all SLU alumni,

>students, and fans some insight into what's behind Fr.

>Biondi's desire to see this project realized. Maybe there's

>been such an article, but it wouldn't hurt to update it Mr.

>PD Sports Editor.

You sure seem to be against it from the tone of your post. Those questions you posed have been answered before. Besides, if you can't figure out why SLU is doing this you're dumber than I thought you were. Perhaps you've forgotten the reasons already. That's no surprise. You're old and forgetful. I know the real reason you were posting was to get Roy and some of your other butt boys to turn this into a Post Dispatch bashing thread. Stop trying to hide. If you wan't to do the monthly Post bashing thread than just do it. Don't hide behind some bogus post though.

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phan, are you tommy timmy?

it fits. you know very little about basketball and particularly the billikens, you are a flaming liberal like most newpaper people, and you religiously defend tommy timmy and the post dispatch and their worthlessness.

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>phan, are you tommy timmy?


>it fits. you know very little about basketball and

>particularly the billikens, you are a flaming liberal like

>most newpaper people, and you religiously defend tommy timmy

>and the post dispatch and their worthlessness.

Roy, it seems like you are turning this political. Isn't this the same thing you complained about others doing? Wasn't that one of your main justifications in getting rid of the offseason board? You consistently take jabs at "liberals", yet complain about current events discussions when someone takes a shot at a conservative or merely expresses an opinion about the Iraq war that is now shared by more than 60% of Americans. Practice what you preach. Maybe I should run to the principal like a couple of you guys did.

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>phan, are you tommy timmy?


>it fits. you know very little about basketball and

>particularly the billikens, you are a flaming liberal like

>most newpaper people, and you religiously defend tommy timmy

>and the post dispatch and their worthlessness.

Roy, Are you Rush Limbaugh?

You're a fat, ugly conservative who likes to spin everything. Based on your posts yesterday about Marquette you obviously know nothing about basketball including how to evaluate our beloved Bills. I'm smart enough to recognize the Post for what they are and what they are not. They are not the PR arm for SLU. You seem to think they are but then again you're not very smart. Our own Post "newspaper" guy on this site was bagging on the actual SLU PR department yet you take out your anger on the local paper. How can we expect the paper to provide us with good coverage if our own PR department can't get out the info and create excitement about the new building. Heck, OLDMAN72 still doesn't even know why their building the new Arena and he is supposed to be a diehard fan. If you hate the Post so much you should post on Bernie's board 50 times a day like you do. Don't be such a hypocrite.

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>phan, are you tommy timmy?


>it fits. you know very little about basketball and

>particularly the billikens, you are a flaming liberal like

>most newpaper people, and you religiously defend tommy timmy

>and the post dispatch and their worthlessness.

For the first time in history, Roy, I don't think you are being fair to Timmerman......

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I guess it's been a while since you've read the P-D, 72. Outside of its killer restaurant reviews, it's pretty much been reduced to stories picked up from the AP. The business section is practically non-existant and news coverage has been laughable since Lee bought Pulitzer. Judging from the number of mistakes I see every day (just taking a cursory glance at today's sports section, I caught a mention of Mets' catcher Paul Lo Duco), most of the proofreaders and copy editors have been canned. The P-D was recently named the "Worst Urban Newspaper" by an independent group.

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Right on Phandango, I was definitely knocking the PD. Your grasp of what would be obvious to even the most casual observer is indeed impressive. Probably picked up that skill from those online correspondence courses you took in Journalism at Phoenix University, huh? I want to thank you though, for answering a question I've had for awhile. I was wondering why newspaper readership is down across the country, but now that I know you're a news paper man, it all makes sense. But hang in there Billie Phandango, your work is appreciated by a great many caged birds, cats, and puppies who "read" it for the same reason I wear those depends you are so fascinated by.

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>I guess it's been a while since you've read the P-D, 72.

>Outside of its killer restaurant reviews,

The incestual "back slapping" that is prevalent on this board makes me sick. I love how everyone bags on the Post except for "the killer restaurant reviews." Gee, I wonder who that's a nod to?

Perhaps its been a while since your read a review. I'll provide an example:

"The toasted ravioli were crisp with a succulent meat filling. The accompanying red sauce tickled my senses. The Gooey Butter cake was sweet with just enough powdered sugar to make for a nice finish. The can of Busch was served with a glass - classy touch."

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if you dislike the fellowship on this board, nobody is forcing you to be a part of the billikens.com community. what exactly do you want us to do? treat each other like you treat all of us? that would be interesting.

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Again, you're intelligence shines though.

What's really a testament to your character (or lack there of) is you constant ridicule of people's careers. What kind of low life would do that? You not only bash people's opinions but then feel the need to bash there career. Apparently, in your eyes, selling mortgages, cars, insurance, or writing for a paper are all dispicable jobs (unless you're Timmerman, then it's ok apparently). Which leads me to understand you're situation much better. Ya know, cause most of us would have nothing without the aformentioned commodities. You are VERY embarrased by your life...and I can't blame you. The people you ridicule all have succesful, happy lives. They are all smart people who have been able to aquire enough wealth to live a comfortable life. They are proud of what they have accomplished and share with the community. You wish you could be even half the man these people are.

So, phan go ahead and call me a hick, hee haw, what have you. But tonight when you're all alone in your small studio apartment trying to watch tv on you're 8" black and white, but can't see anything due to the snow, think of us in our nice living rooms enjoying life with our family and friends.

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He's just an angry little boy, Roy...I think his anger stems from a sad childhood. He's the board's resident Sybil. Flyphan, Billiken TK, just a few of his AKA's. But he's kind of fun to kick around...even though he's really a Dayton phan.

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