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Everything posted by AnkielBreakers

  1. It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!! Does anyone else feel that way? Baseball, football, and basketball starting up all at the same time. I guess it is no comparison to summer time , but it is always pretty amazing nonetheless.
  2. Interesting. Well, you can find him in the wood shed.
  3. That right, we could support 3 baseball teams, 2 soccer teams, or 2 hockey teams. But 0 football, pro basketball, lacrosse, rugby, or other teams. We need to stay in our lane.
  4. I don’t know that I have lived anywhere that despises the NBA more than St. Louis. I don’t think you can even survive in most jobs if you bring up the NBA regularly in this town. I just can’t imagine it succeeding here.
  5. This is a very impressive video. I will just leave it at that.
  6. The whole point of the NCAA was stated as a means to keep young men from wasting time in a minor league and the intellectual cost to the country. No one really considered a situation where the money from sports would be good enough to eclipse an education for a young man in the immediate term. I don’t see why your proposal would be bad for the NCAA or the country. It would fit with the mission and intent of the NCAA. I honestly think that the current rules were intended to scare kids away from going to minor leagues, which also might have been to help the NCAA build a monopoly. Pretty anticompetitive.
  7. So, you are saying that viewership will be slightly down when the Bills win the championship for the third straight time? Bummer.
  8. “Another division I offer from SLU.” Coach Ford is offering players two times, it’s a Double Offer. This is the sort of innovative recruiting that sets T. Ford apart from the crowd. Five years from now, he will introduce The Triple Offer.
  9. A few years ago, I looked at rankings, and particularly where SLU used to fit. One consistent them is the number of Top 100-150 East coast, West coast, or Texas schools which I had previously never heard of. It felt like another example of how the economy changed and shifted jobs to the coasts. SLU will have to be dynamic to stay relevant. I think Pestello was a move in the right direction, and hopefully SLU keeps it up.
  10. Lindenwood’s football team was given all of a few months to prepare for the transition from D2 football to D1? Ouch. Hard to imagine this is going to be fun for them.
  11. Your numbers do not add to 30. Proved wrong.
  12. At the rate things are going, The Valley is moving to us.
  13. Oh, sweet 8 lb, 6 ounce newborn infant Jesus, don’t even know a word yet, I’m positive I couldn’t.
  14. This will not happen, but if Cisse can shoot 3s above 35%, you could technically play him and Okoro at the same time. We have at least one clip of Cisse making good passes. Let’s just visit Billiken dreamland on this one until November.
  15. The nice thing about this year is that we have a team with Ray Giacolleti’s offensive finger print, and now we have a guy who helped us have that Dog defense of 2018. If those two things can mix, it could be pretty special.
  16. This whole kerfuffle is one of the weirdest things I have seen on the board. It also involves the misuse of the word Troll throughout, maybe we need a whole thread defining the word, and we can really ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’ the crap out of it.
  17. It would really be something to be the first team from the state of Missouri to make a final four. Well, since we won the NIT and national championship.
  18. That is why the thread should say Elite 8. T. Ford is due for a big run.
  19. In essence, his basketball play is a little Crunk, medically speaking.
  20. Right, because the players will be directly on payroll.
  21. Nope. Similar height, but Parker is a confident scorer, not really Jacobs’ style.
  22. I am changing the narrative, I think he can be a good backup for… .8 minutes!
  23. I feel like this thread has failed to bring up the misuse of the word ‘Trolling’.
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