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Steve Travelling


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I think I generally stopped posting this sort of notice, but with the heavier activity on the board the past couple of days, and some discussion of what is appropriate on message boards, I just thought I would give a heads up that tomorrow I will likely be out of touch until late tomorrow night.

So, be nice to thicks and davidnark, and try to behave.

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I have to write two papers by Sunday. Which means that I will be procrastinating and posting alot. I'll think of a few. I enlist the help of my spouse who I must give credit for the D-Lisch-ous idea.

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I have to write two papers by Sunday. Which means that I will be procrastinating and posting alot. I'll think of a few. I enlist the help of my spouse who I must give credit for the D-Lisch-ous idea.

I don't know if I ever told you, but last year at the Pittsburgh game, the entire student section chanted D-Lisch-ous....the Pittsburgh student section that is... It was pretty funny.

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Also, if anyone has sign ideas...let me know. Eckerle needs one (not sure if I will do signs Saturday, but I will be at the game).

"Doctor says I need a backiotomy"? That's all I've got in the 4 seconds I spent thinking about it. But I'll think for like minutes soon. Once this hangover goes away. (Vacation) :)

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Here are a few:

Your D won’t contain Eckerle

Eckerle with the 3

Burly Paul Eckerle

Eckerle made you look Girly

Friendly Paul Eckerle

Monster D from Eckerle

Paul E. Sure-shot

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Guest BillikenReport

Here are a few:

Your D won’t contain Eckerle

Eckerle with the 3

Burly Paul Eckerle

Eckerle made you look Girly

Friendly Paul Eckerle

Monster D from Eckerle

Paul E. Sure-shot

The unofficial media nickname for Paul is "Dr. Eckerle" because of how often Majerus would talk last year about letting Paul operate on him.

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Dr. Eckerle with the Pill

Dr. Eckerle takes 2 and call me in the morning

Dr. Eckerle making house calls

Is there a Dr. Eckerle in the House?

Dr. Eckerle, "turn your head and cough"

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Dr. P

Just what the Doctor Ordered

Dr. E

I got a few for the others:

Will he Rebound

Will he Jam

Willie Reed

Donkey Conklin

What you are what you are meant to be, born to be, born to me, Cassity (for you dead heads)

Thompson is the Bomb, son

Kawatch out for Kwamain

Kwamain in your Kwaface

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Will he Rebound

Will he Jam

Willie Reed

I really like this one....You make my life tough getting that on a piece of foam board

Still unsure if I will do signs today, my arsenal is so weak (I have like 5 signs)

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Lisch, Liddell, Eckerle, and Reed have signs now. Any more ideas (c'mon people, avoid your jobs and think of silly 3 word phrases involving college athlete names).





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