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Everything posted by BrettJollyComedyHour

  1. Dude, I would kill for a coach like that right now. If you're not likeable, but a savant like Majerus (I'm not saying he wasn't likeable in a quirky way but maybe not so personable) then you excuse it because the team is good. Travis Ford has neither the people skills, nor the basketball acumen of a Romar or Majerus, so yeah, he's just trash.
  2. He's definitely not dumb. I do believe he's your stereotypical "business first, people last" businessman and, depending on your perspective, that can be evil.
  3. 2nd this ^ women are fun to watch any given night.
  4. I was trying to decide if I liked them or not for half the game, but yeah they looked retro and pretty cool. I wouldn't be mad if they were consistent pink out unis.
  5. I'm not discounting it for sure, but the recent shouting from the rooftops about trades being the answer to college costs/benefits, etc just confuses me.
  6. Likely because those jobs often take a toll on you physically and leave your body broken by the time you're 50.
  7. How would he even get a chance to land a spot on the bench at that point?
  8. Settling into that middle of the pack conference position, dangerous come tournament time.
  9. Not a terrible deficit at the half. This is still a winnable game.
  10. Nah I feel like he'll get back on a team. Definitely not going overseas.
  11. I'm just glad my Wizards jersey has aged decently well.
  12. At this point I feel like Chris May is Judge Smails when it comes to anything positive these days
  13. I really hope someone picks him up. He's more than proven he can be an asset to an NBA team.
  14. That would make my fan life come full circle, Soderberg was coach when I started going to games.
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