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Everything posted by billslasttermdropout

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT5xzPAh63g&feature=kp
  2. Gee, I hope not. I bought one of, if not the last penguin tshirt for 3$ yesterday. They still have plenty of polos for the same price, though they close for good this Friday so you'll need to hurry if you want a souvenir. Not sure when QT opens or where to wash the car.
  3. Who's the purp trying to injure our recruits? Let me at 'em.
  4. If only the Runnin Rebs had lost that mid February game at then #2 Arkansas, they would have had the first perfect season that didn't involve the General and JC. Reality! The most important thing EVER!
  5. s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,L.............UUUUUUUUUUU S,,,,,,L.......UUUUUUUUUUUU S.............L.............UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU S.........L............U
  6. GD you just cost me 10$ Wiz! I bet my friend Bills would cover the Wiz line. JK.
  7. You just won A10 PotW for the second week in a row. How do you plan to celebrate Mr. J? I'm gonna throw on my warmups and my sweetie pie and I are going to do some shopping for toiletries and other various sundries at Walmart and maybe grab a Subway. But I want to thank my teammates and coach and everyone for making it happen. Love, peace, and chicken grease.
  8. JM might have blocked 3 more shots though so who knows? Plus he's strokin' it from deep at a blistering 33% for the season if I'm not mistaken.
  9. Put that hot dog in your ellipsis and smoke it. Lol. Hey while we're complaining I think some of the jalapenos gave me the trots. Can we get non "diarrheal" peppers please.?
  10. Why did they print an ellipsis is that phrase? Don't the people in marketing have degrees?
  11. I'm considering doing it just because I'm guessing it's never done and tempting fate sounds like a plan.
  12. Big Daddy Kane was walkin' in the desert for his NBA career, but man he was jammin' at Columbia.
  13. Well kiddo, I remember waaaay back in the early months of 2012, when Xavier was in town for the Blizzard. A great big crowd (sellout) showed up and it was a great game. At one important juncture in the second half SLU went on a "mini run" to open the lead and get some breathing room and the gangstas needed a t.o. The crowd went nuts and everybody was on their feet. Then they decided to strike up the band and take it to another level. Oh wait a minute, no thats not right. They played Jump Around by somebody's favorite one hit wonders, and they played it really loud. And guess what, everyone just stood there. Oh sure the students were waving their balloons vigorously, and a few souls (and I mean a very few), may have briefly tried to cut a rug, but that was it. Don't believe me? I was there. They took a picture and its on the souvenir cup you drank your diet soda out of today.
  14. now that's relevant, biotches...if you need me to transfer the strings to horns, I can do that for you
  15. The Bills also win when they score at least 77 points in any game regulation or otherwise. I'm going to predict the Wiz would say something like overtimes are included in the trend. How 'bout a, "we are x-0 when def. ppp is less than y stat?"
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