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From someone who was there


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Ian carried us the first 5 minutes, disappeared for a stretch, then played well. Kevin looked like he was wearing a mitten on his left hand and was hesitant to shoot beyond 15' but was effective nonetheless. Without Kevin's outside shooting, our offense looked ragged, tentative. Nobody wanted to shoot. GW stuck with their half-court trap which we broke rather easily ... but never seemed to convert to easy buckets. Luke was solid again. He came up with a few absolutely huge offensive rebounds in the 2nd half. Danny Brown was the usual TO machine but hit two key FTs down the stretch and got a key assist on a 2x1 late. DP played a solid game but committed a bad turnover that led to a GW layup in the 2nd half, although he had a key steal late and converted it to a layup for himself.

For me, the story of the game was TL. He was quiet early but took over the last 5 minutes of the game today just as did a few days ago in Philly against St. Joe. The play of the game was a thunderous dunk off an offensive rebound with a facial to, I believe, GW's Diggs. Tommie talked a little smack to the guy while he down on the deck. Never seen TL do that. He was fired up, I assume, by some major lip that must have been thrown his way during the game.

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I loved being there and seeing the TL dunk (they replayed it on the big screen at Scottrade several times) but I wish I also heard Earl with the call. It just happened so quickly, he caught the rebound in mid air and took it to the rack without ever going back to earth with a guy contesting the rebound mid air. Amazing. Hopefully someone gets it up on YouTube for all to see. I've been blabbering to my wife about it so I hope she gets a chance to see what I'm talking about.

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I would say the crowd and the student section had their presence felt throughout the game. Great enthusiasm from a normally sedated SLU Saturday afternoon game. Maybe Guy Phillips had something to do with it...

I thought KL and LM had solid games for us today. LM has been solid all season for us. Team MVP so far this year....

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Without him we may have only 7 or 8 wins. He is in the top 10 in the conference in scoring, rebounding, and FG% and is one of the top 3 pt shooters in the country.

I love that Meyer is a Billiken and he is definitely the soul of the team. However, to say he is MVP you would essentially be saying that we would be better off without Tommie than we would without Luke. I don't think anyone would say that.

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I think TL was reacting to a play that occurred a few minutes prior to his sky dunk. If you recall TL was fouled hard and ended up on the floor. He made the 2 free throws and caught fire. On ending the sky dunk he presided over the GW player who was laying on the court on his backside. However, I don't know if this was the same player that gave TL the hard foul that decked him, but I think it was. In any event I got the impression he answered back via making the two free throws and the dunk. On a different note I thought the Post did a good job covering the Bills over the week-end. We had a good pre game article and two post game articles. Coverage was quite ample compared to other area teams.

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SLU looked good Saturday. Ian hit his free throws and was a factor in the first half. I think he had 9 of the Bills first 15 points. He did disappear in the second half but I think that his free throw shooting was key. He was 8 of 9, I believe, from the charity strike.

TL took over late in the second half once again. Huge. The dunk was insane but he easily could have been called for a technical for taunting. He was probably still pissed from that hard foul earlier as I saw him sorta throw an elbow while he was on the floor. Don't know if it was the same guy who received the facial a little bit later.

I thought the refs were a little inconsistent and both coaches were close to receiving technicals. Hobbs did not like a palming call and was basically pointing a TL implying that he does it all the time. Brad got ticked off for some tick tack foul on Meyer, I believe.

Overall, good game and great heart by KL.

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I don't know how the GW coach did not get a technical fouled on him. He was yelling at the referees and he spent more time on the court than any of his starters. I heard he was thrown out of GW's last game...as he should have been.

A few things that stick out in my mind from the game:

1. Bryce looked strong and confident under the basket. I guess he's starting to feel that competition with Knollmeyer for IV's place next year. The BLUE CREW section was talking about how we think that game was the first time we'd ever tried chanting his name (it still felt weird doing it haha).

2. WE MADE OUR FREE THROWS! You have all been witnesses to how we've lost games because of free throws. They were on point yesterday (especially KL)...way to be.

3. I liked the quote from the Post this morning about KL: about as long as they have gauze, tape, gum, etc. he will be there.

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at least by me. It was a good win but hearing Brad yell accross the court at an official, "USE YOUR WHISTLE!" three times followed by "yes YOU!" when he finally got the ref's attention. Classic stuff. I'm amazed the both benches were not T'd up as Brad said. These officials may not have been consistant but they weren't arrogant, know-it-all, a-holes like most A10 refs.....

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...from Tom's blog:

"In case you were wondering who two of those refs were (Chad Montouri and Rick Fields), two of the refs who were supposed to work the game were snowed in and couldn’t get to St. Louis, so those two were last-second replacements. They’re not regular A-10 refs."

I assume he was talking about Tweedledee and Tweedledum, who made even "regular A-10 refs" look good by comparison.

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