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Everything posted by BilliKat

  1. Haha... I wouldn't want them if their name was BJ, or Beej for that matter. ...terrible.
  2. lol... I was about to point that out as well... A whopping crowd to boot. ...failures.
  3. http://apps.ohlulz.com/ncaa/?lulz=rtmp://cp98724.live.edgefcs.net:1935/live&id=duqu_m-baskbl@31467 is showing. hootie hoo!
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWmAez71uMY
  5. I disagree... I guess I don't have nor know any of the facts to back it up.... but it shocks me to thing they aren't a first choice school. It was very much so the first choice for myself, my siblings and a majority of my friends. All grew up in St Louis, many of them supporters of our dominant soccer program. Im not trying to argue, it just never occurred to me...
  6. What the shiz are you talking about?!
  7. I like that youre here, tigerluke.... You make a good kickball.
  8. Yahtzee! I love when this is brought up because it always makes me hopeful. I remember going as a kid and always loved these games. Nut Up, kitties. >:l
  9. Billiboarders are the best. Nice work, sarcastros.
  10. That is AWESOME! made my day.. and I want three.... just in case one gets dirty and I need someone else to wear the other for emphasis.
  11. Hahaha... awesome... funny cuz its true.
  12. not to be too much like the Missouri state bears fan on GDT, nor make the nickname puma fit at all... but I love Conk... hes become one of my favorite players we've had in my 20 years going... What a beast!
  13. I loved that the billiken crowd surfed the student section.
  14. you're right... not a good summary. The guys were mediums on a heavy day, it was a jest, as they gave me. Also if they weren't going to wear it to the game that it specifically advertised.... when were they going to? You're right, being rude isn't cool. And stealing... well I made an exception in the case that they were rude not to wear it. Better?
  15. Way to get people energized billiboarders!
  16. Such a fun crowd to be a part of! Minus the five chubbies in front of me... not one wore their shirt....so I gave them a little trouble... and they responded they wouldn't fit... I laughed and said maybe they should learn to put the fork down. I proceeded to steal one of their shirts when he was away for my sister who so wanted to be here.. When he came back looking for it and I couldn't help but mentally tell him to 'eat it, chubbs.'
  17. Haha. He's kept up. even on the car bombs... technically he's an appletini up
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