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slu72 fan

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Everything posted by slu72 fan

  1. They get in your face and play hard defense. Last year the team sat in a zone and tried to get by. Because of the great group of frosh, she has more skill and depth. She, also, added some height which was sorely lacking last year. Shimmy is doing a great job.
  2. Unca, please keep the good weather there, I'm on my way to Naples tomorrow morning (if the planes get out of here) Thanks for the ticket to last nite's girls' game.
  3. I sure hope you're correct, but I refer you to my post above. I've checked with DirecTV, and in order to see the game as part of the Full Court Package, you have to purchase the entire season. You cannot purchase one game, which you were able to do last year.
  4. I'm not sure, but it may be blacked out. Today the SLU website announced the game is available as part of the ESPN Full Court package. Usually when that happens, the game is blacked out everywhere, except the local market, in this case, Chicago.
  5. According to my guide, DirectTV is showing it on the Comcast Station in Chicago. Channel 640 on DirectTV.
  6. I checked Comcast's schedule and they are showing the game next Wed @ 7:00. Channel 640 on Direct TV.
  7. B-Bill, Direct does have high def and a product very similar to Tivo. They charge an extra couple of bucks per month for high def, but some of the channels you can receive high def on Charter are not available with Direct. For example, I do not receive any of the local channels in HD. It's a little complicated, Direct would have allowed me to receive the HD signals from NBC, ABC, etc., but the local channels (KSDK,KMOV, etc) objected, so the FCC will not allow Direct to send it to me. I have had very little trouble with rain disrupting the signal, unless there is a bunch of lightning. Hope this helps.
  8. I thought the game was at noon? Awesome job, ladies!!!!!
  9. Interesting that Hofstra, the only non-BCS school discussed, is very similar to SLU. Three guard offense, try and develop big men. For those that attended Tuesday's Billiken Club meeting, the Hofstra coach's comments are basically the same as Brad's. (Wondered if he read the article before attending?)
  10. According to the SLU website, the game is at 4:00.
  11. The meeting lasted nearly 2 hours, so there were many topics discussed. As indicated, Shimmy continues to be very impressive. She spoke very little, preferring to have Jackie Gilbert respond to questions. Shimmy did indicate she was very pleased with her recruiting class and they were now concentrating on the '08 group. All three of the student athletes were articulate and impressive. Brad spoke for at least half an hour and was approached with a number of questions. In no particular order he indicated: 1. A TV announcement should be soon, but it may only cover away games. (Mark Wright from the Athletic Dept. responded to the question) 2. He's very pleased with the team's progress, however he needs one of the freshman or JJ to step up and challenge Luke for playing time at the 4. He still seems high on JJ playing a bunch. 3. While he was very complimentary of Luke and Dwayne, he did reassert that the team needs a better rotation at the 4 and 5 than what he is currently utilizing. 4. There are 2 scholarship offers still out, but he indicated that he would probably not hear anything in the next 24 hours. He stressed that he would not take a player now, unless the player could help. Earl Austin later commented that he believes the offers are to Alexander and Powell. He says Powell wants to come to SLU, but others are telling him to wait for better offers. 5. He actually has 3 scholarships for this year, Bennett is a senior. 6. Luke will be 6 hours short of graduating in Dec., so he will take them and a couple of other classes for grad school. He will enter MBA program full-time next fall. My observation is that he really likes his team and believes they are much more mature than in the past. Earl Austin spoke and great length about the '07 and '08 classes, plus Tyler Griffey. After the meeting, EA indicated that the '08 class is possibly too good and the top 3 or 4 may leave. He indicated that the pool was deep, and SLU was doing a much better job on not just the top group, but the next group also. He spoke specifically of a center in Vienna, Ill. that he really liked, if Brandenburg goes another direction. Mark Wright indicated the NC game is basically sold out, with only a few seats remaining, which must be purchased with several other games. As I said, the meeting was quite long and covered a wide array of topics. I've touched on what I believe to be the one's of most interest to the readers.
  12. Yeah, I was at that game in the crummy old Bradley building. It looked like an airplane hanger. We could have won that game too, but didn't get a few calls at the end. Louisville went on and won the next day for the conference title, if I remember correctly. I'm pretty sure that was in 71.It was OK for a couple of more years, then headed south quick!
  13. The problem is to beat a team like A&M on the road, you have to beat them by 10 or 12, because your not going to get any calls. Just like Gonzaga and North Carolina last year. Only a few teams make the transition from OK to really good. Would Marquette have done it if Wade only stayed one year? If Wade left after one year and Hughes stayed for a couple more years, might we have made the jump? Personally, I think so. Lacking a star player, it takes years to develop a solid program, able to compete year after year with the top programs. Creighton and Gonzaga are 2 that began their process without great players, but strung together consistently improving years. Let's see how this year plays out and see if we aren't making the same kind of progress. By the way, if you don't think things are better today than in the 70's, you didn't attend many games back then.
  14. It is being shown on Fox Sports Midwest. I've been unable to locate a place where the other 2 games are being broadcasted, either here or from Lamar or La. Tech. I'm sure Humphrey's will be showing it.
  15. There is no buffet. A burger with fries was about 12 bucks. I think everything else cost more. Burger was nothing special.
  16. There's a brief article about them in the Post this morning.
  17. Actually, I think it's eight games, NC, Texas A&M, SIU, Mo State, Houston twice, Xavier twice
  18. Sorry, if the closeness to Slu 72 bothers someone. I graduated in 72 and I consider myself a fan, ergo slu72 fan. Be happy to change it, if that would make someone happy. By the way, I've missed one home game since 1969, support the athletic department and the university in many ways, and feel just as passionately about the Bills as most of you. Sorry I haven't posted sooner, but that shouldn't be a barometer of my sincerity. Sorry to Slu 72 for the immature comments of others.
  19. One game againstUMSL does NOT make a season, but: Considering the kid hasn't played in a real game for nearly 2.5 years, Obi did great. He's obviously got offensive skills and competed hard on the boards. With a little time, he will be a big help to our depth. Horace is just as advertised, good athlete, high energy, needs to round out his game. Dustin took shots he can make. He'll help against a zone, which we will see frequently. I hope Adam is somewhere in between Obi and Horace, a little bit of an athlete, strong, with some finishing skill around the basket. All of a sudden, this recruiting class looks pretty good for the future.
  20. Does anyone think the up tempo style is in part to help recruit the great class of juniors? Obviously, they'd prefer to play that way, and it is one less impediment to recruiting that very talented group. Just food for thought.
  21. My strong suggestion is you follow K-State, they have a coach that agrees with you.
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