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Billiken Rich

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Everything posted by Billiken Rich

  1. If you think I'll be alone in complaining about seating priorities in the new arena, you're farther out of wack than usual. If you think a ten thousand seat arena will allow us to be a top 25 program while a thirtenn thousand seat arena means top 75-100 you are just smack-ass nuts. You must've missed the arena move.....
  2. Putting the arena on campus should generate more student interest/support by itself. If not, 13000 seats with 3000 empties on a bad night doesn't bother me too much. I see the program getting to the point where 13000 should sell out quite regularly. By the way. Not being one of the quiet ancient, I chafe at being labeled "the problem." Every freaking game I see the big, lumbering, head (I think) of the Billiken Club heading for the exits when the game has 2-3:00 minutes left. I know the elderly like to get to their roadsters before everyone else but DON'T LEAVE WHILE THE GAME IS IN THE BALANCE! Student support would be nice but they and I will always be sitting behind these old, quiet, tennis-match-clapping, sitting for the last 5 minutes, folks.
  3. Sorry but, to heck with 'em. I'm neither an alum nor a student and don't really care where they sit.
  4. Thanks a bunch for the link. I really needed to see kid rock's backside right before lunch. I'm not a wizard at math but given maybe 8-9000 current season ticket holders, new big donors, and the inevitable seating squabbles in moving, carrying charges, a building (at 10,000) less than HALF the size of our current venue, possible PSLs, postage and handling, I'm high in a corner or at least in the upper deck off the court. It's kind of hard for me to root for such a change. PS I am not widely travelled to away games but having seats high in Hearns and for the Illinois game at Illinois was not something I'd care to pay for for a whole season. I'd be better off taking a couple thou' and investing in a decent TV.....
  5. Check out section 118 for your new tickets. I know it won't be THAT bad but I'm am concerned.
  6. You sounded so sure with the line: "drejaj's spot next year will be taken by meyer moving over and a real pf coming into the lineup" I was hoping you knew something I didn't......
  7. For now I agree. I could still see Dwayne as a starter if he can buy an outside shot from somewhere.......
  8. totally pissed off with where they are sitting when we move to a much smaller building. When we moved to the arena, a bigger freaking building everyone was pissed! I just don't get it. Is this some sort of east coast "scummy little corner grocery VS Schnucks super center" sort of thing?
  9. Ah Roy??? And the real power forward is whom???? Obi? JJ? Juco/Prep to be named later??????
  10. DING DING DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!!!!!! "Miller is now defending the losses by saying that Temple and SLU are top 5 defensive teams and can put offenses in a funk." I'll take it, anyway..........
  11. You needed Andy Katz to tell you that? The question is how far????? Will UD punk us by ten at home and smother us into dark thoughts of Brad's ineptness and lack of future here??????
  12. Maybe next year he could make the trip to St. Joes!
  13. Yeah, God forbid we celebrate Billiken uniqueness. Why don't we change our names to golden eagles that'd be great!
  14. By the same token GW seems to come out of half time like a house afire.
  15. It was a bad pass in that it was picked off. Tommie could've caught it but for the pick. It was a bad turn over that could've haunted us. A bounce pass and a dunk would've been as big a knife to URI's guts as the allyoop.
  16. Careful Phan. NEVER corner an old Billiken Fan. They can be lethal with those canes.....
  17. You keep referring to the Billikens and Billiken Fans as "you" rather than "we." I'm guessing you need to change your handle, bubba. Tommie Liddell may not start if he was playing for the Tigers but only because quin is an idiot. I wouldn't trade a single tiger for him.....(though we could certainly use brown this year)
  18. That pathetic story is ALMOST enough to make one feel sorry for MU fans. If they weren't such arrogant cods or if they hadn't brought this on themselves, I would.
  19. Poster 1. What if the Billikens were only half sized???? Poster 2. Would we have a full sized Brad or a half sized Brad???? Poster 1. For the sake of argument, lets say the full sized Brad. Poster 2. I'd have to go with Da BILLS!
  20. >Snyder obviously told them to give up >because Mizzou let Texas run 30 seconds off the clock and >hit a wide open 3. No fouls, no full court pressure, no >defense, no urgency to get a shot off. Thanks for a good laugh! Snyder is no coach.
  21. SLU. We have a coach, not a facilitator.
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