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Midtown Madness

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  1. This episode is really fuoking cool. Sarah Adam is really fuoking cool and an incredible interview. I'm super proud of this one and I really think you all will enjoy it. Even if you only listen for the Basketball, this is one you shouldn NOT (slufan)skip. Her story is amazing, she tells it so well and is incredibly fun to just shoot the sh!t with. (ps if you're wondering about the language, you'll get it after listening) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midtown-madness-podcast/id1552953967#episodeGuid=a64f5e56-f2a7-4b54-8ed1-04ad118b5933
  2. Interesting statement here from Nate Latsch who long time posters will remember from his time running Billiken Report. Maybe we’re missing a time frame where this makes sense?
  3. https://youtu.be/zSboyMUfgTs https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midtown-madness-podcast/id1552953967?i=1000658809956
  4. Appreciate the kind words! It's a tough time of the year for listener retention, we hadn't really considered having Corbin on the pod. You mentioned it in your post, but I just don't think she would go on record regarding anything at Wyoming. I do think it would be interesting to hear what goes into a decision like leaving a head coaching position for an Associate HC position.
  5. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midtown-madness-podcast/id1552953967#episodeGuid=1c48f4d2-794f-4059-8023-27f906d86f6b
  6. Here’s the better question, how can we better utilize the band and DJ together to make a unique arena atmosphere. A call and response or back and forth type bit. Like the band plays certain parts of the song and the DJ hits a record scratch and then the OG recording plays, then he scratches again and the band takes the song back over. Do I know if this is possible? No, do I think it sounds cool as hell. God damned right.
  7. A little thread on the neglect of SLU baseball.
  8. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midtown-madness-podcast/id1552953967?i=1000641737975] https://open.spotify.com/episode/5Y0PdEPxGdLuDHF35zswrE?si=1bfa2a07de164bef
  9. No. We have good reason to believe that SeanMcDonald account is not related to Travis Ford.
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