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Everything posted by SLU_Lax

  1. I would assume it will boil down to money. If the number of donations drops, it may simply be blamed on tax reform (or any number of non-Pestello factors). If big-time donors demand a change in leadership (and withhold their money until a change occurs), then a change will happen.
  2. That is why recently I was talking about how Thatch could be more important next year than Gordon. Gordon is certainly the superior player, but Thatch is in a HUGE area of need. We have to hope and pray that Bess returns. Bess very possibly will be our back-up PG. JJ could be the tertiary PG if we do not get more guards.
  3. This guy doesn’t stand a chance.
  4. My biggest issue is that the school would be making up rules as they went. If the school (like BYU) was upfront and had a CLEAR standard and then enforced it, it would be no issue. In this case, group sex is not against the student handbook and retroactively outlawing it and punishing people is wrong. Then again, maybe the school should be telling all their male students that if you have consensual sexual activities with a woman and then she changes her mind later that you will be kicked out.....your roommate will be kicked out as well.....and any male within 50 yards of the incident is will be suspended for 18 months. The school does understand though that these punished parties may not feel like the did anything wrong....and that is how the school is confident they are sexual assaulters....sexual assaulters do not know they are sexual assaulters. So if you ever ask someone if they are a sexual assaulter and they say "no"....you can be confident of two things....#1 they are telling the truth and #2 they are in fact sexual assaulters.
  5. It is also interesting (and parallel's this case) where even with the cards stacked against Kojo, they were unable to find him guilty of sexual assault. They then decided that since he requested to be her friend on Facebook (something which he vehemently denies) and he used her name in a letter asking for help against the charges, that he should be handed a long suspension which effectively acted as an expulsion. I guess at least we are not the only place where things have gone truly nuts. On another note, they reference third party reports of Title IX violations should always be requested (even if the "victim" refuses to cooperate). I wonder how many people will submit third party reports of the female accusers in this case after the investigation's reports are released. I cannot wait to see people turning in teachers for brushing their hand or instructors for making a joke that was overheard. It would be interesting to see if this just ballooned out of control. One way to potentially stop things would be to just overwhelm the Title IX office with complaints ranging from accusations that a teacher looked a student "up-and-down" or a joke was inappropriate or someone's presence in a bathroom made someone else uncomfortable or maybe someone was watching a rerun of the sitcom Friends in their dorm with the door open and it exposed others to an inappropriate joke.
  6. It is poor leadership by Pestello and the Board that allowed Kratky to build her Gold Standard Process. There were warning signs before that the office was out of control. Kratky punished the men because they were men. She does not need a reason because that is just what she does. It is like asking why a fish swims or a bird flies. Kratky is gonna Kratky. Weathers is gonna Weathers. The vacuum of leadership at the University allowed them unrestricted ability to operate unfettered. This is not about some deep, dark plan from the administration. That would require some semblance of leadership. It is about individuals run amok and being allowed to do whatever they felt like.
  7. So it does seem very possible that one major mistake the University made was bringing in this outside firm to investigate. I am assuming it was their investigation that clearly established this was a consensual activity and I am assuming it was their investigation that uncovered that the women were preplanning the group sex. If this outside group was not contracted, I would assume Kratky and company would have used the Gold Standard Process to take the women completely at their word and shove the men out. So while they did get to shove the men out anyway, they are going to get hammered in civil court (in large part because of the outside investigation). I am sure they will update the Gold Standard process after this to ensure everything is kept in house.
  8. I love this analogy. I want to get an Uber and then file a kidnapping charge. Yes, I requested and paid for a ride, but you never even stopped to ask me if it was ok with me that we go.
  9. If she argues that as men (and sexual assaulters) they could not understand what consent is or when consent is received, I would love to see the players' lawyer retort that as a white person (and a racist) they could not understand what consent is or when it is received. Of course that kind of nonsense would go nowhere, but it would make me feel better. This whole thing is a joke. It is fascinating to see that SLU (who has always been awful at marketing and PR) seems to be trying to engage in a PR/Marketing campaign on this issue. SLU will find out that they are terribly unskilled at it and will make things way worse for themselves. The accuser's lawyer certainly just made things WAY worse for the accuser and did not help one bit.
  10. " Of course, the accused do not feel they have done anything wrong. This is completely understandable. They do not feel that they did anything wrong because they felt completely entitled to do what they did, as most who commit sexual assault do. They do not understand what consent means. " Of course, the accusers do not feel they have done anything wrong. This is completely understandable. They do not feel they did anything wrong because they felt completely entitled to bear false witness and repeatedly make false statements about these young men, as most racists who have group sex with black men do. They do not understand what consent means and that they cannot retroactively withdraw consent due to regret (even when it is group sex with black men).
  11. I think Rosenblom should now go into full attack mode on the race card. This idiot lawyer came out and essentially said that the boys do not feel they did anything wrong because as men they did not know any better. The lawyer seems to believe that there was no intent to violate the women because the men fully believed they had consent. If she is going to use their gender as a disqualifying attribute to where they cannot have a valid opinion about consent to video tape existing, I would come right back at them about being white and rich means they do not have any ability to understand what consent is.
  12. To a SJW... The concept of protecting African Americans as a group is very noble and should always be done. Dealing with a black person individually is very scary and intimidating and the black person should know how scary they are and work to not make those around them uncomfortable.
  13. It does confirm that these boys would be in jail if not for the video. A black man's word against a white women's word in court is not a good way to avoid a long prison sentence. I would be fascinated to hear someone ask about the trip to the hospital as the statement is CLEARLY indicating the girls agreed to the . It is even CLEARLY indicated the girls never objected to the video taping and APPEARS to be verifying the girls knew they were being taped. This is wild.
  14. Or if one kid decided to take the same survey multiple times, there is nothing they could have done to stop them.
  15. I just gotta laugh one more time about the Butt Hurt letter sent to the entire student body about how their whole survey was maliciously ruined. They worked for an entire two years on it. They even made sure to spell most of the words right and some of the questions even allowed you to claim you had never been sexually assaulted. Unfortunately they are the (oh so innocent) victims of a terrible act where their 100% open survey with no safeties to ensure people were not taking the survey multiple times (or posting it to a message board for others to take) was taken advantage of. I mean...who could have foreseen this. I guess they never heard the tale of the SS Boaty McBoatface. It is just unbelievably terrible to me that after these mistakes, where they had a real concern about the survey (namely that the results were compromised - of course they cannot take responsibility for that) and they overshadow their concern with starting their email out with terrible lies/exaggerations about how important this survey was and how long they worked on it. They are more petulant than a bunch of young teenagers and about as honest too. Hard to take them seriously.
  16. THIS! Sending a letter out to the entire student population that clearly does not pass the sniff test. I do not think it will be hard to demonstrate that they are knowingly, willingly, and purposefully lying to the student body about the time taken to create the survey. It not only shows clear bias and a desire to confuse the student body in general, but it also helps establish a pattern of lying and ignoring the truth. This is the type of garbage (done in the weeks after a decision was made) that can show what a mess the decision was. These people really are a bunch of morons that cannot do anything right. These morons needs to bury their head in the sand and hope things blow over and people exhaust themselves trying to find out what is going on. Instead they have Weathers tweeting pictures from a woman's rally, terribly constructed surveys with clear bias, letters lying to the ENTIRE student population about why the survey was taken down, and I am sure it goes on from there and we will learn more as info about the appeals come out. This is only in the very few days since the initial decision was announced. These people should also try to focus more on helping ensure the accused and the accuser are not getting registered for the same classes.....CLOWNS!
  17. Title IX is a federal law and the report is considered a federal document. It is eligible to be released under the Freedom of Information Act. It most likely will have some redactions like individual names. I THINK the players names would be unredacted though.
  18. I do want to defend the generation. The trigger warning people are a loud minority and not representative of most kids. College kids just have a lot of free time and some push weird causes like this. It’s not most kids in my experience.
  19. I am repeating the info that the players have had security escorts. I think it’s name calling and stuff, but I am repeating what was mentioned including in the note about accusers and accused being in the same class.
  20. I agree, but I just don’t see Goodwin staying baring a favorable appeal. He can transfer to Northwestern (his supposed 2nd choice) or another school and be taking classes. If he stays he loses this summer, this Fall, next Spring, and next summer. He loses this semester either way. This is why I am concerned we lose him. I just hope he does what is best for him at this point and that SLU fixes as much as they can with what they are unfairly doing to him. Either way, SLU will recover. It just may take a couple years. Don’t forget we were a top ten team 5 years ago. We can eventually get back.
  21. I think we are just looking at a 2-4 year rebuild. I am not optimistic that Goodwin stays (especially if evidence shows he did very little wrong). I hope he does. Thatch is more important than Gordon right now (in my opinion). We NEED guards now and we are most likely losing at least Roby and Goodwin for next year. Bess is also at risk. We even lose Hines who would certainly have PT next year if he wasn’t graduating. I still don’t see Goodwin taking a year off of school and basketball to stay at an institution that railroaded him and among a student body that has heaved enough threats his way that he has security at his classes and can’t live on campus. He can just go to another school, continue his education, and get a fresh start. In fact, he can probably have a masters when he is done playing if he goes to another school where his academic career will be uninterrupted. Now he may lose this entire semesters academic work which could change things for the masters. If he stays he would possibly lose this semester, this summer, next fall, next spring, and next summers semesters. That is a lot of academic progress to put on hold. It is in effect 5 semesters including this one He would have to return and work his tail off just to get an undergraduate degree from SLU Either way, things are not that bad long term. We just NEED guards and a bunch of them. Ford also needs winning seasons to help his recruiting. This year looks like it might be losing season #3 for him. As that number rises it gets tougher and tougher to attract top talent. I think Ford has been a great coach. No way Chris May leaves. We should be on the road to recovery right as his contract extension is running out. The timing might work really well for him.
  22. I think Bess and Foreman are the most likely to leave assuming they will be able to grad transfer. I think JJ and French will most likely stay since leaving will mean they must sit a year (assuming no NCAA rule changes). Even with Bess and DJ, we are most likely a 10-15 win team next year. Not sure they would want to stay for that.
  23. I am actually pretty liberal....but that triggered button is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. They have now become a parody of themselves.
  24. Day 132: After receiving three responses from students who believed they were sexually assaulted yet did not file a complaint, kick all the men off of campus. One of them had to do it and the others would have done it if they could have because they are men. JUSTICE! Also....readmit all the black men so they can be expelled a second time just to be sure because black men are scary.
  25. This is one of the comments I agree the most with on any subject. When you are a LEADER and high enough up the food chain, you MUST be proactive. Pleading ignorance or bad luck or anything else after a bad thing happens is never an excuse (especially if the problem was systemic in any manner).
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