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Spell out S-A-I-N-T Louis, PD

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Your secular organization bothers me.

It's SAINT Louis University. Not St. Louis University. Get it right. That's not AP style. I did an article for the Peoria Journal Star about a former Peoria Notre Dame soccer player who played at SLU and I put "Saint Louis University" on there and my editors didn't change it.

What's wrong with you?


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what after two years of writing for saint louis university you expect tommie timmie to know that? i dont think that is fair.

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You can attribute this continual mistake by the PD to pure and simple laziness. If they cared about being professional they would correct themselves. The coverage the PD gives to the university athletics has been below average for years. As we discuss frequently blame should also go to SLUs PR department.

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The Post-Dispatch and all other newspapers in the world should link to a private stylebook on a private website. That makes perfect sense.

We should also have always called it the SAVVIS center because SAVVIS always spelled its own name in all-caps.

And I suppose y'all should write to U.S. News as well and tell them to fix their college guide:

St. Louis University

221 N. Grand Boulevard

St. Louis, MO 63103

Or maybe you'd have a little more credibility if you chose something important to argue about.

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actually, i guess that after two years tommie timmie still doesnt have it right, one would expect our sports information dept to casually contact him and make that fix.

same with the us news and world report, why hasnt someone at slu fixed that?

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I would bet the Post-Dispatch was sent this info when SLU changed their logo a few years ago and they ignored it and stuck it in a desk drawer (or circular file).

US News and World Report is not published in down the street from SLU and does not have a beat writer that covers all of their games.

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If you wanted to be a professional organization, I don't think spelling out the university's name is out of line. If the PD opts not to follow correct usage of the name, then it's pure and simple laziness. Must be nice working for the one paper in town where laziness and decreasing circulation are the norms. If they want to run their business on laziness then that is their decision.

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>Your secular organization bothers me.


>It's SAINT Louis University. Not St. Louis University. Get

>it right. That's not AP style. I did an article for the

>Peoria Journal Star about a former Peoria Notre Dame soccer

>player who played at SLU and I put "Saint Louis University"

>on there and my editors didn't change it.


>What's wrong with you?




I'd like to thank you all. There are only 10 days left before the New Year and this thread is making a late run at "MOST WORTHLESS THREAD OF THE YEAR." I don't want to say it's a shoe in but it's definetly top 5 at this point.

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Go away. You are so negative. I just wanted to make a point how I hate that a large newspaper makes our prestigious Roman Catholic University sound like St. Charles West (which is, for those of you scoring at home, a public, secular school).

Every time I tell people who don't know about SLU that I went to Saint Louis, they're like, "oh, WashU?" No!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fu**??!?! THE Saint Louis University, a Jesuit non-land grant institution. Have you no pride?

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>Go away. You are so negative. I just wanted to make a point

>how I hate that a large newspaper makes our prestigious

>Roman Catholic University sound like St. Charles West (which

>is, for those of you scoring at home, a public, secular



>Every time I tell people who don't know about SLU that I

>went to Saint Louis, they're like, "oh, WashU?"

>No!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fu**??!?! THE Saint Louis University, a

>Jesuit non-land grant institution. Have you no pride?


I thought you and me were tight. Why the hate? But seriously, this is such a ridiculous point. Give it a rest. You're starting to sound like those jackasses who say THE Ohio St. University. YOur problem is you tell people you went to Saint Louis. That's wrong and confusing. YOu went to Saint Louis UNIVERSITY. Get it straight. I forgive you for your outburst just don't let it happen again.

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I have friends who went to Marquette; they usually don't follow it up with "University." So why do those Big East posers have it better than we do?

Phan, I don't know who you are, buddy, so I'm not sure if we're "tight" as you say. Maybe loosely because we are SLU fans. Who knows. Oh well, I just wanted to get a rise from the PD people. Bunch of jerks over there.

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Has anyone emailed the PD and told them to do spell out? I know you could email the editor or Timmie Tommie. I'm sure the links are on stltoday.com somewhere. Seems like a good idea. Maybe if enough people email them they will change it. If they don't change it, I'd like to hear their reason why.

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> I just wanted to make a point

>how I hate that a large newspaper makes our prestigious

>Roman Catholic University sound like St. Charles West

Are you sure you haven't just offended SCW? I heard that they like to be referred to officially as "Saint" Charles West, to distinguish themselves from the city where they are located.

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Man Metz, looks like you didn't even get a first interview at the Post. You need to get the Roman Catholic chip down from your shoulder and review some of your petty tyrant posts on this forum, and others. Heck, look at your "I'm not a Cardinal fan" article in the UNews that might be one of your published crowning glories.

In the world of newspapers, polemic diatribes without logic, coherence, and reason generally make the writer anathemic. For whatever reason, this style is your raison d'etre. No paycheck for you!

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