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Purdue makes strange pitch to Matt Painter

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"There have been discussions to have Painter join Purdue's staff next year as an assistant and then take over for Keady when he leaves, ESPN.com's Andy Katz has learned.

Painter said Purdue athletics director Morgan Burke has discussed the scenario with him, however, no decision has been made. Painter was recruited by Keady and played for him at Purdue between 1989 and 1993."

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I've heard from a good source it's a done deal.

Other programs have done this with current assistants, naming them coach in waiting (MSU did that in 1994 with Jud Heathcoat and Tom Izzo) but this may be the first time its been done with a coach at another program. You know Purdue is worried that Painter could get another job this year, like Weber, who was the unoffical "coach in waiting" at Purdue did and trying to make a preemptive strike.

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This assistant head coach (in waiting)position for Matt Painter was either mentioned on this board or the MVC board about five weeks ago. While I think this arrangement is possible, the earlier post also claimed that SIU-C assistant Paul Lusk, Jr. was the leading candidate to replace Painter. Lusk has only one year of D1 experience. The real bind is with the SIU-C assistants if Lusk was not picked to replace Painter, assuming Painter goes to Purdue.

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With some degree of angst that is what KY did many years ago after the Bills had named Joe B Hall HC...he used us to get KY to agree to name him the successor to the Baron Adolf Rupp. For that reason I still get a tickle seeing KY lose in basketball.

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One would think that this whole scenario, especially if it plays out, would make Matt Shaw re-think things. When he signed his LOI Webber was still SIU's coach, correct? Then Painter takes over and now he could be leaving...I would be concerned that in my 4 years I might be playing for 2 or 3 different coaches.

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My hunch would be that our coaching staff won't be sitting around for this Purdue thing to play out. The 2nd half signing period starts a week from today, and I would lay odds that we will sign a 4 as soon as one is ready to sign on the dotted line...I'm also not holding my breath that player would be Master Shaw.

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it was mentioned on frank's show that 2 juco players and kevin lisch are all visiting slu next week. my guess is that at least one of those juco's is a power forward and you can bet brad will be trying to get a verbal when that player is here.

if matt shaw wants to come to slu, he better not wait around and wait for an invitation, i doubt it is coming his way.

i tend to think along the lines of billiken law and that shaw was going to siu for more reasons that a one year head coach that at the time of his verbal was not a "hot" item in the coaching circles and hadnt accomplished or won anything.

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The reason I ask is why would we bring in 2 juco players on the same weekend if we could only sign one? Unless the 5/8 rule changes or we have given up on Tommie (that would be a mistake in my opinion) we only have the one. It would certainly be interesting psychology to bring two guys in at the same time and tell them there is only one scholly available.

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I think a combination of things got Shaw to Carbondale. First and foremost was the Painter factor, as Matt was recruiting Shaw for several years; secondly, SIUC is currently winning big, and there will be ample playing time opportunites with post-players Korn and Willis completing their eligibility. (Distance from home is not an issue.)

If you don't like the head coach, reasons 2 and 3 are of lesser value. Shaw backing out of his LOI is a long shot, but as the saying goes, "never say never"!

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maybe one of the jucos is a freshman. i am betting that is not the case. and my guess is it is the two chipola teamates. just because we havent given up on liddell doesnt preclude us from bringing in players. it is at our expense and as long as we are upfront about what is going on, that is that player's choice. the player obviously knows we dont have the extra scholarship available, however one or more could open up either by a player expecting to come not, or by the rule change. who knows. however, i like that we are being proactive and trying to institute a backup or ready plan apparently.

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i have been seeing tisby's name everywhere. if tisby comes here, it will convince me that soderberg isnt a good recruiter, he is a great recruiter. i have seen tisby being mentioned as of late with the likes of kansas, usc, iowa, kentucky etc.

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