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Everything posted by BrettJollyComedyHour

  1. I feel like the MVC will have some ripe candidates in the next few years like how LUC made the jump.
  2. Outside of blowouts, when would we have used them when we have good depth?
  3. What happens to your profile pic when Yuri is gone after graduating/eligibility runs out? Are you going to keep it? I've always been curious.
  4. I'm not complaining if it's at Iona's home court might take the pressure down.
  5. Or maybe he just was never caught if he did.
  6. I'm really sad about this. Dan is such a nice guy and a fantastic broadcaster. I'll always mention this, but my dad has done Billiken TV stats for 37 years and has been left of Dan for as long as he's done the games. My dad even worked last second completely for free at the Iona game last year and Dan gave my family Champions Club tickets for a Cards game in July. No matter what, I won't let acts of character like that go unmentioned; he's a stand up guy who is clearly struggling with demons and has for years. I hope it's not the last we hear from him and hope he finally beats this.
  7. MVC can be good some years, but it should probably never be higher than the A10 if the A10 wants people to take it seriously.
  8. With such powerhouses as Brown and Yale...
  9. Even if they don't, he can make them up in 2 or 3 games lol
  10. It's ok, I'll just chalk it up to the Orcs tampering with the account.
  11. Yeah it's hard to get the students to come to anything in large numbers unless it's a marquee game.
  12. Finals looming in the next week or two, graduation for some. This time of year was always like that if I remember correctly.
  13. He can be so good when he's on, but he hasn't been on in a few games. Auburn got him mentally a bit I think.
  14. First home game I've missed in a year, always different watching Chaifetz from home. Our atmosphere is weird sometimes.
  15. This game is making me dig up all the deplorable stuff the Dutch did in South Africa as recently as the 80s so I can feel better. Edit: I'm mixing the Dutch with Afrikaaners
  16. Hard to believe this guy is top 25 all time in assists.
  17. Purple carrots are more delicious than orange in my opinion. I have no basis for that opinion.
  18. The bane of my existence as a Cardinal fan with the blown saves, but retrospect he was a dominant closer for a while.
  19. The leaves on the top of the root when you pull the carrots from the ground?
  20. Never thought I'd see Soviet Scientific History on the board.
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