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Ian's mom

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I attended the practice this afternoon, and the highlight was meeting Ian's mom. I had been there about a half hour when a tall blond woman with an accent approached and asked where to find vending machines. I gave her my best guess, and she returned with a can of something and sat in the first row of the balcony surrounded by an umbrella and several shopping bags. After Billikenguest and his friend left, I sat down next to her and used my standard introduction line: "You must be the mother of one of the players." She introduced herself, and we had a nice half hour chat. She's here by herself, for a short visit, and has no social life other than hanging out with Ian and his friends. So far, the highlight of her trip has been shopping at Schnuck's with Ian, Bryce, and Tom. She said she got some stares...She's English, so our thinking of Ian as "Greek" is a little misplaced as he's been reared bilingual, and attended an English school in Athens. He's the only one in his class that went to the USA for college; most went to England, but a few stayed in Greece to attend American sponsored universities. While all of his classmates were getting together around Europe during holidays and long weekends, he was stuck in the USA for 9 months. We lost Seyfert to homesickness - we should be glad Ian has, and is going to stick it out. This year is going a lot better for him - he knows what to expect from the team, the country, and the school. He's very much settled. His dad will be coming to visit over Xmas. I gave her my card, and said I could get him into some pickup games at the Y over the holidays if he calls me. She thinks he'll jump at it. Without going into details, she said he has a high pressure job, and uses hoops to unwind his stress. Ian has a brother, 15, who is already 6'5 or 6'6 - it's hard to keep track at that age. She said he doesn't have Ian's heft, but is more solid than Bryce. At that age, I think it's too early to tell. We discussed the transition from "club" basketball to the NCAA and the attendant penalty. She said the penalty is ridiculous. There are no basketball teams represented by schools in Greece. If you want to play, you must play for a club. Based on his skills, Ian reached the highest level of club play. He never made a dime from it, yet he was penalized 8 games last year. She's going to be at the Truman game, and then return Tuesday. She has never seen him play here, nor has she seen a tape. That is a shame to me; I know all games are taped, and how much effort would it take to dub each game and send it to them? If the cost is an NCAA violation, they would surely reimburse the school. I'm going to follow up on this with a phone call to the basketball office. She does listen to the radio - over the internet. The times aren't always convenient, but... She's impressed by the quality of the people in the program, both teammates and staff. I told her it had ever been thus, as far as I knew. For the moment, I blanked out about Ekker... I spent 3 weeks in Greece this past summer at an archaeology program, so we had some other things to talk about. She was a delightful person, and I'm looking forward to seeing her again next year. If you look closely, I'm sure you'll spot her somewhere behind the bench on Saturday.

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I feel extremely bad for her if the "highlight of her trip has been shopping at Schnuck's". If it's the "ghetto schnuck's" on Lindell. That place is awful. I wouldn't want my worst enemy shopping there. The meat is old, it's never stocked, and it's filthy.

What are you talking about, giving her your card and telling her you'll find pick-up games at the Y for Ian. I don't know who you are but that just sounds stupid. I'm sure Brad would be all for his players taking time during the week, in season not to mention, to play pick-up games at the Y. There's a ton of 7 footers there to get some work against.

See Robert Edwards, Lance Berkman, & many others who have gotten hurt badly playing pick up games

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No way am I looking to play pick-up with Ian. I was talking about his dad, who is bigger, stronger, and better than I am, but still middle aged. I'm not looking for contact with any player; that opens up a can of worms imo. However, visiting with a parent should be OK, but I better check first... His mom's been to the Arch, Zoo, Botanical Gardens, Science Museum, etc., but she's here alone, so hanging with her son and friends was the highlight.

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