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Metz Club
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Everything posted by Brighton

  1. Jay Randolph, Jr a buzzkill. What a surprise.
  2. black people all look alike, member ?
  3. Well, if we are as good as the pundits say we are, then winning the conference shouldn’t be a problem.
  4. Luther Burden to The Ohio State University.
  5. https://www.angadartshotel.com/about/ https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS774US774&sxsrf=ALeKk007f75O5ToZ3YCCPinxQH22wxFYaw%3A1602112603339&ei=W0x-X7WmFKirytMPhoGW6A0&q=hotel+st.+louis+north+grand https://www.hotelignaciostl.com/
  6. Hopefully they live up to the hype. Blues need competition.
  7. Especially in St. Louis. The Bills will have November and December all to themselves for the first time since about 1955.
  8. It sure beats listening to the bedwetters. We have more of them around here than the optimists.
  9. Many knew that going in. No spring game and Odom left them with nothing. Gonna be awhile before they get back to where they were from 2007-14.
  10. He’s the only high profile local reporter who gives a damn about the program. Trashing him is unwise.
  11. St. Louis vs. Philadelphia. Two old blue collar Catholic cities. Toasted Ravioli vs. Cheesesteak 2-0 lifetime vs. Villanova. I want this matchup. WANT.
  12. How in the hell is this anything like the Tatum situation?
  13. #36 https://www.ncaa.com/news/basketball-men/article/2020-09-22/college-basketball-rankings-gonzaga-leads-latest-preseason-power-36?amp&__twitter_impression=true
  14. Yes, but like all Georgia teams both at the collegiate and pro levels, they choke. Mizzou’s the only D1 football program in the state in the most prestigious football conference in the country. You’d think that would hold some weight in STL since we no longer have an NFL team.
  15. They bribed their way to the Orange Bowl. That was the beginning of the end of MU’s stay in the B12.
  16. I get disliking the basketball program, but not football. Georgia has won a title since 1980, so they shouldn’t belong either.
  17. So it’s their version of Tigerboard. Good to know.
  18. Nah, can't hate a hometown kid. I just can't root for the team and city he plays for.
  19. The season will begin on November 25. Per ESPN
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