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majerus mojo

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Everything posted by majerus mojo

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=QWfbGGZE07M&vq=medium#t=30
  2. funny post... stick to college bball I suppose
  3. Cody Ellis is acting like he is who we thought he was.
  4. Watching on ESPNU - It was definitely Salecich's big brick
  5. About 20 minutes ago... Showtime033NWG One day down 16 to go... Let the count down continue! # Billiken Pride Also OT: The Brewers just nabbed Greinke from KC
  6. +1. The 6th youngest team in the country going into Cameron Indoor to play the unquestioned #1 team in the land (and defending champs)... I was fearing a single-digit point total for the first half, and was quite fine with 40+ points and a 30-40 point loss. Our guys have now seen the best D1 college hoops has to offer in arguably the most hostile environment it has to offer as well. With KM & WR, sure, I'd have been dreaming of an upset before-hand, but without those 2 we never stood a chance.
  7. Really impressed what Jett, McCall and Evans have brought to this game. Earning them superlatives from Clark Kellogg.
  8. +1,000,000. I want this on a t-shirt or christmas sweater should we pull-off the unthinkable.
  9. Brianstl's last three posts outline a fact that is the most straightforward, easily understood argument against the sexual assault accusations. Each of these posts have been conspicuously overlooked and unanswered by the sexual assault accusers. Can I get a cheesycow witness??? Is there a BillikenDoc in the building???
  10. I'm not going to get into a he said-she said battle over what occurred, but to say that I or anyone I was seated with was yelling profane remarks repeatedly throughout the game is completely off-base or a gross exaggeration at best. Not sure if you were hearing someone else, a combination of other fans or what. The seats were awesome, I was catching up with some people I hadn't seen in forever, and was having a great time until about the 4 second mark. As far as the "physical altercation" or him grabbing my shirt, it literally happened seconds after he yelled to sit down and shut up (and it was at that point the other fan came down) so it would have been hard to miss if you followed the entire exchange. I'll also throw out that at no point did Guy and I ever "make amends" or even appear to do so, and you were clearly not paying attention if that's what you gathered.
  11. Spot on. Longtime board reader, recent alum, and I am the fan in question here (though this is my buddy's account name). I was seated right behind Guy in the front row and as soon as the final buzzer sounded the refs came over to the scorer's table. At this point I was pretty animated/still in disbelief/livid about what a terrible call that was, how they handed over the game, etc. I did briefly use profanity - "that's the worst f------ call I have ever seen", I believe, but prior to that had kept everything else during the game PG/and was actually fairly quiet. All of a sudden Phillips quickly stood up, turned around, and yelled "sit down and shut up" while pointing at me. I didn't, and he took a step towards me and grabbed me by the collar, totally crazy. Next the fan seated behind me, a gentleman around 50-60 years old, came to my aid as described above by Billikan. I yelled a few more things at Guy (try getting the players names correct, learn how to do your job) who was now busy threatening/screaming at this other gentleman, before I exited without an incident or "scuffle with security" that I think someone else mentioned. The whole scene was pretty unbelievable, you would have thought the ref who made the call was his son or something. I also know someone who works at Chaifetz/for the University, and was told afterwords that they had to spend 2-3 hours reviewing the tape of what happened and going over the incident, though I'm not sure if anything came from this.
  12. Sorry to be frank...but you're dumb. Can't believe you wasted so much time writing that nonsense and I'm even more disappointed I wasted mine reading it.
  13. Just talked to a KMOV cameraman outside of Coronado.. story about the basketball team on at 5.
  14. My friend talked to Willie at Fusz earlier. He said he wasn't declaring this year. Sorry for the bad rumor.
  15. Sorry for "riling everyone up". I've been a long-time reader of the Billiken board & am currently a senior at SLU who has attended every home game this year. I heard the rumor about Willie declaring in order to participate in the NBA pre-draft workouts from a member of the women's basketball team. Also, I had heard that Willie was telling people he was definitely leaving next year from a few people, including one of his tutors. Thought I would post it in order to solicit some thoughts. Again, I am no way hating on Willie, just don't want his head to get too big as we all, myself included, go nuts about his potential.
  16. I heard a rumor that Willie told RickMa over the weekend that he will be declaring for the draft this year. This would obviously not be a big deal because he could withdraw his name by May 8 after the NBA workouts with no repercussions. However, I have also heard from some people around campus that Willie was saying how he would definitely be going pro after next year. Obviously I have nothing but love for the Reed Monster, just the thought that he thinks he's for sure going to bounce early is ridiculous and needs to be squashed...he needs to focus on getting us to the NCAA's first before thoughts of NBA grandeur cloud his head too much. Perhaps Willie needs to work a little harder than he thinks, as it seems to me that he believes his lottery ticket has already been punched for some reason. Crazy 2011 mock drafts from sites like nbadraft.net that were previously predicting Willie going #19 overall but now do not have him listed at all do not help in this slight ego check.
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